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GCSE MFL Reading and Listening Revision Guide
I made this revision guide for my Higher French GCSE group (EdExcel), but it could easily be adapted for other exam boards and languages. Includes general revision tips (some taken from a resource from this site!), a list of revision websites for students and some useful phrases. Please use and edit it as you see fit!

Wie ist dein Zimmer - bedroom description
Lesson for KS3 (Year 8) enabling students to describe their bedrooms. Includes vocab tests, reading comprehension and a writing activity. Basic but could be adapted! References Echo 1 but not required.

'Interview' with German footballer
I’ve used the questions from the ‘Immer im Training’ pages of Echo Express 2 to create a mock interview with German keeper Manuel Neuer. Up-to-date as of 18th June! COuld be used as reading comprehension/speaking/writing frame. Includes past, present and future tenses and some useful sport vocabulary.

Ich habe ein Pony
Lesson based on the 'Ich habe ein Pony song'. Includes revision of pets (with a &'Was fehlt&'; game), a link to the song on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m70RxGz8clw&feature=related) and a bingo grid (pupils number the animals in order when they hear them in the song - don't show them the video or it&'ll give the answers away!). To activate the first slide, click on all the boxes in turn.