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I am Head of Social Sciences teaching AS/A level Sociology and Psychology. For many years I’ve taught History through to A'level and Archaeology through to GCSE and have been Citizenship/PSHE coordinator. I am currently an accredited Lead Practitioner (leading on Stretch and Challenge), an AQA Senior Examiner for Sociology Paper 3 and an AQA EPQ Moderator. I’ve authored an AS/A level Sociology Revision book for Paper 1 (AQA), published by Collins - for the current 2015 Spec.




I am Head of Social Sciences teaching AS/A level Sociology and Psychology. For many years I’ve taught History through to A'level and Archaeology through to GCSE and have been Citizenship/PSHE coordinator. I am currently an accredited Lead Practitioner (leading on Stretch and Challenge), an AQA Senior Examiner for Sociology Paper 3 and an AQA EPQ Moderator. I’ve authored an AS/A level Sociology Revision book for Paper 1 (AQA), published by Collins - for the current 2015 Spec.
GCSE WJEC Sociology: Crime and Deviance – Interactionism & the Media

GCSE WJEC Sociology: Crime and Deviance – Interactionism & the Media

This PowerPoint is used as the 9+th lesson for GCSE WJEC Sociology (Paper 2: Crime and Deviance Section). The PowerPoints covers Sociological Theory – Interactionism their core concepts and theories and an evaluation - with a separate ppt examining the role of the media. There are also a range of activities included. Reference to the text book is the WJEC Illuminate Textbook. I have embedded a video clip within the Media and Crime ppt, any problems, please let me know and I will send it to you separately.
GCSE WJEC Sociology:  Crime and Deviance – Functionalist Theory

GCSE WJEC Sociology: Crime and Deviance – Functionalist Theory

This PowerPoint is used as the 6th lesson for GCSE WJEC Sociology (Paper 2: Crime and Deviance Section). The PowerPoints covers Sociological Theory – Functionalism, their core concepts and theories and an evaluation. There are also a range of activities included. Reference to the text book is the WJEC Illuminate Textbook.
Introduction to Sociology  for Yr 11 Taster Day:  Norms, Values and Culture

Introduction to Sociology for Yr 11 Taster Day: Norms, Values and Culture

This provides a 1 hour plus start to sociology develops the ideas of society, culture, role, status, stereotyping - as well as developing themes such as social control, belief, family, education etc. There are a good range of accompanying resources to see you through the lesson, to teach from and for students to record their individual/group ideas. This is based on the Shirbits idea. I have a 2 taster sessions (both uploaded).
GCE AQA Sociology: Families and Households (7191/2, 7192/2): Revision Quiz

GCE AQA Sociology: Families and Households (7191/2, 7192/2): Revision Quiz

Quiz involving 4 rounds - Sociologists, studies, picture round and pot luck. The Joker card enables a group to double their points (groups must declare their joker before the round starts). For a really competitive group 'The Devil Card' works well, enabling another team to steal points from one they elect. The document has the answers for each round included - make sure these are removed before use with a class!
Introduction to Sociology for Yr 11 Taster Day: Establishing Society

Introduction to Sociology for Yr 11 Taster Day: Establishing Society

This provides a 1 hour starter/taster to sociology develops the ideas of society, role, stereotyping - as well as developing themes such as social control, belief, family, education etc. The session is taught through the PowerPoint and based around discussion of the roles needed for society, whats needed to create a functional society, who would best provide the roles and inevitably stereotyping. Students typically discuss the need for power and control and who has it. This leads to some nice early ideas developing Marxism and Functionalism. Accompanying resources are attached. This is based on the lifeboat game. I have a 2 taster sessions (both uploaded).
GCSE WJEC Sociology: Crime and Deviance – Marxists Theory

GCSE WJEC Sociology: Crime and Deviance – Marxists Theory

This PowerPoint is used as the 8+th lesson for GCSE WJEC Sociology (Paper 2: Crime and Deviance Section). The PowerPoints covers Sociological Theory – Marxism, their core concepts and theories and an evaluation (seperate ppt for Working class and corporate crime). There are also a range of activities included. Reference to the text book is the WJEC Illuminate Textbook.
Exemplar Work Wall Display

Exemplar Work Wall Display

Use of exemplar material as wall displays can be great to help model A/A* work for students. The attachments are an example of Exemplar Work for Sociology (20/20) with a picture of it displayed in my room. I find the key terms great on the wall to draw the attention of the students. Having used the markscheme extensively with students, they have become adept at marking each others work pretty effectively with the AQA markscheme. I have also included a powerpoint that I used for staff training, to assist with the use of exemplar work being used around the college.
GCSE WJEC Sociology:  Crime and Deviance – Social Construction

GCSE WJEC Sociology: Crime and Deviance – Social Construction

This PowerPoint is used as the 2nd lesson for GCSE WJEC Sociology (Paper 2: Crime and Deviance Section). It introduces the concepts of Social Concept and Social Fact. The PowerPoint gives information and activities. The reference to the text book is the WJEC Illuminate Textbook. For the 1st slide I used the Vuvuzela noise which I got from YouTube, There were numerous posts of this.
AQA 7993 EPQ Training for Staff - EPQ Launch

AQA 7993 EPQ Training for Staff - EPQ Launch

This PowerPoint is aimed at staff, as part of a training programme to launch and train staff to become Supervisors for AQA’s EPQ. Best used alongside exemplar material (with marking commentaries) which I can provide if required. AQA A'Level EPQ 7993
The Medieval Church

The Medieval Church

Medieval Church. For a lesson on the role of the church - control and punish. Considers the idea of 'sin&' and punishment and where Doom Paintings fit in.
GCE AQA Sociology: Crime and Deviance  (7192/3): Revision Quiz

GCE AQA Sociology: Crime and Deviance (7192/3): Revision Quiz

Quiz involving 4 rounds - Sociologists, studies, picture round and pot luck. The Joker card enables a group to double their points (groups must declare their joker before the round starts). For a really competitive group 'The Devil Cards' work well, enabling half of another teams points to be stolen! The document has the answers for each round included - make sure these are removed before use with a class! Note - there are a couple of ‘suicide’ questions included, as the quiz was created pre-spec 2015. These need to be removed and replaced as Suicide is no longer in the Spec.
Practical Application:  From Design Brief to Proposed Sociological Methodology!

Practical Application: From Design Brief to Proposed Sociological Methodology!

I created this lesson for an observation. It was a 2 hour lesson but you could split it over 2 lessons or reduce it down to 1 1/2 hours. There is a practical starter - reminding of terms and the process of choosing a methodology from start to finish. The main activity comprises of 5 separate applied scenarios. Students are given one of these Briefs and then need to decided what questions they need to ask to proceed further to make decisions about this proposed study. They are then given further information - giving info about personal characteristics, funds, funding bodies etc. There is an activity to run along side this and lesson plan to explain how the lesson runs.
Gender Dysphoria - AQA Psychology A'Level 7182/3

Gender Dysphoria - AQA Psychology A'Level 7182/3

This is a complete lesson covering Gender Dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder). Resources include a complete lesson PowerPoint, activities such as case studies, evaluation sorting activity leading to essay practice, video documentary and assessment marking activity. I have used this at A'level, however, it could easily be adapted and used for PSHE. AQA Psychology A'Level 7182/3
Flipped Learning: Staff Presentation/Training

Flipped Learning: Staff Presentation/Training

I was asked to put together a presentation for staff to explain what Flipped Learning is, the importance of it and give some examples of how to use it. The PowerPoint does just that! This was followed up with further training sessions relating to Stretch and Challenge, which I am a Lead Practitioner for and use Flipped Learning as a strategy to develop this. Please feel free to contact me if you would like further explanation of any activities or further examples. The final data collection sheet I give as an example - is one that has been used in a training session I have attended. It has no copyright and I do not know who to credit it to.
Introduction to AQA GCE A'level Sociology

Introduction to AQA GCE A'level Sociology

A powerpoint outlining the course and decoding the exam language. It then moves into an introduction to sociology with a range of activities and concepts relating to social constructionism, time and place, cultural difference etc.
Yr 12 Tutor Session - Inroduction to Yr 12/Level 3

Yr 12 Tutor Session - Inroduction to Yr 12/Level 3

1st lesson with my Year 12s - Tutor time. I used the powerpoint to get them to think about the GCSE/GCE gap! The powerpoint was to help get to know their fellow tutees. I have further Year 12 and 13 Tutor material uploaded.
AQA GCE Psychology Taster Sessions and Information

AQA GCE Psychology Taster Sessions and Information

5 Resources
This bundle includes three separate taster sessions, aimed at Year 11s, (2 are designed to last 1 hour, the AI session ia 45 mins). This includes PowerPoint for the lessons and activity sheets. Furthermore a detailed information leaflet for Year 11 for the course, including course information, career progression, further reading etc.