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Year 7 - Keyboard Skills - Booklet (6 Lesson)

Year 7 - Keyboard Skills - Booklet (6 Lesson)

Keyboard Skills Booklet This booklet is designed to be used along side the Keyboard skills lessons 1-6 Each lesson is clearly listed in the book with the “Do Now” and Lesson number making it clear for students which lesson they should be on. The songs are designed with the tasks in mind and develop the skills taught in each lesson. Skills should be revisited and retaught when appropriate to ensure students retain new learning. This is part of a skill based curriculum that explores the elements of music and develops students keyboard skills. There is an editable powerpoint version and a pdf version. To print the powerpoint as an A4 book, save it as a pdf with 2 slides per page.
Year 7 - Keyboard Skills Lesson 2

Year 7 - Keyboard Skills Lesson 2

Lesson 2 - Keyboard Skills. Students recall finger system from Lesson 1 and develop their understanding of pitch by learning two phrases to help them learn the notes on the lines and spaces of a musical stave. Students learn a piece but they have to apply this new learning by working out the note names to unlock the piece. This task can be scaffolded with the phrases being printed and given to students, or chunked into smaller bars/ phrases. Students can also be challenged by applying their left hand too if they can.
Year 7 - Drumming Lesson 4

Year 7 - Drumming Lesson 4

Lesson 4 of 6 In this lesson, students use their understanding of the elements of music that they have studied so far to compose a short rhythmic piece of music that describes the size, nature or movement of an animal of their choice. They listen and appraise pieces from the Carnival of the Animals and discuss how the composer has described certain aspects of the animal so that they gain some ideas to apply to their own compositions. They then work in groups and begin to compose a short piece.
Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 4

Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 4

Lesson 4: Reading Tab Students are introduced to tab as a form of notation and discuss how to read it and what might make reading tab challenging/ easy. Students have access to youtube videos/ paper resources and they practice a piece of music in pairs. Links to an independent youtube channel which I have no links to, they can be swapped out for other youtube videos if you have a preference. Task: Work in pairs to master a song, reading tab music and playing effectively as a small ensemble.
Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 3 - Strumming Patterns

Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 3 - Strumming Patterns

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Ukulele Students recall the chords that they have learnt, as a class / independently. Students learn about strumming patterns and how to apply them to compose interesting rhythms. Task: Compose a strumming pattern to play over the 4 chords they have learnt This could be scaffolded to be simple rhythms and 1 chord per bar to more complex strumming patterns and mid bar chord changes.
Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 2 - Chords I V VI IV

Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 2 - Chords I V VI IV

Lesson 2: Pop Chord Progression I V VI IV Students are recall key parts of the instrument and recall the 3 chords they learnt last lesson. This can be done as a class or paired. Recall is a great performance opportunity too. Students learn a new chord, G major to add to the 3 chords, (C, Am and F). You could model these as a whole class/ perform as a whole class or in smaller groups depending on the learning environment. Task: Learn a chord progression using 4 chords, working towards an class performance.
Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 6 - Harmony

Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 6 - Harmony

Lesson 6: Applying harmony on the keyboards Students demonstrate their understanding of harmony on the keyboards, learning a golden rule, play 1 miss 1 x3 and developing their keyboard skills further. Task: Apply harmony on the keyboard, learning a simple melody and applying chords that they have learnt in pairs/ with two hands.
Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 5 - Performance lesson

Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 5 - Performance lesson

Lesson 5: Performances Students demonstrate their understanding of the ukulele, chord charts/ tab by performing the song that they have been learning in pairs. They also focus on feedback, providing meaningful and relevant feedback for the performances. Task: Recall and master a song on ukulele, performing it to the class.
Year 7 - Ukulele Skills - Unit Booklet

Year 7 - Ukulele Skills - Unit Booklet

This booklet contains 6 full lessons and can be used with the lessons in the unit. Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Ukulele Lesson 2 - 4 chords (I V VI IV) Lesson 3 - Strumming patterns Lesson 4 - Independent practice Lesson 5 - Performance Lesson 6 - Harmony on a keyboard
Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 1

Year 7 - Ukulele Lesson 1

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Ukulele Students are introduced to the instrument, as a class model how to hold, strum and fret a chord to ensure a whole class understanding. Students learn 3 chords, C, Am and F. You could model these as a whole class/ perform as a whole class or in smaller groups depending on the learning environment. Task: Learn a chord progression using 3 chords, working towards an class performance.
Year 7 Drumming Lesson 1

Year 7 Drumming Lesson 1

Lesson 1 of 6 of a drumming unit. This unit makes use of Djembe drums and develops students understanding of rhythm, dynamics, structure and ensemble skills. Lesson 1 introduces/ revisits note values and durations. Students work towards performing three rhythms together, either in unison or as a 3 part polyrhythm.
Year 7 - Drumming Lesson 6

Year 7 - Drumming Lesson 6

Lesson 6 - Performing and feedback Students perform their compositions and provide feedback on what they hear. Using keywords such as fluency, accuracy, timing and development. Students reflect on their composition. Lesson 7 is also included, I often introduce the keyboards in a 7 week term and use simple 5 finger songs to engage students.
Year 7 - Drumming Lesson 5

Year 7 - Drumming Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - Applying the elements of music Students continue to apply the elements of music with intent and compose a piece of music that reflects the size, nature or movement of an animal.
Year 7 - Drumming - Booklet

Year 7 - Drumming - Booklet

7 Lesson booklet to accompany the lessons. This book provides students with written tasks, performance tasks and listening tasks and can be used to aid their learning. This book includes a KO and an element of music glossary plus 7 full lessons Lesson 1 - Introduction to rhythm and notation Lesson 2 - Call and Response/ Phrases Lesson 3 - Dynamics Lesson 4 - Applying the elements of music (composition) Lesson 5 - Developing composition Lesson 6 - Performance Lesson 7 - Keyboard introduction (useful in a 7+ week half term)
Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Unit Booklet

Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Unit Booklet

This booklet accompanies the 4 Chord Song Unit lessons 1-6. Activities are based on the lessons and the students follow the lesson through each book. This unit of work is a split between performances and DAW. Students learn about the 4 chord songs and perform the pattern on their keyboards/ instruments. Students then progress to composing their own 4 chord songs following the lessons to develop the chord progression. This book includes: 6 Do Nows 6 planned lessons 1 knowledge organiser DR T SMITH Glossary
Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Lesson 1

Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Lesson 1

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the concept of 4 chord songs. Performance: Year 8’s would know how to build a chord but they spend time recapping the skill and practice transitioning from C, to F, to G from the Blues Unit and and ensure they’re playing the 4 chord song chord progression accurately and fluently. There is emphasis on the correct technique, using fingers 1, 2 and 4 to play chords. Levels of challenge can be applied, from just holding the chords, adding a simple rhythms/ developing the rhythm beyond 1 beat/ 4 beat notes. Listening: The link to a school friendly version of Axis of Awesome is in the slides, you could extend this by finding more recent examples for students to relate to. Lesson 1 of 6, suitable for year 8 and 9 and very adaptable for your schools needs.
Year 8 - 4 Chord Songs - Lesson 2

Year 8 - 4 Chord Songs - Lesson 2

Lesson 2 - Develop students understanding of the concept of 4 chord songs. Performance: Year 8’s would know how to build a chord but they spend time recapping the 4 chord song chord progression accurately and fluently from last lesson. They’ll be then exploring bass clef and learning how to compose basslines using root notes and passing notes. There is emphasis on the correct technique, using fingers 1, 2 and 4 to play chords. Levels of challenge can be applied, from just holding the chords, adding a simple rhythms/ developing the rhythm beyond 1 beat/ 4 beat notes. Basslines could be developed into riffs. Lesson 2 of 6, suitable for year 8 and 9 and very adaptable for your schools needs
Year 8 - 4 Chord Songs - Lesson 6

Year 8 - 4 Chord Songs - Lesson 6

Lesson 1 - In this final lesson, students finish working on their ideas. They’re introduced to the effects used in modern music and experiment with them on SoundTrap/ your chosen DAW if possible. Students play their compositions aloud and receive feedback from other students based on the success criteria. Lesson 6 of 6, suitable for year 8 and 9 and very adaptable for your schools needs.
Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Lesson 4

Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Lesson 4

Lesson 4 - Developing a bass line Performance: Students develop their understanding of the DAW by adding a bassline and drum beat to their 4 chord composition. Lesson 4 of 6, suitable for year 8 and 9 and very adaptable for your schools needs.
Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Lesson 3

Year 8 - 4 Chord Song - Lesson 3

Lesson 3 - Introduction to the concept of 4 chord songs. Performance: Recall the 4 chord pop song progression on keyboards, normalising performances to the class. Composition: Task is to compose their own 4 chord song on the DAW avaliable to you. I have used SoundTrap as a model but this can be adapted. Listening: Listening questions based on the song Wonderwall by Oasis. Link provided in the slides, questions are in the booklet. Lesson 3 of 6, suitable for year 8 and 9 and very adaptable for your schools needs