Which connectives are these dictionary definitions of? Read the definitions; fill in your answers in the crossword and then write a sentence for each one. 10 in total - answer sheet attached also.
Step by step lesson plans to cover 6 weeks of lessons on Stone Cold - by Robert Swindells.
Full plans - with clear activities.
Unit scheme also attached and other teaching ideas and resources.
Work sheet with numerous sentences, requiring a word to be changed each time into a suitable synonym.
Good for homework or starter.
Thesaurus practice.
Work sheet 1 - match the synonyms
Work sheet 2 - match the words with the definitions and then fill the gaps in the sentences with an appropriate word.
Work sheet 3 - 20 higher level pieces of vocabulary to match with their definitions
Work sheet 4 - match the words with the definitions.
A power point presentation with 20 collective nouns to work out.
10 slides that could be done together
10 more questions that then have a multi choice answer - followed by answer slide
4 things for students to create their own collective noun
Task to research 10 more animals and find out the collective noun
1. Presentation - very long - Each slide gives first a written clue.
This is followed by picture clues (some with sound) and then finally by the homophones.
Can you spell the homophones?
In most cases there are two homophones. Where there are more, the number is shown in brackets at the end of the written clue.
2. Work sheet that would be a good starter - Homophones
(Words that sound the same or similar but have different spellings and meanings)
Write in a matching homophone for the word shown on the left each time.
3. Word search and answer grid - puzzle searching for the pairs of homophones
4. 2nd power point - You will have thirty slides with clues to two or more words with different meanings, different spellings, but the same sounds.
Very simple document - listing all the poetry techniques that students should be looking for - when studying poetry - especially at GCSE.
Key words - with explanations of what that means.
Higher level vocabulary - matching to definitions and synonyms
Good exercises for expanding or consolidating vocabulary - also for dictionary practice
4 different tasks