Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
This free lesson introduced students to the four main customer needs of price, quality, choice and convenience. Activities for students to think about their own experiences of shopping and how well the needs were met. Some exam tips on how to add context to their answers.
A 6 mark question where students can choose a business and try to contextualise using the tips given. A 12 mark question on Ringo with some guidance and indicative content.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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The full resource bundle comes with:
A 30 minute/30 mark assessment for each unit
A full mark scheme with exemplar responses for each unit
Interactive PDFs + standard versions so they can be completed digitally or printed out
Concise case studies like the real exam so students can focus on extracting the context and applying it in their answers
All case studies are from 2021, relevant and relatable to GCSE students
Evaluative questions are scaffolded for accessibility like the real exam
Units assessments are also available separately in the shop.
This free introductory lesson to CTEC unit 1 introduces learners to primary, secondary and tertiary business activity, we look at changes in these sectors and the growth of the tertiary sector in the UK. We then go onto look at public, private and third sectors so students have a basic understanding of organisations in the UK.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
The new BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise Component 3 Interactive Knowledge Book! The ultimate resource for knowledge and understanding for this component - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This is a sample, the full resource is described below and can be found in the shop
This resource includes:
Component 3 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF which can be completed on smartphones, tablets or computers)
All the key knowledge in under 30 concise pages that are bright, bold and colourful with images to help students make links
An array of accessible activities such as mix and match and true or false to consolidate understanding
A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
Send electronically/upload for students to type in to rather than print (cost effective and environmentally friendly)
Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
This free lesson introduces learners to the reasons for a business to stay small, we start with a brewery discussion that provides a personal service. We then look at the reasons for staying small, a short pair task followed by a concise case study on Vision Spring - this includes a 4 mark question with a model answer to peer assess against the criteria.
We then go on to look at a case study of a small firm that provides clothes to men that live a fast paced lifestyle, a group presentation task can be used to answer this and then from the feedback, students can answer it as a exam style question, a concise model answer is included to compare and improve.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This free double lesson introduces learners to the operations function of business, with a particular focus on job, batch and flow production. Excellent examples such as a wedding dress for job production, videos of each included for good application skills.
3 and 6 mark questions included with model answers to self assess and various other activities to consolidate understanding.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
In this free lesson we look at a case study on Lucozade attempting to challenge Coca-Cola in the USA, students then attempt a question on this, with guidance on how to achieve marks for knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Once they’ve answered, we look at an example model answer which students can aspire to when peer assessing and making improvements.
A case study on Mark’s & Spencer entering India, again with guidance and and a model answer for students to look at for marking.
If this lesson saves you time and helps your students, why not have a look at other Theme 4 lessons?
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
Brand new practice assessments, designed to build confidence, the full resource bundle comes with:
A 30 minute/30 mark assessment for each unit
A full mark scheme with model answers for each unit
Interactive PDFs + standard versions so they can be completed digitally or printed out
PowerPoints with model answers for the essay context questions (to go through with class)
Concise case studies like the real exam so students can focus on extracting the context and applying it in their answers
All case studies are from 2021, relevant and relatable to GCSE students
Theme 1 assessments gradually build up in difficulty i.e. 9 markers are introduced in 1.3 and the first 12 mark is introduced in 1.4 - to build confidence which is anticipated to be particularly important this year
Written by an experienced examiner for Edexcel GCSE Business
Units assessments are also available separately in the shop.
This free lesson introduced students to the four main customer needs of price, quality, choice and convenience. Activities for students to think about their own experiences of shopping and how well the needs were met. Some exam tips on how to add context to their answers.
A 6 mark question where students can choose a business and try to contextualise using the tips given. A 12 mark question on Ringo with some guidance and indicative content.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
Note: this download is a digital sample only, the physical product can be purchased at Mr. Zee’s Resources
Introducing the ultimate Edexcel A-Level Business flashcards! This pack consists of 195 flashcards, with questions on one side and answers on the other.
Packed with vibrant colors, short and snappy questions based on the specification and captivating images that link with the text, helping to create meaningful connections for better recall. All this makes for a powerful revision aid - for a fun and efficient way to reinforce key concepts and boost retention. Produced by a current examiner and teacher.
Topics covered include:
1.1 Meeting customer needs
1.2 Market
1.3 Marketing mix and strategy
1.4 Managing people
1.5 Entrepreneurs and leaders
2.1 Raising finance
2.2 Financial planning
2.3 Managing finance
2.4 Resource management
2.5 External influences
Friends and family can also join in on the learning fun by quizzing!
Thank you
This resource can be used as a revision lesson for GCSE Business. The aim is to help consolidate key terms by playing a game. This could be used for remote learning if the document is sent out to players but ideally it would be in class with the cards cut out in a deck.
1 In pairs or teams - have at least one describer and one or more guessers
2 Roll the dice and look at the colour the dice lands on
3 The describer picks a card from the deck and demonstrates the key term to the guesser
4 The guesser has 30 seconds to guess the word
5 If correct, team goes again, if not, the next team rolls the dice
6 First team round the board three times wins
(Note: the game can be adapted i.e. if no dice, you can just go in order i.e. first card marketing, then external influences etc.)
Thank you
This lesson introduces learners to the use of digital technology in business. We start off by looking at the pressures to adopt digital technology before going through the different types of digital technology which exists such as e-commerce, data mining, big data and enterprise resource planning (ERP). We look at the impact of these on different functional areas, some true or false questions, a short case study and exam style question, research task, debate, kahoot quiz and box plenary to end with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
In this free double lesson, we look at core competencies and other ways to assess the internal performance of a business such as through the use of Kaplan & Norton’s Balanced scorecard and Elkington’s Triple bottom line. Research tasks, exam practice, true or false questions, box plenary, debate and a kahoot quiz included.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
The new BTEC Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance Interactive Knowledge book! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for this unit and a good complement to other calculation practice resources out there - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
• Send electronically/upload for students to type in to rather than print (cost effective and environmentally friendly)
• Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
• Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
Full resouce can be found in the shop
This free lesson introduces learners to different ways banks communicate with customers. A matching activity where students identify the pros and cons of each and match to the correct form of communication, a challenge to consider which types of people might be suited to each form of communication. Answers provided and we finish with a kahoot and a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This bundle of resources is the ultimate pack for knowledge retrieval in the build up to exams.
1x set of 5 flashcards
1x PDF of the powerpoint
1x knowledge quiz questions on word
The above resources can be used in a variety of ways to ensure students can recall all the key knowledge they need. For example, the flashcards can be used by students to quiz themselves with friends and family, the word document can be folded in half and cut out, this way the question is on one side and the answer on the other - perfect for quizzing.
The PDF can be used in lessons as a starter or plenary to recap knowledge, it can also be sent to students as a revision resource and then quizzed in class the following lesson.
The knowledge tests can be sat by students at the end of teaching the unit, they are the same questions that are on the flashcards, so students should aim to get 100% if they utilise the flashcards.
Colourful, concise and engaging flashcards to make sure it sticks!
Thank you
All extracts come in the new source booklet format to replicate the real exam experience this summer 2023
A 2 hour/100 mark assessment
A 60 minute/50 mark assessment
A 30 minute/30 mark assessment (to push with time management)
An exam practice booklet with 4 questions for further exam practice in class or for homework
Complete mark schemes for all questions
Interactive PDFs and standard versions so assessments can be completed digitally or printed out
Relevant and recent case studies based on the pre-release context - UK car market and businesses operating in this market
A PowerPoint with some brief key stats and figures on the UK car market which can be helpful for bringing in ‘own context’ in answers where applicable
Written by an experienced examiner for Edexcel A Level Business
This bundle of resources is the ultimate pack for knowledge retrieval in the build up to exams.
1x set of 15 flashcards
1x PDF of the powerpoint
1x knowledge quiz questions on word
The above resources can be used in a variety of ways to ensure students can recall all the key knowledge they need. For example, the flashcards can be used by students to quiz themselves with friends and family, the word document can be folded in half and cut out, this way the question is on one side and the answer on the other - perfect for quizzing.
The PDF can be used in lessons as a starter or plenary to recap knowledge, it can also be sent to students as a revision resource and then quizzed in class the following lesson.
The knowledge tests can be sat by students at the end of teaching the unit, they are the same questions that are on the flashcards, so students should aim to get 100% if they utilise the flashcards.
Colourful, concise and engaging flashcards to make sure it sticks!
Thank you
This free lesson introduces learners to international competitiveness. We look at the importance of unit labour costs and export prices in determining the level of competitiveness of a nation. We go into some more detail and look at what the World Economic Forum looks at to determine international competitiveness. Pros and cons of being internationally competitive is discussed. Some video case studies to use as exam questions, true or false questions and a research task to contextualise the topic furhter.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This free introductory lesson introduces learners to the unit. We then look at different types of customers such as internal and external customers. Discussions throughout of how this can be applied to a gym or similar facility as the assignment is based on this. We also look at influences of customer behaviour, a card sort activity and box plenary to consolidate learning.