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Currently Lead in Psychology and Child Development. As I create lesson resources they are uploaded as a PowerPoint with all essential resources included.




Currently Lead in Psychology and Child Development. As I create lesson resources they are uploaded as a PowerPoint with all essential resources included.
RO18 LO1.2 Pre-conception health: Cambridge Nationals Child Development

RO18 LO1.2 Pre-conception health: Cambridge Nationals Child Development

Lesson on Pre-conception health from learning outcome one. (1.1) Powerpoint provides key terms which students need to be familiar with and a brainstorm your ideas and discussion activity. Powerpoint provides information on diet, exercise, healthy weight, the dangers of smoking, recreational drugs and alcohol and up to date immunisations. Progress grid included throughout so students can see what is required of the information shown. Five true/false questions are provided based on learning which students answer using a whiteboard/ scrap paper. Homework is also included. Follows the Cambridge National Level 1/2: RO18 Learning outcome one: 1.1. Understand reproduction and the roles and responsibilities of parenthood: Pre- conception health.
AQA GCSE Psychology: Social Influence 5.1 What is conformity

AQA GCSE Psychology: Social Influence 5.1 What is conformity

Lesson Point which covers the first part of 5.1 from the AQA specification 8182 what is conformity? Students to guess the new topic based on the three images provided. Students are to do this by guessing letters within the topic through hangman. Students who can guess correctly should justify how they reached the conclusion. Powerpoint highlights what the students need to know for 5.1 from the specification. Learning objectives shown through planning for progress grids. (PFP) Domino activity: Students to discuss with their shoulder partner which definition matches up to the key term. They should justify their choices made and be prepared to justify why. Students are then to ensure they have a copy of the key terms in their exercise books/revision books. Conformity is then explained through examples and explanation of normative and informational conformity provided. Students should create their own example of both informational social influence and normative social influence. Social factors that affect conformity are introduced and students should select if they are factors that affect normative or informational conformity. Dispositional factors are also explained. Students to complete the table in their books as shown on the powerpoint as a useful revision resource. Evaluation points for each factor affectuing conformity are shared. Students are then to attempt the application question worth four marks from a given scenario: Explain one social factor which would of affected your choice to go rollerblading. Refer to the scenario in your answer. (4 marks) Five true or false questions. Two questions based on learning are completed before students leave and homework is set. Consider the following scenes and explain using your knowledge of conformity: (scenes on powerpoint). Exam question plan provided on powerpoint for a 89 marker: Describe and evaluate social factors that affect conformity Please note that Asch’s line study is not included on this powerpoint, however this is available on another powerpoint in my shop. Follows the AQA specification 8182. Paper two: Social Context and Behaviour.
AQA GCSE Psychology:  Social Influence 5.1 Asch's line study 8182

AQA GCSE Psychology: Social Influence 5.1 Asch's line study 8182

Lesson Point which covers the second part of 5.1 from the AQA specification 8182 Asch’s line study. Powerpoint highlights what the students need to know for 5.1 from the specification in regards to description and evaluation of Asch’s study. Learning objectives shown through planning for progress grids. (PFP) Students recap as much information on the topic area as possible and pass along when instructed. The aim is to have a detailed set of notes on all key factors that affect conformity by the end of the activity. Students to add and amend information where necessary. The students pass along three times. Instructions on slide. Discussion activity: Students to discuss with each other the points on the board and make sure they support one another so that they are confident with their knowledge on each topic area. Aim and methods shown on slides for Asch’s line study. Students to either fill out each section of the study into a key study sheet or inn their exercise books. Clear notes should be present for each section. Three minute exam questions based on research methods which are linked to Asch’s key study. (hypothesis and experiment design focus). Short time allowed to discuss students predictions and then slides show the results and conclusion. Students to complete the information on their key study sheet or in their exercise books. Evaluation points to the study are shared on the slides and students to take notes. Exam question (9 marks) is shown and broken down for students showing marks awarded for description, evaluation and approximate number of words. Two minutes allowed for planning time. Plan is then shared and then students allowed 9 minutes to answer the 9 mark exam question. Students could then peer assess if required. Homework is shared and is to design a research study that investigates conformity, separated in three tasks (4 marks). includes challenge task (5 marks). Five questions based on learning are completed before students leave. (based on instructions and ethics). Please note that basic information on conformity and factors that affects conformity are not included in this lesson and are available on a separate lesson. (part one 5.1 What is conformity) Follows the AQA specification 8182. Paper two: Social Context and Behaviour.
memory sow

memory sow

sow for memory topic with planning for progress grids
GCSE year 1 psychology

GCSE year 1 psychology

A summer project or revision workbook for year 1 Includes topic areas for 1st year following aqa specification
LEVEL 1/2 BTEC TECH AWARD IN HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE: Inherited conditions and predisposition to others

LEVEL 1/2 BTEC TECH AWARD IN HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE: Inherited conditions and predisposition to others

Lesson power point on essential content A1. Genetic inheritance, including inherited conditions and predisposition to other conditions. This covers 2-3 lessons in total. Students to identify the physical and lifestyle factors that effect health on each of the images: Diet. Ill health, personal hygiene, exercise, genetic inheritance and substance misuse. Students should justify why each one can effect an individuals health.Students are to discuss any conditions that they are aware of that are inherited. Students are then to identify the genetic conditions from images provided: cystic fibrosis, downs syndrome and Huntington’s disease.I recommend videos to introduce the conditions in the lesson. Included in notes on the power point. Students to have a discussion on how cystic fibrosis and downs syndrome effects PIES. (physical, intellectual, emotional and social development). Random students chosen to feed back discussions. Students are to create an informational flyer on one of the conditions. They should include provide symptoms, any positive and negative effects it has on health, how it effects PIES, treatment and steps to take to improve the persons life chances. I would suggest students have access to textbooks or the internet to gather further information on each. I also recommend the following video to show how some people may be able to see positive features in having some of the conditions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJLSj43nSiI Teacher explains predisposition to the class. Students to note down a definition of the key term. Students should also compare inheritance of a condition to predisposition of a condition. Students to choose a condition and research it with the same content as the previous activity. Symptoms of the three conditions shared with students and class discussion focuses on treatments and ways to improve life chances. Doctor Doctor role play activity: Students can use the symptom flash card for any of the four predisposed conditions. (included) Students are to go to the doctor (who has researched the relevant condition) with their symptoms. The ‘doctor’ needs to discuss the condition with the patient and from the information from their research activity explain the positive and negative effects on their health that the condition could have. The ‘doctor’ should then recommend how the patient can improve their life chances. Students will then swop roles with a different predisposed condition. Students should record any information they require. Test your knowledge questions worth 8 marks and homework to write a diary entry discussing an average day living with the condition and how it affects PIES.