Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context.
Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include:
-Individual Lessons
-Full Schemes of work
-Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes
-Revision Plans
All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons.
Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context.
Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include:
-Individual Lessons
-Full Schemes of work
-Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes
-Revision Plans
All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 1.3 Putting A Business Idea Into Practice , these include:
1.3.1. Business Aims & Objectives
1.3.2 Business Revenues, Costs And Profits
1.3.3 Cash And Cash-Flow
Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 1.2 Spotting A Business Opportunity, these include:
1.2.1 Customer Needs
1.2.2 Market Research
1.2.3 Market segmentation
1.2.4 The Competitive Environment
Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic.
A simple resource to teach the students about sequencing and flow charts at KS3, it includes all the terminology needed as well as the correct way to develop a flow chart using the correct symbols. Also included is a task related to the use of a "Big Trak" which was used to programme a sequence of instructions.
I used this for 2 lessons to get the students used to the ideas of flow charts and sequencing prior to programming.
**If Big Traks are unavailable you can also switch this task to something like Flowol as the resource will have already given insight into flow charts
A introduction to 3d printing and Google SketchUp, which was used as part of our 3d printing topic with keystage 3. It requires the students to look into the ways in which 3d printing works as well as introducing them to Google Sketchup
Also included is a worksheet to remind students of the tools in SketchUp
***The whole unit is also available in my shop! Grab a bargain! and decrease your planning time!***
This lesson guides the students through Python Lists, it has challenges to test students knowledge and build upon their previous lessons (also available in shop). This will develop their skills in using lists and combining data together.
An introduction to Python Programming which takes the students through the initial use of:
It also explains the use of Syntax and the ways in which students should structure their work. Has been tried and tested many a time!
Look out for more lessons on Python soon! Including full SOWs
An introduction to logic gates which i used at KS3 and KS4. Easy to understand and straight forward. Included are:
Teachers powerpoint (walks the students through the gates with examples)
Progress log (Track students progress)
Self marking spreadsheet that includes tasks, extension and a helpsheet
A bundle which revisits the Systems Architecture unit from component 1.1.
The revision worksheets have helped students to revisit their previous work and build upon their knowledge.
Topic Covered include:
Clock speed
Components of the CPU
Von Neumann Architecture
FDE Cycle
**Answers included***
Attached is a lesson on how to read and write to a csv file in Python. Included are the following:
1. PPT explaining how to write and read from a csv file
2. Example programs (in zip file)
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit the FDE Cycle and the Von Neumann Architecture as part of 1.1 Systems Architecture in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
Has been found useful for mock papers with the students in the past
** Answers are included for teachers who are new to the subject
This is the second lesson on Google Sketchup, it introduces the students to new skills that can be used as part of their designing process.
Also included is a worksheet to assist in using the previous tools.
***The whole unit is also available in my shop! Grab a bargain! and decrease your planning time!***
As part of the 3d printing module students are asked to showcase their work and assess their progress, they also gain feedback from their peers as part of the process. This lesson is designed to completed the unit and allow the students to improve upon their designs using their own assessments and peers thoughts.
***The whole unit is also available in my shop! Grab a bargain! and decrease your planning time!***
The second lesson in my Python scheme of work, this is aimed at building upon the introduction lesson and taking the students through the following:
- Data Casting
-If statements
-Elif Statements
Students will be challenged to complete some tasks alongside these, easy to follow and all set up for you to use! Reduce your planning time!
As part of the 3D Printing module students are tasked with creating a product, this lesson takes them through the process of developing their product
***The whole unit is also available in my shop! Grab a bargain! and decrease your planning time!***
The fourth lesson in my introduction to python takes the students through the use of while loops and also random. I have used turtle to show the students this as it uses visual graphics and the students tend to enjoy using this.
Skills Covered
While Loops
A introduction to the future of hardware and software for KS3, this was part of the Hardware and Software unit that was delivered. Lesson includes an introduction to the topic and tasks to complete. Extensions tasks also included. The full SOW can also be bought in the shop
Saves you 50%!
A bundle which revisits the Memory unit from component 1.2.
The revision worksheets have helped students to revisit their previous work and build upon their knowledge.
Topic Covered include:
-Flash Memory
**Answers included***
Also includes a bonus exam mock paper for 1.1 Systems Architecture with the mark scheme
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.2 Storage and Memory which includes:
The need for primary storage
The difference between RAM and ROM
The purpose of ROM in a computer system
The purpose of RAM in a computer system
Virtual memory
¨ The need for secondary storage
¨ Common types of storage:
o Optical
o Magnetic
o Solid state
¨ Suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application
¨ The advantages and disadvantages of different storage devices
and storage media relating to these characteristics:
o Capacity
o Speed
o Portability
o Durability
o Reliability
o Cost
¨ The units of data storage:
o Bit
o Nibble (4 bits)
o Byte (8 bits)
o Kilobyte (1,000 bytes or 1 KB)
o Megabyte (1,000 KB)
o Gigabyte (1,000 MB)
o Terabyte (1,000 GB)
o Petabyte (1,000 TB)
¨ How data needs to be converted into a binary format to be
processed by a computer
¨ Data capacity and calculation of data capacity requirements
¨ How to convert positive denary whole numbers to binary numbers
(up to and including
8 bits) and vice versa
¨ How to add two binary integers together (up to and including
8 bits) and explain overflow errors which may occur
¨ How to convert positive denary whole numbers into 2-digit
hexadecimal numbers and vice versa
¨ How to convert binary integers to their hexadecimal equivalents
and vice versa
¨ Binary shifts
¨ The use of binary codes to represent characters
¨ The term ‘character set’
¨ The relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set, and the number of characters which can be represented, e.g.:
o Unicode
¨ How an image is represented as a series of pixels, represented in
¨ Metadata
¨ The effect of colour depth and resolution on:
o The quality of the image
o The size of an image file
¨ How sound can be sampled and stored in digital form
¨ The effect of sample rate, duration and bit depth on:
o The playback quality
o The size of a sound file
¨ The need for compression
¨ Types of compression:
o Lossy
o Lossless
The revision sheets include over 50 exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.2 – Programming fundamentals
¨ The use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs and
¨ The use of the three basic programming constructs used to
control the flow of a program:
o Sequence
o Selection
o Iteration (count- and condition-controlled loops)
¨ The common arithmetic operators
¨ The common Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT
The use of data types:
o Integer
o Real
o Boolean
o Character and string
o Casting
The use of basic string manipulation
¨ The use of basic file handling operations:
o Open
o Read
o Write
o Close
¨ The use of records to store data
¨ The use of SQL to search for data
¨ The use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including
both one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional arrays (2D)
¨ How to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce
structured code
¨ Random number generation
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.1 – Algorithms
Principles of computational thinking:
o Abstraction
o Decomposition
o Algorithmic thinking
Identify the inputs, processes, and outputs for a problem
¨ Structure diagrams
¨ Create, interpret, correct, complete, and refine algorithms using:
o Pseudocode
o Flowcharts
o Reference language/high-level programming language
¨ Identify common errors
¨ Trace tables
Standard searching algorithms:
o Binary search
o Linear search
¨ Standard sorting algorithms:
o Bubble sort
o Merge sort
o Insertion sort
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.