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Number Stories Tower Mats
Addition number bonds - story of 2 to 10
Children use different coloured cubes to represent the two numbers adding together.
Glasgow Landmarks QR codes
QR codes which take you to tours or a timelapse of the landmark being built.
Days of the week
Days of the week
Today, yesterday and tomorrow
Numbers 1-10 with pictorial representations
Natural display numbers showing number in digits, number in words and in a range of pictorial representations e.g. tally marks, tens frame, numicon, dice, fingers
Primary 1 - First Day Handprint
A nice activity to do on the first day of primary 1 as a keepsake for parents.
First day in school and poem cannot be edited as font is downloaded onto my computer. (BubblesRegularUnwind)
I have uploaded a version where you can edit the date and a PDF if you start on the same date as me (12th August 2020).
Primary 1: String Measurement End of year Present
A natural themed label to be sent home with a piece of string.
First day of Primary 1, I plan to measure every child in my class and cut a piece of string to their height. I will then put these in organza gift bags and then print off these tags 2 slides to a page and attach them to the gift bag. At the end of the year, I will give these out to the children and then their parents can see how much they have grown in Primary 1.
The font I have used is a downloaded font called BubblesRegularUnwind.
The poem is pasted in so that cannot be changed, however, the Mrs Martin, Primary 1 and dates can be edited and font changed.
Treasure Hunt: Rounding to nearest 100 (Mathematical)
Treasure Hunt: Rounding to nearest 100
Recording sheet included as well.
Coin Money Purse
Children have to use coins to show the amount on the money purse.
Roll and Write Fry's Tricky words
Children roll the dice and then write the word it represents on the mat.
Nice simple activity to get children reading and writing the Fry’s 100 words.
Fry's Words: Say, Make, Write
Simple activity where children place a Fry’s word at the top, say it out loud. Then they can make the word with playdough or magnetic letters. Then they write it with whiteboard pen.
Numicon Number Bonds to 10
Useful mats for pupils to explore number bonds to 10 using numicon.
Border from Twinkl.
Coin Cup Towers
Here are three coin towers for children to explore recognising coins.
I will have a cup labelled with £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p and 1p alongside these challenge cards.
The children need to build the tower putting the cups in the correct order as the challenge card shows.
Natural Fry's words mats 1-100
A4 Natural themed mats.
Use with stones, loose parts etc to form the Fry’s words.
Phonics Finger Hopscotch
Throw a counter onto the hopscotch frame and place it on the closest square.
Move your fingers along the Hopscotch until you read the counter.
Read the word/sound that the counted landed on.
CVC Pumpkins
CVC Pumpkin puzzle
Cut up the pumpkins to create a word puzzle.
Fry's tricky word bingo mats
Fry’s bingo mats 1-100 - you will need word cards with frys words on them.
Children pick out a word card, read the word and then cross off the board on the board.
Addition with concrete material
TU vertical addition calculations
Board to show addition with TU and several addition calculations too. Without carrying.
Alphabetical order bundle
Range of activities for play based approach to explore alphabetical order.
Fractions of an amount
Half of and quarter of mats with chilli challenge questions
Fairtrade 2021 Choice Grids Nursery to P7
I have collated a range of fairtrade resources into Week 1 and Week 2 to support home learning.
Click on the image icons which have a green or blue outline to link to worksheets, websites and videos.
I have created:
Nursery to P1
P2 and P3