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Nikki79's Shop - Kalliopi Education

I am a qualified secondary school teacher, now specialising in tutoring. I create resources for KS1 to KS4 in English and Maths, and Business studies.

I am a qualified secondary school teacher, now specialising in tutoring. I create resources for KS1 to KS4 in English and Maths, and Business studies.
Figurative Language

Figurative Language

Study Guide and Workbook for KS3/KS4 English Language. Study Guide to show how figuarative lanaugae is used within texts. Workbook to help students practice how to use figuarative Language within thier writing or when anaylising texts.
Animal Flash Cards

Animal Flash Cards

A set of Animal flash cards, to be used to enhance a students spelling, phonics and imagination. Cards can be laminated and cut up to play as a game, Select the card look at the picture and then answer the questions on the back. Each card asks the student to say and spell, before moving to descriptive imaginative creative writing.
Creating Sentences

Creating Sentences

A practical workbook, taking students through the formation of sentences. Looking at Full stops, Capital letters, commas, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives and ending with writing complex sentences.
Flash Cards Indices

Flash Cards Indices

A set of Flash cards to help students revise Indices. Cards can be laminated and cut up, students can choose a card and ask each other the questions.
Flash Cards Synonyms

Flash Cards Synonyms

A set of Flash cards, each card shows a number of different synonyms for that Word. This can be used to develop a child’s vocabulary. It is suitable for KS2, KS3 and KS4 students. This collection is made up of 16 different words. This set comes in a PDF File Additional cards can be found on the website. Cards can also be purchased as laminated set.
SPAG Workbook and Study Guide

SPAG Workbook and Study Guide

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar, all essential for learning the English language. This SPAG workbook and study guide, gives students the guidance of when to use SPAG and then activities to build thier confidence. Suitable for KS2 to KS4.
Root Words workbook

Root Words workbook

A practical set of activities to help understand how root words are used within the English language.