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Teach My Kids Shop

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(based on 61 reviews)

These resources have been created using my experience as a primary school teacher. They are designed in a way which allows children to understand a specific concept or skill, by being given an example or explanation to follow and activities to complete. The worksheets are clear and simple to follow, many of which have an extension activity.




These resources have been created using my experience as a primary school teacher. They are designed in a way which allows children to understand a specific concept or skill, by being given an example or explanation to follow and activities to complete. The worksheets are clear and simple to follow, many of which have an extension activity.
Direct Speech to Reported Speech Worksheet

Direct Speech to Reported Speech Worksheet

Quality worksheet for changing direct speech to reported speech. Explanations and examples given. Can be used to reinforce lesson, or for homework. Extension activity provided for differentiation.
How to make sentences more interesting

How to make sentences more interesting

This worksheets gives children ideas and guidance on how to turn a boring sentence into a more interesting one. Explains nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, encourages children to extend their sentence.
Maths Position and Direction - Seaside Fun - Maths Vocabulary

Maths Position and Direction - Seaside Fun - Maths Vocabulary

Worksheet to help children use vocabulary associated with position and direction using a picture grid. Vocabulary children are encouraged to use includes: up, down, forwards, backwards, above, below, next to, left, right. Jimmy the Jellyfish wants to explore the beach. Help him find his way around by telling him where things are and giving him directions. 1) Use the words above to help you say or write directions. 2) Describe to Jimmy the position of each of these.
Imperative Verbs, Imperative Sentences

Imperative Verbs, Imperative Sentences

Quality worksheet focussing on imperative verbs and imperative sentences. Clearly illustrated to help reinforce what an imperative verb is and how to use imperatives within a sentence. Ideal for classroom use, or as homework.
Using Semi-Colons. Writing Descriptive Lists

Using Semi-Colons. Writing Descriptive Lists

Clear and concise worksheet to help children understand what a semi-colon is, how and when to use one within their writing. The focus of this worksheet is on using semi-colons to write descriptive lists. Can be used to reinforce and support classroom learning, to help consolidate grammar and punctuation work, or as homework.
Using Verbs and Adverbs in a Sentence

Using Verbs and Adverbs in a Sentence

This worksheet will help children understand what a verb and adverb is. It also shows how to use an adverb within a sentence to make it more interesting. Children are asked to join a verb to an appropriate adverb, they are then encouraged to write interesting sentences using the given verb and adverb.
Holiday Activities and Games Pack

Holiday Activities and Games Pack

19 holiday themed activities and games for children of all ages. This activity pack includes games, puzzles, doodling and lots more. All activities have a learning element to them. Keep your children entertained for hours, with the variety of activities. These activities are as varied as your children, there's one to suit every personality.
Phonics- Long Vowel Sounds - 'ue', 'ew' or 'u_e'

Phonics- Long Vowel Sounds - 'ue', 'ew' or 'u_e'

A long ‘u’ sound can be made in 3 ways. Practise and reinforce long vowel sounds for 'u'. Read the words. Draw a line to the correct sound in the word. Words contain the long vowel sound spelt using: 'ue', 'ew' or 'u_e'. Children then colour the: ew words in green, ue words in blue, u-e words in red. Helping them to remember and group words. Ideal for practising and reinforcing phonics, reading and writing.
Telling the Time Worksheet Pack 1 - KS1/KS2

Telling the Time Worksheet Pack 1 - KS1/KS2

13 high quality worksheets to help children learn to read and write the time. Ideal for homework, self assessment or reinforcement. Allows children to practise telling the time using an analogue clock and digital clock Progression has been incorporated into this pack, as well as opportunities to practise and revise what has already been learnt. Answers are also included. Worksheets included: - Make Your Own Clock - Minutes in an hour - o’clock - half past - quarter past - quarter to - quarter past, half past, quarter to
Draw and Count to 10 Worksheet

Draw and Count to 10 Worksheet

Quality worksheet to reinforce counting to 10. Children can draw pictures, or use physical objects to make the number shown. Learning can be extended by asking children to write the number above each picture drawn. Worksheet can be used in the classroom, or for homework.
Hyphens - How and When to use Hyphens

Hyphens - How and When to use Hyphens

Excellent quality worksheet explaining and reinforcing how and when to use hyphens. 6 activities, with examples and explanations on the use of hyphens. Ideal for classroom use, revision, or for homework.
Parenthesis - Using Brackets

Parenthesis - Using Brackets

Clear and concise worksheets explaining how and when to use brackets (parenthesis). Examples provided for each use. Ideal for supporting classroom learning, consolidation, or as homework.
Writing Numbers Over 100 - Crossing the 10's/100's Barrier - Place Value

Writing Numbers Over 100 - Crossing the 10's/100's Barrier - Place Value

Ideal worksheet to help children understand how numbers continue when crossing the tens/hundreds barrier. Reinforce the number system, place value and number patterns for numbers over 100. Encourages counting on and counting back. Great for supporting and reinforcing number and place value work in the classroom. Can also be used as homework.
Place Value - Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units

Place Value - Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units

Excellent worksheet explaining place value of numbers to ten million. Clear and concise chart can be cut out and used as an aide memoire for children to use time and time again. Helps explain digit position, commas used within numbers and place value. Supports learning in the classroom, to consolidate, assess learning, or as homework.
Place Value. Partitioning. Making Numbers (HTU)

Place Value. Partitioning. Making Numbers (HTU)

Great worksheet to help children understand the value of a number and how the value of a digit can be manipulated by moving it's position. Reinforce place value, partitioning, reading and writing numbers over 100. Can be used to support classroom learning, consolidation, assessment, or as homework.
Phonics - 'ai' or 'oa' Words, Missing Sounds

Phonics - 'ai' or 'oa' Words, Missing Sounds

Look at the picture and fill in the missing sound - is it 'ai' or 'oa'? Read the simple sentences and fill in the missing words. Write a simple sentence for each of these words: rain boat daisy road Helps to extend vocabulary and phonic knowledge. Can be used to support work in the classroom, as a consolidation activity, or as homework.