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Pastel Phonics Display: Phases 2-5
I have created a pastel phonics bunting for display in my classroom! I have included phase 2, phase 3 and phase 5. Enjoy and tag me on Instagram @myteachingfiles!!
Maths 'Self Help' Bookmark
My little year 1’s really struggled to find the correct page in their maths workbooks…I wanted to create a bookmark which could double as a ‘Self Help’ resources!
Brunette Bitmoji Visual Timetable
I have created a brunette bitmoji visual timetable - my class love it!! It may come in handy if you are brunette too!
SEN Individual Visual Timetable
I have created individual bitmoji timetables for children in my class. At the moment, I have created them for brunette, blonde and ginger boys. They are super useful in the classroom and give children with SEN that extra bit of security! Please tag me on Instagram @myteachingfiles if you use this resource!
Year 1 Writing Prompts/Checklist
Need something quick and simple to remind young children what to remember in their writing? Here are 2 differentiated writing prompts/checklists aimed at year 1. You could laminate them and pop them in your table trays, or stick them in your children’s books to encourage them during a big write!
Pastel English Display Visual Prompts
I created some pastel English display visual prompts to help children remember what is important when writing a sentence! They include the following prompts:
say your sentence
capital letters
use phonics
finger spaces
full stops
read it again
Additional cards:
These are also available to download in neutral tones.
Alphabet Display
I have created a5 alphabet display cards using Twinkl images and a pastel blue boarder for a more neutral and calming look!
Phase 2 Phonics Flashcards/Display
I have created some phase 2 flashcards or display cards using Twinkl images.
Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards/Display
I have created some phase 3 flashcards/display cards using Twinkl images.