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'Billy Elliot' Film Review Analysis Online Student Project Template
This film review pack for Billy Elliot contains everything that students need to create a detailed and analytical film review presentation.
Students can work through the slides independently or in groups, using the instructions and analysis prompts to guide them.
These slides are ideal for online learning, or as homework. There is no need to print outs as everything can be done on student devices.
Students can either submit the slides as a finished project, or use them to present to the whole class.
How do I use this in the classroom?
I have used this with students as an end of term/semester project. It’s a great way to allow them a little bit of ‘down time’ watching the film, but still ensuring that there are linked tasks that reinforce English analysis skills. I ask students to work on their devices in pairs, then take one or two lessons for students to given their presentations. The analysis checklist really helps students keep on track and focus on evaluation of film techniques, rather than just re-telling the story.
All slides can be edited so that you can tailor them to your specific students.
Reviews on your download are very much appreciated!
NB the film is not included in the download. This is readily available for streaming online. The resources link to the 2000 film Billy Elliot, NOT the stage musical.

Jekyll and Hyde Character Quote Posters for Display
11 eye-catching posters featuring characters from Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Each poster features a character from the text supported with a range of quotes from them, all cross referenced with the chapter number and name.
These posters are ideal for reinforcing significant quotes alongside your study of the text and can also be used to exam revision or simply to brighten up your classroom!
WAIT! These posters are included in my Jekyll and Hyde Poster Bundle!
Characters included:
Dr Henry Jekyll (2 posters)
Mr Edward Hyde (2 posters)
Mr Gabriel Utterson (2 posters)
Dr Hastie Lanyon
Mr Richard Enfield
Sir Danvers Carew
Mr Guest

Five 'A Christmas Carol' Close Reading Worksheets - Every Stave!
This collection of worksheets contains 5 close reading tasks covering each stave of ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.
Each task includes an extract from the novella and six close reading prompts. Each question encourages a deep engagement with the language and supports students to think about deeper implications in the text as a whole and the impact on the reader.
Additional essay questions are included for every extract, allowing students to put their close reading to work!
Students can work through the activities independently making it ideal for homework, revision or independent in-class tasks.
WAIT! These worksheets are available in my ‘A Christmas Carol’ Activities Bundle - save 25%!
Looking for more resources for ‘A Christmas Carol’? Have a look at my Poster Bundle for ‘A Christmas Carol’!
Reviews are greatly appreciated!

A Christmas Carol Activity Bundle - 15 Student Worksheets!
This lesson bundle download contains 15 worksheets to support your teaching of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
These resources are designed to relieve your boredom of using the same old comprehension questions, instead allowing students to engage with and interpret the classic novella in new ways.
Each lesson is carefully structured to include real learning opportunities and close reading, creative writing and analysis skills.
Lessons included in this bundle:
Close Reading Worksheets
This collection of worksheets contains 5 close reading tasks covering each stave of ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.
Each task includes an extract from the novella and six close reading prompts. Each question encourages a deep engagement with the language and supports students to think about deeper implications in the text as a whole and the impact on the reader.
Additional essay questions are included for every extract, allowing students to put their close reading to work!
Creative Task Worksheets
This collection of worksheets contains 5 creative task worksheets in response to each stave of ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.
Each task is differentiated with three challenge levels to ensure that every student is catered for.
Worksheets included in this pack:
Stave One - Scrooge’s Diary
Stave Two - The Fezziwig’s Party
Stave Three - Letter from Bob Cratchit
Stave Four - Scrooge’s Death
Stave Five - Writing an Epilogue
Film Adaptation Worksheets
This resource contains 5 worksheets designed to help students develop their own film adaptation of ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.
Each worksheet focuses on a key moment in the text and asks students to adapt this for a film. Mini-tasks prompt students to consider costume, set design, sound, perspective, script, direction and more.

Descriptive Writing - AQA Lang P2 Q5- Student Friendly Worksheets - Printable and PPT
Ideal for GCSE English Language revision or exam prep. These worksheets have been designed with AQA English Language Paper 1 Q5 in mind, but would work equally well with other exam boards or simply to consolidate descriptive writing skills.
This download contains:
6 easy to use print and go worksheets each with a unique image based descriptive writing challenge
PPT with the same 6 writing challenges with additional writing slides for students to respond in full - students can type their responses directly into the PPT slides
Ideal for homework, exam prep, independent work or cover work.
Each worksheet includes:
High quality image
Detailed task brief
Space for students to plan their writing
A range of writing strategies to encourage distinctive descriptions
Writing devices and punctuation checklist
Each worksheet is beautifully designed to appeal to 21st century students and makes setting independent work or homework simple and straightforward.

Reciprocal Reading Bulletin Board Classroom Display - Reading Groups, Lit Circles
This download contains a print and go ready to use classroom display to support your students’ reading groups or literature circles.
There is a poster for each ‘Reciprocal Reader’ role, including pointers for students to refer to when working. There are also half page posters spelling out ‘Reciprocal Reader’ to complete your display. I use this in my classroom alongside examples of student completed ‘RR’ worksheets.
Two versions of the ‘summariser’ / ‘summarizer’ page are provided - one with UK spelling and one with US spelling.
WAIT! This resource is part of a bundle that includes a ‘Reciprocal Reader’ collaborative worksheet and print and go bulletin board classroom display.
Reviews on your download are very much appreciated!

Reciprocal Reading Bookmarks and Task Cards - Reading Groups, Lit Circles
This download contains a set of double sided bookmarks and a set of double sided task cards for your students to use in their reading groups or literature circles.
Students work in groups of four and take on one of the ‘Reciprocal Reader’ roles, using the role guidance and sentence stems to support them.
Two versions of the bookmarks and task cards are provided - one with UK spelling and one with US spelling.
WAIT! This resource is part of a bundle that includes a ‘Reciprocal Reader’ collaborative worksheet and print and go bulletin board classroom display.
Reviews on your download are very much appreciated!

To Kill A Mockingbird 'The Trial'(Chapters 16-21) Newspaper Report Lesson/Remote/Homework Pack
A fully guided newspaper report preparation and writing pack to support your teaching of To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This can be used for a unit assessment.
Task: You are a reporter in the town of Maycomb and have seen the whole trial.
Write an account of the events of the trial for the Maycomb Tribune.
This is a fully interactive PowerPoint resource and works really well for remote learning and homework. The sides are fully editable so can be tweaked to work for your students.
This resource includes:
’Think like a reporter’ pre reading activity
Integrated audiobook recordings of chapters 16-21
Guided reading questions and/or note taking space for each chapter
’Parts of a newspaper’ labelling activity
Opening paragraph 5 Ws writing activity
Newspaper report planning activity
Full self assessment
AFREE newspaper template to accompany this resource is available online here.
You might also be interested in my ‘To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 6 Tension Essay Lesson/Online/Remote/Homework Pack’
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