Long Division with Decimals SCOOT - 5th Grade Division Game
Are you looking for extra practice with dividing decimals? This SCOOT set has 40 questions containing decimal dividends and whole number divisors. The quotients go up to the thousandths place.
The questions are presented as both multiple choice and open-ended questions with a corresponding answer key for both options. A "suggested use" page is included as well, detailing how I use these strips with my class.
The file contains 4 different certificate options for students who master the content and earn 100% on the SCOOT! This is a great motivator for students and a fun thing to send home to parents. It is available in color and black and white for your printing needs.
Students will LOVE this fun game and creative format for studying long-division. It's also a family-friendly format for parents who want extra practice for their kids.
Be sure to check out my other math games for place value!
Classroom Management Plan
This is a zip file containing my entire classroom management plan. I have included:
-a complete description of how I use this system
-a PDF file of the log
-a Word file of the log
-a Pages file of the log
-a letter to families explaining the system
-a consequence poster
-my behavior refocus sheet
This has been used successfully in my classroom and with my substitute teachers. It's quick, requires no prep, and can be implemented immediately.
Christmas PEMDAS Presents - 5th Grade Order of Operations Practice
Are you looking for some fun holiday sheets to accompany your order of operations review? These sheets are perfect!
The sheets have different operations on each sheet. The problems are written inside of presents. The students can color the presents when they're done!
This is a fun, low stress way to practice and review the order of operations, adding, subtracting, multiplication and division while keeping students engaged during the hectic holiday season!