Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context.
Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include:
-Individual Lessons
-Full Schemes of work
-Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes
-Revision Plans
All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons.
Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context.
Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include:
-Individual Lessons
-Full Schemes of work
-Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes
-Revision Plans
All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons.
This python workbook starts with the very basics and guides the students in developing their skills. It hasd multiple tasks throughout the booklet and covers topics such as:
Data Types
A checklist i gave to my students to help them cover the key aspects of the specificiation.
They tick each box as they go along and feel confident in that area. A good tool to locate weaknesses and improve!
DB Browser is a handy tool you can use for SQLite, it is freeware which is available at:
This little guide take you through how to make use of DB Browser for SQLite!
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit the CPU and its features as part of 1.1 Systems Architecture in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
A introduction to computer software for KS3, this was part of the Hardware and Software unit that was delivered. Lesson includes an introduction to the topic and tasks to complete. Extensions tasks also included. The full SOW can also be bought in the shop!
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit Secondary Storage using scenarios as part of 1.3 Storage in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
Has been found useful for mock papers with the students in the past
** Answers are included for teachers who are new to the subject
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit Secondary Storage as part of 1.3 Storage in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
Has been found useful for mock papers with the students in the past
** Answers are included for teachers who are new to the subject
A introduction to computer hardware for KS3, this was part of the Hardware and Software unit that was delivered. Lesson includes an introduction to the topic and tasks to complete. Extensions tasks also included. The full SOW can also be bought in the shop
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit RAM, ROM and Virtual Memory as part of 1.2 Memory in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
Has been found useful for mock papers with the students in the past
** Answers are included for teachers who are new to the subject
As part of the 3d printing module students are tasked with designing and implementing a product, this takes the students through that process and introduces them to the importance of design work
They are then tasked with producing a design which is to be implemented
***The whole unit is also available in my shop! Grab a bargain! and decrease your planning time!***
A introduction to inputs and outputs for KS3, this was part of the Hardware and Software unit that was delivered. Lesson includes an introduction to the topic and tasks to complete. Extensions tasks also included. The full SOW can also be bought in the shop
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit calculating clock speed as part of 1.1 Systems Architecture in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
Has been found useful for mock papers with the students in the past
** Answers are included for teachers who are new to the subject
An easy to follow worksheet designed to revisit Flash and Cache Memory as part of 1.2 Memory in the Computer Systems component.
The worksheet s designed for students to read over their notes, and attempt the questions, Answer sheet is included.
Has been found useful for mock papers with the students in the past
** Answers are included for teachers who are new to the subject
A straight forward lesson which explains the ways in which you perform binary addition, the lesson outlines the rules for binary addition and also has example questions. Answers are included on the final slide.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.2 Programming techniques
the use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
the use of the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program:
iteration (count and condition controlled loops)
the use of basic string manipulation
the use of basic file handling operations:
the use of records to store data
the use of SQL to search for data
the use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including both one and two dimensional
how to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce structured code
the use of data types:
character and string
the common arithmetic operators
the common Boolean operators.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.1 Systems Architecture which includes:
the purpose of the CPU
Von Neumann architecture:
MAR (Memory Address Register)
MDR (Memory Data Register)
Program Counter
common CPU components and their function:
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
CU (Control Unit)
the function of the CPU as fetch and execute instructions stored in memory
how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance:
clock speed
cache size
number of cores
embedded systems:
purpose of embedded systems
examples of embedded systems.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.1 Algorithms
computational thinking:
algorithmic thinking
standard searching algorithms:
binary search
linear search
standard sorting algorithms:
bubble sort
merge sort
insertion sort
how to produce algorithms using:
using flow diagrams
interpret, correct or complete algorithms.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.8 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns which includes:
how to investigate and discuss Computer Science technologies while considering:
ethical issues
legal issues
cultural issues
environmental issues.
privacy issues.
how key stakeholders are affected by technologies
environmental impact of Computer Science
cultural implications of Computer Science
open source vs proprietary software
legislation relevant to Computer Science:
The Data Protection Act 1998
Computer Misuse Act 1990
Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
Creative Commons Licensing
Freedom of Information Act 2000
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!