An introductory lesson to components inside the PC and the boot up system with an editable do now activity at the start.
teacher presentation
student slides which can be shared electronically or printed
Lesson 2 of 6 in a sequence of KS3 (ideally Year 7) lessons.
Lesson 9 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Cloud Storage
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Lesson 6 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Fetch DEcode Execute Cycle
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
An introductory lesson to E-Safety with an editable do now activity at the start.
teacher presentation
student slides which can be shared electronically or printed
Lesson 5 of 6 in a sequence of KS3 (ideally Year 7) lessons.
Lesson 2 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Boolean Logic
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Includes a worksheet
Lesson 1 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Hardware and Software
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Lesson 7 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Memory and Storage
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Lesson 5 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic:Von Neumann and the CPU
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Also includes a worksheet
Lesson 8 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Storage
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Also includes a worksheet
Lesson 3 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Software Classification
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Also includes a worksheet
Lesson 4 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Operating System
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
Also includes a reading article from a textbook
Lesson 10 out of 10 on computer Systems GCSE.
Lesson Topic: Embedded Systems
Planned in correspondence to the AQA GCSE Computer Science curriculum.
Includes a Do Now activity, tasks and an exam style exit ticket.
An introductory lesson to Computer systems with an editable do now activity at the start.
teacher presentation
student slides which can be shared electronically or printed
Includes interactive whiteboard tasks.
Lesson 1 of 6 in a sequence of KS3 (ideally Year 7) lessons.
An introductory lesson to the internet and the difference with the World Wide Web with an editable do now activity at the start.
teacher presentation
student slides which can be shared electronically or printed
Lesson 4 of 6 in a sequence of KS3 (ideally Year 7) lessons.
An introductory lesson to Software with an editable do now activity at the start.
teacher presentation
student slides which can be shared electronically or printed
Lesson 3 of 6 in a sequence of KS3 (ideally Year 7) lessons.