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Mrs Bee's Shop

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I have been living and working in Suffolk for 9 years and have been teaching at my current primary school for four years. Currently, I am the Lower Key Stage 2 Leader and KS2 English Leader. Prior to this, I taught various subjects at a middle school. I love making displays and resources for use in the classroom, so it is great to be able to share some of the things I have made - I just hope they make someone else's life a little bit easier.




I have been living and working in Suffolk for 9 years and have been teaching at my current primary school for four years. Currently, I am the Lower Key Stage 2 Leader and KS2 English Leader. Prior to this, I taught various subjects at a middle school. I love making displays and resources for use in the classroom, so it is great to be able to share some of the things I have made - I just hope they make someone else's life a little bit easier.
Chocolate Rock Cycle Activity

Chocolate Rock Cycle Activity

This is a copy of the photos that I used to get children engaged in learning about the rock cycle. We used a mars-bar type chocolate bars to create all of the different types of rocks, and then pupils used these pictures to write about what they had learnt.
Times Table Tests

Times Table Tests

A set of 21 tests (and answers) which encourage children to practice and learn their times tables. Each times table is covered in difficulty order with a 'flat' test, and then a 'mixed' test covers all of the times tables that they have learnt so far. The order of the tests is as follows: Flat 2s, Flat 5s, Flat 10's, Mixed 10's, Flat 3s, Mixed 3s, Flat 4s, Mixed 4s, Flat 6s, Mixed 6s, Flat 7s, Mixed 7s, Flat 8s, Mixed 8s, Flat 9s, Mixed 9s, Flat 11s, Mixed 11s, Flat 12s, Mixed 12s, Square Numbers
Always, Sometimes, Never Cards - Number

Always, Sometimes, Never Cards - Number

Give children these mathematical statements and ask them to decide if it is always true, sometimes true or never true. A great resource to encourage children to justify and explain their answers. 2 sets of 8 cards included (Blue - harder, Yellow - easier). All statements relate to number.
Features of a Newspaper Match-up Activity

Features of a Newspaper Match-up Activity

A set of three differentiated worksheets to ask children to match up the features of news articles to the given example. Worksheet 1 - Gives the names of the feature and describes what it is (easy) Worksheet 2 - Gives the names and descriptions seperately for children to match up (medium) Worksheet 3 - Gives just the names so that children can write in their own description of the feature.
ISPACE Sentence Openers Display Sheets

ISPACE Sentence Openers Display Sheets

A set of posters which encourage pupils to vary the sentence openers that they are using in their writing. Each poster contains an example of each type of sentence, and some words to get children started. Also includes a worksheet for children to create their own sentences.
Pre-reader series: Let's Read Together - Satp Bundle

Pre-reader series: Let's Read Together - Satp Bundle

3 Resources
This series of books is designed to help children in the very first stages of reading. I wanted to create something that would fill the gap between wordless story books (lilac) and the very first level of reading books (pink). In my experience, these books can be overwhelming for a new reader as they have not yet built up the stamina required to decode and blend several words to read a whole sentence. I have tried to add in some helpful hints for parents/carers along the way. You will find these written in the blue boxes. Adults should say the bits in blue, children the bits in black. Happy reading! Mrs Bee
Mathematical Operations Cards

Mathematical Operations Cards

A set of cards with different words relating to the four mathematical operations. Can be used for display. Contains: - 15 synonyms for addition - 14 synonyms for subtraction - 8 synonyms for multiplication - 10 synonyms for division - 9 synonyms for equals
3D Shape Posters

3D Shape Posters

A set of 11 A4 posters which show the name of different 3D shape, a picture of it and its properties (how many face/vertices/edges it has). Shapes included are: sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, cuboid, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, tetrahedron, hemisphere, pentagonal prism and pentagonal pyramid. Also includes a word mat containing the same shapes.
2D Shape Posters and Word Mat

2D Shape Posters and Word Mat

A set of 12 posters highlighting the properties of each 2D shape. Square, oblong, rectangle, equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, circle, regular pentagon, regular hexagon, trapezium, rhombus, parallelogram, kite and regular octagon. Also includes a word mat containing the same shapes.
Telling the Time Pack

Telling the Time Pack

A pack of resources to aid your teaching of time: - A blank clock for children to make in a lesson. - Digital/analogue clocks for individual use in the classroom. - A time mat to encourage children's understanding of time. - Labels for your classroom clock.
Blank Venn and Carroll Diagrams Pack

Blank Venn and Carroll Diagrams Pack

Six A4 versions of Venn and Carroll Diagrams - left blank so that they can be laminated and reused depending on what you are sorting, If you print these out in A3 they are great for sorting real objects easily.
100 Square Pattern Spotting Activity

100 Square Pattern Spotting Activity

A set of ten 100 squares (2 per A4 sheet), with different multiplication patterns highlighted on them. The idea is that pupils spot and continue the pattern. Also includes an answer sheet and some blank 100 squares for classroom use.
Describing 2D Shapes Activity

Describing 2D Shapes Activity

A set of 8 pictures made up of 2D shapes. A great fun activity which can be used to develop mathematical vocabulary: children sit back to back and try to describe their picture to a partner, who draws it.
Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs Mats

Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs Mats

A set of three sheets containing interesting adjectives, verbs and adverbs that children can use in their writing. These are great when laminated and left on tables for children to refer to when needed.
Pizza Fractions

Pizza Fractions

A set of pizzas which show different fractions: A whole, halves, thirds, quarters, sixths and eighths. These can be used as a visual representation for different fractions. They can also be used to explore fractions with different denominators that make a whole, and to look at fractions of different numbers (pupils can 'share' pepperoni fairly on each slice).
'Tired Words' Synonym Display

'Tired Words' Synonym Display

A whopping 46 pages containing everything you need to create a 'tired words' display. The tired word is shown on a bed, with the improved synonmyns written simply inside a rectangle. This would look great displayed with a shoe organiser, or as a dangler. The 'tired' words are as follows: Nice, Good, Bad, Sad, Happy, Laughed, Like, Said, Big, Little, Ran, Walked, Pretty, Looked, Scared. Available in coloured, black and white or half and half.
Array Matching Cards

Array Matching Cards

A set of matching cards which can be used to develop pupils' understanding of multiplication. Match the picture of the array to the written multiplication. Includes 12 picture cards, 12 written multiplication cards and an answer sheet.
2D Shape Classroom Fans

2D Shape Classroom Fans

A set of fans with the pictures of the following 2D shapes: Square, oblong, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon, trapezium, rhombus, parallelogram, kite and octagon.
Pre-reader series: Let's Read Together - Book 1, Introducing s, a, t, p

Pre-reader series: Let's Read Together - Book 1, Introducing s, a, t, p

This series of books is designed to help children in the very first stages of reading. I wanted to create something that would fill the gap between wordless story books (lilac) and the very first level of reading books (pink). In my experience, these books can be overwhelming for a new reader as they have not yet built up the stamina required to decode and blend several words to read a whole sentence. I have tried to add in some helpful hints for parents/carers along the way. You will find these written in the blue boxes. Adults should say the bits in blue, children the bits in black. Happy reading! Mrs Bee
Pre-reader series: Let's Read Together - Book 2, Find and seek with s, a, t, p

Pre-reader series: Let's Read Together - Book 2, Find and seek with s, a, t, p

This series of books is designed to help children in the very first stages of reading. I wanted to create something that would fill the gap between wordless story books (lilac) and the very first level of reading books (pink). In my experience, these books can be overwhelming for a new reader as they have not yet built up the stamina required to decode and blend several words to read a whole sentence. I have tried to add in some helpful hints for parents/carers along the way. You will find these written in the blue boxes. Adults should say the bits in blue, children the bits in black. Happy reading! Mrs Bee