This is a book which has gathered together a range of language from ‘Pig Heart Boy’ which could be used to support the teaching of this text through preteaching vocabulary.
This is a biographical writing unit aimed at year 5 children linking to siginificant individuals in the civil rights movement (Black History Month). Through the unit the children will learn about the ways black people have been treated in the past and how the civil rights movement in America aimed to give everyone equal rights. Children will then move on to learn and write about Martin Luther King Junior and Rose Parks. Whilst writing about these individuals the children will learn to use formal conjunctions for ‘and’ and ‘but’, fronted adverbial phrases, as well as relative clauses (‘who’ and ‘which’).
To end the unit children will write a biography about an inspirational black person e.g. Michelle Obama, Muhammed Ali, Aretha Franklin, etc.