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Business, Computing & ICT Shop

Average Rating3.59
(based on 55 reviews)

Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context. Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include: -Individual Lessons -Full Schemes of work -Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes -Revision Plans All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons. Enjoy!




Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context. Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include: -Individual Lessons -Full Schemes of work -Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes -Revision Plans All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons. Enjoy!
J277 OCR Computer Science Unit 2 (2.1-2.5) Complete Revision Sheets / Practice Questions

J277 OCR Computer Science Unit 2 (2.1-2.5) Complete Revision Sheets / Practice Questions

5 Resources
A complete set of revision sheets for J277 OCR Computer Science. Includes all of the topics for the first unit J277/02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming 2.1 Algorithms 2.2 Programming fundamentals 2.3 Producing robust programs 2.4 Boolean logic 2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments With over 100 practice questions to test your students!!!
Revision Sheets Theme 1 Business Edexcel Pearson

Revision Sheets Theme 1 Business Edexcel Pearson

5 Resources
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in Theme 1 - Investigating Small Business. Includes over 100 practice exam questions to test your students knowledge! Including extended response questions!
J277 OCR Computer Science Unit 1 & 2 Revision Pack

J277 OCR Computer Science Unit 1 & 2 Revision Pack

11 Resources
The ultimate revision pack for your students to get to grips with the J277 OCR Computer Science specification Includes ALL the resources needed for both unit 1 and unit 2 Computer Systems 1.1 Systems architecture 1.2 Memory and storage 1.3 Computer networks, connections and protocols 1.4 Network security 1.5 Systems software 1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology Computational thinking, algorithms and programming 2.1 Algorithms 2.2 Programming fundamentals 2.3 Producing robust programs 2.4 Boolean logic 2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments Save yourself 50% with this bundle :)
5. Google Sketchup Review and Assessment

5. Google Sketchup Review and Assessment

As part of the 3d printing module students are asked to showcase their work and assess their progress, they also gain feedback from their peers as part of the process. This lesson is designed to completed the unit and allow the students to improve upon their designs using their own assessments and peers thoughts. ***The whole unit is also available in my shop! Grab a bargain! and decrease your planning time!***
2. Data Casting & IF Statements (KS3 + KS4 Friendly)

2. Data Casting & IF Statements (KS3 + KS4 Friendly)

The second lesson in my Python scheme of work, this is aimed at building upon the introduction lesson and taking the students through the following: - Data Casting -If statements -Elif Statements Students will be challenged to complete some tasks alongside these, easy to follow and all set up for you to use! Reduce your planning time!
(Full Year) KS3 Scheme of work

(Full Year) KS3 Scheme of work

In this pack is a scheme of work which can be used in KS3, why plan when you can have your whole year done for you! Included are the following topics: -Digital Safety -Sequencing & Microbits -Hardware & Software -3d Printing in Sketchup Pro -Python Programming Topics in the pack can also be bought as separates if you prefer from my shop.
Introduction to Python (KS3 +KS4 Friendly)

Introduction to Python (KS3 +KS4 Friendly)

4 Resources
An introduction to python programming aimed at students who may not have come across it before. The SOW includes: Printing Commenting Storing and using Variables Data Casting If Statements Elif Statements Using Lists Using LIbraries Turtle Using Random
4. While Loops + Random using Turtle (KS3 + KS4 Friendly)

4. While Loops + Random using Turtle (KS3 + KS4 Friendly)

The fourth lesson in my introduction to python takes the students through the use of while loops and also random. I have used turtle to show the students this as it uses visual graphics and the students tend to enjoy using this. Skills Covered Variables Loops While Loops Libraries Random Turtle
OCR Model Sample Task Solution NEA : Mr Leeman

OCR Model Sample Task Solution NEA : Mr Leeman

Attached is the solution i made to the sample task released by OCR, it has been created using Python (version 3) with the use of the SQLite3 library. An SQL database was created called students to store the information needed. The program allows the user to log in and do the following: 1. Enter and store the students details 2. Recall a students details (need ID number) 3. Show all students 4. Show students by gender 5. Show students by form 6. Delete a Student 7. Log out the data in the database was created using a random name/street generator.
4. MAX, MIN, AVG functions in SQLite3 in Python (Great for NEA / Controlled Assessment practice!)

4. MAX, MIN, AVG functions in SQLite3 in Python (Great for NEA / Controlled Assessment practice!)

Attached is a lesson on how to use MAX, MIN & AVG in SQLite3 in Python. Included are the following: 1. PPT explaining how to use the functions 2. Example programs (in zip file) 3.Example Database (in zip file, access through a program such as DB Browser (Freeware)) if you need free software to run and connect to sql databases please download the DB Broswer for FREE and also check out a little guide i made to the software, also FREE: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sqlite-program-introduction-db-browser-11751031
Revision Sheets Topic 1.4 Making The Business Effective (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 1.4 Making The Business Effective (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 1.4 Making The Business Effective, these include: 1.4.1. The Options For Start Up & Small Business 1.4.2 Business Location 1.4.3 The Marketing Mix 1.4.4. Business Plans Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy!
Revision Sheets Topic 1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, these include: -1.1.1 The dynamic nature of business -1.1.2 Risk and reward -1.1.3 The role of business enterprise Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy!
Revision Sheets Topic 1.2 Spotting A Business Opportunity (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 1.2 Spotting A Business Opportunity (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 1.2 Spotting A Business Opportunity, these include: 1.2.1 Customer Needs 1.2.2 Market Research 1.2.3 Market segmentation 1.2.4 The Competitive Environment Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy!
Revision Sheets Topic 1.5 Understanding External Influences On Business (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 1.5 Understanding External Influences On Business (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 1.5 Understanding External Influences On Business, these include: 1.5.1. Business Stakeholders 1.5.2. Technology & Business 1.5.3. Legislation & Business 1.5.4. The Economy & Business 1.5.5 External Influences Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy!
Revision Sheets Topic 2.1 Growing The Business (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 2.1 Growing The Business (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 2.1 Growing The Business, these include: 2.1.1. Business Growth 2.1.2. Changes In Business Aims And Objectives 2.1.3 Business and Globalisation 2.1.4 Ethics, Environment & Business Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy!
Revision Sheets Topic 2.3 Making Operational Decisions (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 2.3 Making Operational Decisions (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 2.3 Making Operational Decisions, these include: 2.3.1 Business Operations 2.3.2 Working With Suppliers 2.3.3 Managing Quality 2.3.4 The Sales Process Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy! Also check out the other revision sheets for the topics within this GCSE in my shop!
Revision Sheets Topic 2.5 Making Human Resource Decisions (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Revision Sheets Topic 2.5 Making Human Resource Decisions (Pearson Edexcel Business)

Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topics in 2.5 Making Human Resource Decisions, these include: 2.5.1 Organisational Structures 2.5.2 Effective Recruitment 2.5.3. Effective Training & Development 2.5.4. Motivation Attached at the end of the notes are revision questions which the students should be able to answer once they have studied the topic. Enjoy! Also check out the other revision sheets for the topics within this GCSE in my shop!