
Phonics phase 3 and 5 four in a row game
4 different game sheets.
four in a row phonics sound revision game - Roll the dice, say the sound and put a counter on it. First to get four in a row wins!
Great resource to add into continous provision in the classroom, a phonics intervention/extension activity.

Year 1 phase 5 sounds and HFW activity powerpoint
----Over 80 slides ----
Phase 5 sounds and HFW activity slides. Perfect for morning work activities or phonics and HFW revision.
Follows KS1 curriculum. Activities include:
-Write the word with the sound.
-Write a sentence including a word with the sound.
-Find the words with the sounds
Read the HFWs
Unscramble the HFW
Read the alien words

Traction Man KS1_Resources
4 weeks worth of planning and resources on Traction Man for Year1/Year 2
Week 1-3 - Narrative:
Exploring the text
Character descriptions
Learning the story
Sequencing the story
Innovating the story
Inventing a their own superhero story
Week 4 - Persuasive advert:
features of a persuasive advert
Planning and writing a persuasive advert for their own toy
Differentiated worksheets
Word banks and writing frames
Powerpoint slides