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Carrie's War Blurb
Identify features of a blurb, find the information in the story (where is Carrie from, where is she going) and grammar rules, correct punctuation.

Gymnastics Jump Cards
Like all displays and visual aid they really make a difference when children can see them. These are different types of jumps used in gym.

GCSE PE Powerpoint Family Fortunes
You can adapt this powepoint for any starter or activity in your GCSE PE syllabus. I used this for a starter in a BTEC lesson but you can play about with the buzzers etc...

Gifted and Talented Audit
This is audit given to pupils to help assess who the G&T pupils are in your school.

Primary Outdoor Education
Although this has year 7 on the planning I have used it with year 5&6 for OAA during the summer.

Netball High Five Rules
Here are some task cards, squad rotation sheet and some rules to get you started.