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Mme Spicer's Shop

I'm a primary school Learning Support Assistant who teaches MFL. I love preparing resources for interventions (especially maths) and finding ways for children to learn kinaesthetically.




I'm a primary school Learning Support Assistant who teaches MFL. I love preparing resources for interventions (especially maths) and finding ways for children to learn kinaesthetically.
KS1 Spelling and Handwriting Intervention

KS1 Spelling and Handwriting Intervention

A spelling a handwriting resource booklet aimed for use in year 1 and 2, or for older children in need of intervention. Includes four separate sections: year 1 common exception words (as shown in the national curriculum), year 2 common exception words (as shown in the national curriculum), numbers and contractions. Contractions are written in their full and contracted form to practise SPAG. The words are all written in Nelson dotted font to practise handwriting at the same time as spelling. This resource can be printed out as worksheets and children join the dotted words with a pencil or felt tip pen to learn spellings, or the sheets can be laminated and written on in whiteboard pen - I have done this and kept them in a handy spellings intervention ringbinder which saves lots of prep time! At the end of each section is a progress tracking grid so you can easily keep track of which words were practised today and how well they were recalled.
KS1 Homophones and Handwriting Intervention Pack

KS1 Homophones and Handwriting Intervention Pack

32 pages of homophones activities! Everything is written in Nelson font to help with handwriting, and activities to help with homophone recognition and use. The same 35 commonly confused homophone pairs or triplets are used throughout. Perfect for KS1 children to practise handwriting and spelling. List of commonly used homophones, written in Nelson dotted font to trace List of homophones in context, written in Nelson dotted font to trace List of sentences with the homophone missing and a choice of two or three words to fill in the gap Challenge section: a short story with eight or nine gaps and a bank of homophones to choose from Please leave a review, and check out my other resources!
Nelson Nursery Rhymes Handwriting Pack

Nelson Nursery Rhymes Handwriting Pack

British Nursery rhymes written out in Nelson dotted handwriting font to trace, and then in Nelson pre-cursive to copy onto lines. Nursery rhymes are: I can sing a rainbow Row, row, row your boat Twinkle, twinkle, little star If you’re happy and you know it Mary had a little lamb Humpty Dumpty Baa baa black sheep