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Mme Spicer's Shop

I'm a primary school Learning Support Assistant who teaches MFL. I love preparing resources for interventions (especially maths) and finding ways for children to learn kinaesthetically.




I'm a primary school Learning Support Assistant who teaches MFL. I love preparing resources for interventions (especially maths) and finding ways for children to learn kinaesthetically.
KS1 Fractions Intervention Binder

KS1 Fractions Intervention Binder

Maths intervention binder that can be used throughout KS1 to improve recall and understanding of maths facts. This binder can be prepared at the start of the year and then all of your interventions are ready and waiting! The structure and content of the binder follows the English KS1 National Curriculum. It contains: Overview • Recognising fractions • Shading fractions • Writing fractions • Fractions of numbers A full binder with six units (arithmetic, number, shape space measure and time, data collection, fractions and money) is also available. All of the sheets are laminated so children can write on them in whiteboard pen and reuse the binders throughout the year. There is also plenty of blank space for children to work out their answers. There are pictures, numbers and words to be printed out and blu-taked on, making learning more kinaesthetic. Everything is written in Nelson handwriting font so it is easy to read. This resource has been made with lots of love and care and I hope it helps your children too!
Complete KS1 Maths Intervention Binder

Complete KS1 Maths Intervention Binder

Maths intervention binder that can be used throughout KS1 to improve recall and understanding of maths facts. This binder can be prepared at the start of the year and then all of your interventions are ready and waiting! The structure and content of the binder follows the English KS1 National Curriculum and includes six sections: Number (Hundred square • Odd and even numbers • Number bonds to 10 • Number bonds to 20 • Writing numbers as words • Partitioning two digit numbers • Using Dienes blocks) Arithmetic (Adding one digit numbers • Adding one digit numbers to two digit numbers • Subtracting one digit numbers • Subtracting one digit numbers from two digit numbers • Adding and subtracting 10 • One more and one less • Greater than, less than and equal to • 2x table • 3x table • 4x table • 5x table • 10x table) Shape, Space, Measure and Time (Recognising 2D shapes • Recognising 3D shapes • Identifying properties of 2D shapes • Identifying properties of 2D shapes • Matching units • Measuring length • Measuring weight • Measuring capacity • Measuring temperature • Direction • Telling the time) Data Collection (Tally charts • Pictograms • Bar charts ) Money (Identifying coins • Identifying notes • Adding coins together • Giving change • Making the same amount with different coins) Fractions (Overview • Recognising fractions • Shading fractions • Writing fractions • Fractions of numbers) All of the sheets are laminated so children can write on them in whiteboard pen and reuse the binders throughout the year. There is also plenty of blank space for children to work out their answers. There are pictures, numbers and words to be printed out and blu-taked on, making learning more kinaesthetic. Everything is written in Nelson handwriting font so it is easy to read. This resource has been made with lots of love and care and I hope it helps your children too!