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Miss Nicole Janssen's Shop

It is my philosophy that all learners are given opportunities that cater to their diverse learning styles and encouraged through a growth-mindset that values effort over speed, accuracy and traditional achievement standards.

It is my philosophy that all learners are given opportunities that cater to their diverse learning styles and encouraged through a growth-mindset that values effort over speed, accuracy and traditional achievement standards.
Shoes From Grandpa Activity Pack

Shoes From Grandpa Activity Pack

SHOES FROM GRANDPA ACTIVITY PACK Activities designed to compliment the children’s book ‘Shoes from Grandpa’ by Mem Fox. This recourse has been created as an activity pack to facilitate a variety of different learning opportunities to develop vocabulary, phonetics, fine motor, creative thinking, writing, and language skills. Activities included in the pack and how they were created to be used: students … Help Grandpa pack away his clothes – cut and paste items of clothing into grandpa’s wardrobe using dice with a bonus mathematics skill (subitizing). Write the words – use phonetic awareness and skills to spell the different items of clothing in the book. Book review – reflect on the book by drawing or writing about their favourite part in the book and use a smiley scale to provide a rating. Sentence strip with frame –trace and fill in the blacks to complete a sentence. Draw a picture of Jesse wearing grandpas clothing. Word search – find the words in boxes. Bingo –students listen for the words when the book is read out loud. Disclaimer: all clip art used have been sourced under CC BY.
There's a Sea in my Bedroom Activity Pack

There's a Sea in my Bedroom Activity Pack

THERE’S A SEA IN MY BEDROOM ACTIVITY PACK Activities designed to compliment the children’s book ‘There’s a Sea in my Bedroom’ by Margaret Wild. HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE: This recourse has been created as an activity pack to facilitate a variety of different learning opportunities to develop vocabulary, phonetics, fine motor, creative thinking, writing, and language skills. Activities included in the pack and how they were created to be used: students … Trace and fill the adjective – read the text as a class and discuss adjectives. Brainstorm adjectives that correspond with the sentences, trace, fill in the blanks, and illustrate. Sentence order cut and paste – provide students with page and jumbled sentence strips. Students complete independently or modelled depending on ability. Students illustrate sentence once complete. Senses retrieval chart – teacher reads book aloud while students close their eyes. Once complete discuss the senses and draw or write words related to the book. Senses retrieval cut and paste –students cut and paste the pictures to the corresponding boxes. Senses writing – students use the sentence starters (either cut and paste or as prompts) to write sentences about the book. They then illustrate their sentences. Disclaimer: all clip art used have been sourced under CC BY.