Series of OCR Entry Level Science power points.
These cover the whole course, some have more detail in than others as per the groups I was teaching. There is also a blank template should you wish to create your own rather than adapt.
Power point that goes hand in hand with the fifth learning objective for the OCR Cambridge National Child Development Syllabus.
Complete with starters, mains, plenary. Revision and tasks build in.
Workbooks to go with this are also available.
Sheets created to support students with the assignments for the BTEC produced assignment briefs.
Guiding students to complete the assignments. Guides for units 2,3 and 6
Series of work books that go with the exam unit - providing students with ability to produce revision notes. The workbooks cover all 5 learning objectives in chunks.
Used with all my students and proved successful, but also enjoyable for the students.
Topic 4 power point. Covers every element of the second topic in a continuous flowing power point. Used for the last 5 years with great success by myself and colleagues.
Key words: Spellings and definitions, tests, questions, tasks and allows students to create revision worthy notes as they go. Differentiation included within the power point.
Booklet to support students with achieving criteria for the Level 2 unit on healthy exercise and nutrition.
Series of questions and statements to support providing sufficient information.
Used to track where I am with each EHCP - used in addition to my provision map. Allows me to track information specifically for those with EHCP’s or being applied for.
Has come in very useful for me and also for when handing over to a new SENCO when I left. Have set it up in new school, people always like seeing it.
SEND power point for teacher education around Tourette’s.
Composed to support staff with understanding the condition as well as strategies for managing within school
Document to track students information
Used within our school to share strategies with teaching staff and a range of student information.
Can be used for any age group and can follow them through the school.
Our Governing Body get this once a term, with no names, and love it!