
Blake - Songs of Innocence - AQA Social Protest: Complete Pack
A series of 9 lessons focusing on the "Songs of Innocence" section of the collection (Songs of Experience to follow). Each lesson includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, annotated exemplar responses, examiner advice, key assessments and 10 of the poems fully annotated for political concepts.

Full PowerPoint Lessons: Functional Skills Level 1 and 2 Writing
Over 20 PowerPoint lessons teaching the necessary skills for the Functional Skills qualification at Level 1 and 2. Includes progress counters, differentiated activities, writing mats for each text type, annotated exemplar responses and a range of activities.

The Handmaid's Tale - Social Protest and Political Writing - Plot and Structure
A series of lessons focusing on the significance of the novel's structure in relation to Atwood's political ideas. Includes differentiated activities, annotated exemplar responses, progress counters, an assessment point and revision activities.

AQA A Level English Literature New Specification: Othello Revision
A series of lessons focusing on revision of "Othello" in preparation for the extract-based assessment task of Paper 1 at AS and A Level. Includes exemplar responses in different bands, differentiated activities, assessment points as well as self and peer assessment opportunities.

A Level New Spec Social Protest and Political Writing Extracts Full Lessons: Revision
Full PowerPoint lessons focusing on how to approach the unseen extract for Social Protest and Political Writing. Includes fully differentiated tasks, assessments with annotated extracts, step by step approach using examiner's comments and a range of engaging activities.

AQA A Level New Specification English Literature Assessment and Coursework Pack
A Booklet that guides students through the planning and research process of the Coursework element of the Literature course, as well as developing exam skills and introducing new learning for Paper 2.
Also Included is a new mock assessment and mark scheme with feedback sheet for self-assessment.

Full PowerPoint Lessons AQA A Level New Specification: The Handmaid's Tale Chapters 1 - 13
Full PowerPoint lessons teaching elements of social protest and political writing through "A Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood for Chapters 1 - 13. Includes differentiated activities and outcomes, self assessment progress counters, annotated extracts from the text, annotated exemplar responses and additional resources for higher ability students.

Othello - AQA Aspects of Tragedy - Section B Planning
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on how to create a clear argument through engagement with the debate in the task. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, annotated exemplar responses, a range of mock assessment tasks and examiner advice.

AQA Poetry - Love and Relationships Cluster - Planning and Structuring Responses
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on how to structure a response to the Poetry section of Paper 2 and make judicious choices of poem. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, scaffolds, annotated exemplar responses, a range of assessments and examiner advice.

AQA Poetry - Love and Relationships Cluster - Neutral Tones and When We Two Parted
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on analysis of the poems "Neutral Tones" and "When We Two Parted" and drawing connections between them. Includes differentiated activities throughout, annotated exemplar responses, worksheets, examiner advice, an assessment point and engaging group learning

Blake - Songs of Innocence - AQA Social Protest: Little Girl Lost, Little Boy Lost
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on analysis and comparisons between the poems "Little Girl Lost", "Little Girl Found", "Little Boy Lost" and "Little Boy Found" in Songs of Innocence. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning and the poems annotated for aspects of social protest.

Full PowerPoint Lessons for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1
A full Scheme of Work with 13 full PowerPoint lessons on teaching each of the questions for the Paper 1 English language exam; includes differentiated activities, annotated exemplar responses, sentence stems and assessments using a range of extracts from Gothic texts.

AQA A Level - Social Protest and Political Writing: The Kite Runner Chapters 1 - 6
A series of lessons focusing on the opening of the novel through the lens of social protest and political writing. Includes differentiated activities, annotated extracts from the text, exemplar responses, examiner advice, an assessment point and differentiated questioning throughout.

AQA A Level New Spec Othello: Act 4
A series of lessons focusing on Act 4 of "Othello", exploring the use of stage directions, the significance of setting to tragedy and the integrated use of critical theory. Includes annotated extracts, differentiated activities, an assessment paper, exam technique and fully annotated exemplar responses.

Death of a Salesman - AQA Aspects of Tragedy: Act One Complete Pack
A series of 15 lessons focusing on Act 1 of the play and relevant aspects of dramatic tragedy. Each lesson includes differentiated activities throughout, extracts annotated for dramatic methods, engaging group learning, examiner advice and annotated exemplar responses.
Also included is a series of assessment tasks with self-assessment progress counters.

Blake Poetry - Songs of Expereience - AQA Social Protest: A Divine Image and The Human Abstract
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on analysis of "A Divine Image" and "The Human Abstract" and judicious selection of poems according to the task. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, a range of exam tasks, examiner advice and engaging group learning.

The Kite Runner - Social Protest and Political Writing - Political Allegory Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the political allegorical commentary in Chapter 7. Includes differentiated group activities, annotated extracts and engaging lesson ideas.

Macbeth - GCSE Literature - Pivotal Moments Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the pivotal moments in the play in connections to Shakespeare's intentions and conventions. Includes differentiated activities throughout, group and student-led learning, exemplar responses and key contextual factors.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA Literature - Chapter 3 - Dr Jekyll Characterisation Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on Stevenson's initial characterisation of Dr Jekyll. Includes differentiated activities throughout, examiner advice, annotated exemplar responses and an assessment point.

AQA GCSE Literature New Specification: An Inspector Calls lesson - Links within texts
A PowerPoint lesson as part of a Scheme of Work focusing on self-assessment using a progress counter and making links within texts as per the mark scheme for AQA GCSE English Literature New Specification.