I have 13+ years teaching experience of Computing and Computer Science. This shop is to provide tried and tested resources in the classroom for both KS3 and KS4.
*Currently a new shop so resources will be uploaded gradually*
I have 13+ years teaching experience of Computing and Computer Science. This shop is to provide tried and tested resources in the classroom for both KS3 and KS4.
*Currently a new shop so resources will be uploaded gradually*
This resource is Lesson 2 of 7 in my series. The lesson is based on the latest AQA Computer Science 8525 specification (3.1.1 Representing Algorithms) however could still be used for OCR Computer Science AND Key Stage 3 lessons.
Full series will be available soon.
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint (with notes)
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
Sample solution for task 2 (.doc and .pdf)
I actually use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
This resource provides students the opportunity to complete truth tables for logic circuits that contain the following logic gates:
Pupils are given a reminder of the each gate symbol and its associated rules at the start of the work booklet.
Challenges gradually increase in difficulty.
Designed to aid with my AQA Computer Science lessons and is used as an Extended Activity to the following lesson:
This resource is Lesson 3 of 7 in my series. The lesson is based on the latest AQA Computer Science 8525 specification (3.1.1 Representing Algorithms) however could still be used for OCR Computer Science AND Key Stage 3 lessons. Full series will be available very soon.
The lesson continues on from lesson 2 of my series by offering further opportunity to represent simple algorithms with a flowchart including representing a loop. The lesson then introduces trace tables at a basic, introductory level to make students aware of them and provide a foundation for future lessons in my series which will look at the more complex trace tables they will face when completing paper 1.
Post Lesson Notes
I ended up spreading this particular lesson over two 50 minute sessions.
The reason for this is due to me doing a show and tell of selected students flowcharts and trace tables on the IWB from task 1 as they worked on them live during the lesson. I used this as an opportunity to assess students understanding of creating flowcharts for a given problem and also being able to create a suitable trace table to test their flowcharts efficiently.
I helped identify possible problems, ensured the students had set up the trace table correctly (including the correct columns) and used sensible test data.
Feedback from students told me this was very beneficial to their understanding, even if it meant spreading it over 2 lessons.
I have also since added extra slides with part solutions and trace table templates if students require extra guidance and support.
End of Post Lesson Notes
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint (with notes)
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
Sample solutions on the Lesson PowerPoint
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
Plenary activities are done by offering pre printed past exam question on the lesson topic or a pre-created quiz on blooket/kahoot on the lessons topic.
This resource is Lesson 5 of 7 in my series and looks at the Bubble and Merge sorting Algorithms. The lesson is based on the latest AQA Computer Science 8525 specification (3.1.1 Representing Algorithms) however could still be used for OCR Computer Science AND Key Stage 3 lessons.
This lesson looks at the following objectives:
• Understand and explain how the Bubble Sort algorithm works.
• Understand and explain how the Merge Sort algorithm works.
• Compare and contrast Bubble and Merge sorting algorithms.
It also offers retrieval practice from lesson 4/7 by asking students to draw a mindmap on everything they remember about Linear and Binary search algorithms.
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
Plenary activities are done by offering pre printed past exam question on the lesson topic or a pre-created quiz on blooket/kahoot on the lessons topic.
This is lesson 2 from my Computer Systems unit looking at Utility Software. In lesson 1 we took a brief look at the difference between hardware and software and then moved on to concentrate on the difference between System software and Application software.
This resource can be used for AQA and OCR Computer Science.
In this lesson we look at the purpose and benefits to the following:
Disk Defragmentation
Encryption software
File backup software
Compression software
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint (with WAGOLLS)
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
Plenary activities are done by offering pre printed past exam question on the lesson topic or a pre-created quiz on blooket/kahoot on the lessons topic.
This is lesson 7 from my Computer Systems unit looking at what affects the performance of the CPU. In lesson 6 we looked at the architecture of the CPU and how it works with memory.
This resource was primarily created for AQA GCSE computer science but could be adapted easily for OCR Computer Science.
In this lesson we look at the factors that affect the performance of the CPU, with emphasis on:
Number of Cores
Clock Speed
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
Extension Activity Noughts and Crosses game (retrieval questions)
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
This resource is Lesson 1 of 7 in my series. The lesson is based on the latest AQA Computer Science 8525 specification (3.1.1 Representing Algorithms) however could still be used for OCR Computer Science.
Lesson Note
During this lesson we look at what an algorithm is including possible exam questions and answers. We then move on to abstraction and decomposition.
Full series will be available soon.
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint (with notes)
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
I actually use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
This resource is Lesson 4 of 7 in my series and looks at the Binary and Linear search Algorithms. The lesson is based on the latest AQA Computer Science 8525 specification (3.1.1 Representing Algorithms) however could still be used for OCR Computer Science AND Key Stage 3 lessons.
This lesson looks at the following objectives:
• Understand and explain how the linear search algorithm works.
• Understand and explain how the binary search algorithm works.
• Compare and contrast linear and binary search algorithms.
It also offers retrieval practice from lesson 2/7 by asking students to draw a flowchart for a given scenario during the starter activity.
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
Plenary activities are done by offering pre printed past exam question on the lesson topic or a pre-created quiz on blooket/kahoot on the lessons topic.
This is lesson 4 from my Computer Systems unit and in this lesson we look at Logic Gates and Logic Circuits. The gates covered are: AND, OR, NOT, XOR. The lesson takes a look at the truth tables for each Logic Gate and how to complete truth tables for logic circuits.
In the next lesson after this, we go further and look at more logic circuits and truth tables but also how to create and interpret logic circuit expressions.
The following resources included for this lesson are:
Lesson PowerPoint.
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
Video demonstration of creating and completing a Truth table for a circuit.
The PowerPoint mentions a homework handout - This isnt included as I used exam questions based on a past AQA GCSE spec paper. So you may wish to do the same but for your exam board specification. or create your own on logic.ly
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.
Plenary activities are done by offering pre printed past exam question on the lesson topic or a pre-created quiz on blooket/kahoot on the lessons topic.
This resource is lesson 6 out of 8 (was 7) in my unit of Representing Algorithms. This unit is built around the AQA specification of GCSE Computer Science but can also be used if delivering OCR Computer Science due to some similarities.
In this lesson we look at the basics of Pseudocode and look at how we write Pseudocode to represent the following:
inputs and outputs
selection (if, elif and else)
The lesson compares Flowchart, Pseudocode and code (Python) versions of the same algorithm so you can see the connection. The code versions are in Python but are simple enough to be swapped out for your chosen language if needed.
Included in this lesson are the following:
Lesson PowerPoint
Worksheet .docx
Worksheet .pdf
This is lesson 8 from my Computer Systems unit looking at the difference between RAM and ROM.
This resource was primarily created for AQA GCSE computer science but could be adapted easily for OCR Computer Science.
In this lesson we look at the the difference between RAM and ROM, the purpose and the characterics of each. The lesson also gives examples of their use. The main task gets student to think about creating a revision resource using what they have learnt that covers the learning criteria in the objectives.
Finally the lesson gives the students opportunity for some retrieval practice with a quick fire True or False quiz based on previous lessons in the unit using whiteboards.
Resources included are:
Lesson PowerPoint
Worksheet in 2 formats (.docx and .pdf)
I use OneNote with my students so the above Worksheet is a template of what I distribute in each of the student notebooks.