'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.'
Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known.
'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.'
Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known.
Being a relief teacher and a substitute teacher can come with its own set of challenges.
This Relief Teacher Survival Kit is your one-stop resource for handling a job assignment with confidence and ease! Your students will LOVE all of the easy-to-use activities
If you are just starting out in your teaching career, or if you need a spark of new ideas, this resource is jam-packed with activities you can use with your students. It includes hundreds of fun, authentic, and engaging activities that I have used with great success in my own classrooms throughout my teaching career.
-This pack will help you to pick up and tackle any class in grades 3-4
Activities are aligned to suit the capabilities of these students with additional sheets that can be used as covers for work books, or early finishing activities
What is included in this pack?
Math worksheets
Fractions-shapes and numbers
Math facts
Place value
Graphs and data
Two step addition
Multiplication practise
Word Problems
A range of worksheets across different aspects of any literacy curriculum- spelling, writing, grammar and comprehension
Spelling sheet
Find a word
Verbs, nouns and adjectives
Descriptive writing
Synonyms and antonyms
Comparative idioms
Film review
Present Simple Tense
Confusing verbs
Icebreaker activities
My weekend
Find someone who
Guess who
Geography worksheets- general geography activities so that they can be used across all countries
Pet investigation-which country, fun facts
Natural and built environments
Reading comprehension -Floods
Country Fact files and comparison
Design a coin and a note
A-Z of countries
Feeling Safe
Personal boundaries
People I trust
Teaching tips for Relief/Substitute teachers-teacher feedback
On arrival at your school
Preparing your bag of tricks
Rewards and awards
Teacher feedback sheet
Incident report sheets
While you were out
Behavior management strategies
Positive phrases to use with your students
Getting to know you
Cover sheets
A sheet for each subject that students can color in or use as book covers. Ideal to use as an early finishing sheet to have on hand if you need it.
The key to feeling less stress and having more success as a substitute teacher is being organised and well-prepared.
Print and bind the pages into a book format, which you can take with you to your various teaching assignments.Don’t forget to rate after downloading! (It gives you credit towards your next TpT purchase!
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
• Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
• On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
• Firstly read each word in the word list
• Then copy and write each word 3 times
• Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Use this resource for…
Words ending in- able
Words ending in- able
Words ending in - ably
Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning
Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning
Creating diminutives using prefixes micro- or mini-
Ambitious Synonyms: Adjectives
Homophones & Near Homophones: Nouns that endin -ce/-cy and verbs that end in-se/-sy
Adjectives ending in -ant into nouns ending in -ance/-ancy
Adjectives ending in -ent into nouns ending in -ence/-ency
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
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Oceanview Resources
Follow my BLOG for ideas
Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates!
Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
• Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
• On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
• Firstly read each word in the word list
• Then copy and write each word 3 times
• Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Use this resource for…
Words with the long /ay / sound spelt with ei
Words with the long /ay/ sound spelt with ey
Words with the long /ay/ sound spelt with ai
Homophones & near homophones
Homophones & near homophones
Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly
(no change to root word)
Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly
(root word ends in ‘y’ with more than one syllable)
Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly
(root word ends in ‘le’)
Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly
(exceptions to the rules)
Creating adverbs using the suffix –ly
(root word ends in ‘ic’ or ‘al’)
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES!
Oceanview Resources
Follow my BLOG for ideas
Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates!
Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
• Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
• On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
• Firstly read each word in the word list
• Then copy and write each word 3 times
• Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Use this resource for…
The sounds /n/ spelt ‘kn’ and less often ‘gn’ at the beginning of words.
The sounds /r/ spelt ‘wr’ at the beginning of words.
The sound /l/ spelt with ‘-il’ and ‘-al’ at the end of words.
The sound /j/ spelt with ‘-dge’ and ‘-ge’ at the end of words.
The sound /j/ often spelt with g before e, i and y.
The sound /j/ always spelt with ’j’ before a, o and u.
The sound /l/ spelt with ‘-le’ at the end of words.
The sound /l/ spelt with ‘-el’ at the end of words.
The sound /l/ spelt with ‘-il’ and ‘-al’ at the end of words.
The sound /igh/ spelt with ‘-y’ at the end of word.
Adding –ies to nouns and verbs ending in -y.
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES!
Oceanview Resources
Follow my BLOG for ideas
Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates!
Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
• Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
• On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
• Firstly read each word in the word list
• Then copy and write each word 3 times
• Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Use this resource for…
The digraphs ‘ai’ and ‘oi’ are hardly ever used at the end of English words.
The digraphs ‘ay’ and ‘ oy’ are used for those sounds at the end of words and at the end of syllables.
The sound /oa/ spelt with the vowel digraphs ‘oa’ ‘ow’ and ‘oe’ (‘oa’ is very rare at the end of a word.
The sound /ee/ spelt ‘e’ with the digraph ‘ee’.
The vowel digraph ‘ea’.
The vowel digraph ‘ie’ making the /igh/ and /ee/ sounds.
The sounds /f/ and /s/, spelt ‘ff’ and ‘ss’.
The sounds /l/ and /k/, /z/ spelt ‘ll’, ‘zz’ and ‘ck’.
The sound spelt n before g ‘ng’.
The sound spelt n before k ‘nk’. The sound /ch/ spelt ‘ch’.
The sound /ch/ spelt –‘tch’.
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES! Oceanview Resources Follow my BLOG for ideas Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates! Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
• Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
• On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
• Firstly read each word in the word list
• Then copy and write each word 3 times
• Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Use this resource for…
Words with /aw/ spelt with augh and au
Adding the prefix –in (meaning ‘not’ or ‘into’)
Adding the prefix ‘im’ (before a root word starting with ‘m’ or ‘p’)
Homophones and near homophones
Words with /shun/ endings spelt with ‘sion’
(if root word ends in ‘se’. ‘de’ or ‘d’)
Words with a /shuhn/ sound, spelt with ‘sion’
(if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ or ‘d’)
Words with a /shuhn/ sound, spelt with ‘ssion’
(if root word ends in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’)
Words with a /shuhn/ sound, spelt with ‘tion’
(if root word ends in ‘te’ or ‘t’ or has no definite root)
Words with a /shuhn/ sound, spelt with ‘cian’
(if root word ends in ‘c’ or ‘cs’)
Words with ‘ough’ to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES!
Oceanview Resources
Follow my BLOG for ideas
Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates!
Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
· Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
· On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
· Firstly read each word in the word list
· Then copy and write each word 3 times
· Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Week 1 Words with suffix – ful/-fully
Week 2 Words with 2 syllable components
Week 3 Words with suffix – tion/-sion
Week 4 Words with suffix -ly/-ally
Week 5 Words with suffix -able/-ably
Week 6 Contraction words
Week 7 Final -er words
Week 8 Y to i change
Week 9 Contraction words
Week 1 Final -le/-al words
Use this resource for…
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
· Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
· On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
· Firstly read each word in the word list
· Then copy and write each word 3 times
· Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Week 1 Long “a” pattern –a-e words
Week 2 Long “o” pattern –o-e words
Week 3 Short “oo” pattern –oo words
Week 4 Long “a” pattern –ay words
Week 5 Long “o” pattern –ow words
Week 6 Short “o” pattern -ow words
Week 7 Long “i” pattern –i-e words
Week 8 Long “o” pattern –oa words
Week 9 Long “oo” pattern words
Week 1 Long “e” pattern –ee words
Use this resource for…
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
· Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
· On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
· Firstly read each word in the word list
· Then copy and write each word 3 times
· Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Week 1 Sight words, r-controlled vowels
Week 2 Sight words, r-controlled
Week 3 Sight words, r-controlled vowels
Week 4 Sight words, r-controlled vowels
Week 5 Sight words, long “oo” sound
Week 6 Sight words, ‘shun’ sound, spelt ‘tion’, ‘ss’
Week 7 Sight words, ‘shun’ sound, spelt ‘tion’
Week 8 Sight words, ‘oo’ pronounced short oo’ and ‘u’ sounds
Week 9 Compound words
Week 1 Compound words
Use this resource for…
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Do you struggle to get your kiddos enthused to practise their table facts?
Then these board games could be just he answer for your math centers.
-Multiplication Center Games and Activities: This collection of printable games contains 11 game boards and cards that review multiplication up to 12 x 12.
They are a fun way to help students develop fact fluency. These are PRINT and PLAY games. They require LITTLE PREP. They will be best printed on cardstock or even laminated for longevity.
This Multiplication Pack is aimed to develop a deep understanding of multiplication and build fluency with multiplication facts. Editable versions of the playing cards means that you can also use this pack to create other games for different subjects…not just math, but any subject.
Be sure to download the PREVIEW FILE and this video to get a closer look!
Multiplication Center Activities and Games Included:
The bright graphics in these game boards will certainly appeal to a range of age groups. This pack include ;
a set of 11 game boards that can be used with any game
question cards for all of the tables facts from 2X to 12X
game rules and suggestions (These will be found in the attached PDF file)
printing tips
a fully editable version of the task cards so that you can create your own across all subject areas if you desire.
The PowerPoint version enables you to use these game boards on the IWB in conjunction with the cards provided
You will receive a zip file with high color graphics (please note there are NO black and white versions of the games available)
A 5 page PDF, as well as a 2 page editable PowerPoint.
Please note that the dice, counters, squinkies and playing pieces shown in the image previews are not included as part of this set.
What people are saying about this resource
“My students have enjoyed these games! They always look forward to it! There is a variety of questions and levels of difficulty. I am very pleased with this purchase. Thank you.”
“A good resource that my students will enjoy. I really appreciate the editable version you included. I will be able to use these game boards for a variety of subjects. I opened the Editable version first and was confused about how to play the game. The directions are in the PDF file. Thanks so much!”
'Fun game to help with multiplication. "
“Great resource to use with my tutoring students. Thank so much!”
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This set of activities contains a PDF for students, Teachers’ PowerPoint presentation and accompanying video made specifically for this resource. Use these worksheets to accompany your lessons in teaching the elements of art.
Students can cut out the individual lesson notes and glue them into their sketchbooks as you go or they can attach the entire page into their sketchbooks and then use the following pages to complete the prompts.
Students learn about the element of geometric and organic shapes using guided worksheets and the video to guide them through the activities.
References and a further suggested websites are included, as well as a PDF on the 7 elements of Art which serves as an introduction. These are included in each of the 7 sets.
Feedback & Benefits for YOU!
Don’t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases. I love that feedback!
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This set of activities contains a PDF for students, Teachers’ PowerPoint presentation and accompanying video made specifically for this resource. Use these worksheets to accompany your lessons in teaching the elements of art.
Students can cut out the individual lesson notes and glue them into their sketchbooks as you go or they can attach the entire page into their sketchbooks and then use the following pages to complete the prompts.
Lessons about basic colour theory including the Colour Wheel, mixing colours, primary, secondary and tertiary colours, harmonious (analogous) colours, complimentary (contrasting) colours. Includes lesson plans for colour mixing, painting and using colour schemes.
References and a further suggested websites are included, as well as a PDF on the 7 elements of Art which serves as an introduction. These are included in each of the 7 sets.
Feedback & Benefits for YOU!
Don’t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases. I love that feedback!
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
This set of activities contains a PDF for students, Teachers’ PowerPoint presentation and accompanying video made specifically for this resource. Use these worksheets to accompany your lessons in teaching the elements of art.
Students can cut out the individual lesson notes and glue them into their sketchbooks as you go or they can attach the entire page into their sketchbooks and then use the following pages to complete the prompts.
Students learn about the element of line by creating and reviewing different types of lines and using templates and worksheets as practice for their art journals.
After reviewing types of lines with your students using the worksheet in this resource, students can add different lines to sections of their drawing.
References and a further suggested websites are included, as well as a PDF on the 7 elements of Art which serves as an introduction. These are included in each of the 7 sets.
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Start the year with this fun getting to know you Bunting which can be added to throughout the year.
Get to know your students as they add
Facts about themselves
What their favorite things are
Self Portraits
A letter to their teacher
Their thoughts about school
What each student would like to learn throughout the year and how best to support them.
Students cut out each of the triangles which make up the display,
Staple them together
Color in their Kid Topper
Glue it to the top to be displayed around the room
Write a letter to their new teacher at the start and finish of the school year as a reflection activity which serves as both a keepsake and a momento of their term with you as their teacher.
(US and UK/AUS spelling versions included)
This is a fun activity to do with your students at the beginning of a new school year! They look fabulous when they are displayed together around the room!
You could also do this activity if you’re a relief/substitute teacher, since you want to build relationships with the students!
The students love it when you want to learn more about them!
A nice display to show their regular teacher when they return
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Secrets of the organized student
-Getting organized can make life easier for kids with learning and thinking differences. It might take some effort in the beginning, but it’s worth it in the long run. Here are tips to help kids improve organizational skills at home, at school, and beyond.
-Kids with ADHD rarely keep their backpacks tidy — and that sometimes has serious consequences on overall academic performance. These organization strategies can help kids build the skills they need to stay neat — or at least neatish!
-There are always a couple students each year who really struggle to stay organized. Maybe you notice this characteristic in your own children. Messy desks and work areas, can’t locate things, have difficulty getting organized for class, often don’t have the tools they need for the day or forget homework, are unaware of deadlines, have trouble prioritizing or planning to complete activities, and perhaps this causes them to be unfocused.
-Here are a few tips to help support these students and relieve them of the stresses around becoming organised. It can be a frustration for child, parents and teacher, and can often impact on instruction time, while they struggle to find supplies and books.
-This is a 27 page PDF download, which will has strategies, templates and posters that you can use to help students to become organised in the classroom and doing their work at home.
This eBook will help to relieve some of the stresses around unpacking assignments, planning, prioritizing and organizing their time.
-There are some fabulous links that students will find incredibly engaging and useful. The poster images are simple yet the strategies demonstrated in them are effective in helping students to get organized in their work habits.
-For many of our students who may be diagnosed ADD or ADHD, this can be a very challenging area. Many special needs students in older grades will benefit from the scaffolds, websites and planning templates included in the book,
You will Get a Zip file with both US and AUS/UK spellings. Please make sure that you have the software on your computer to unzip the file
What people have said about this product
Fantastic resource! Exactly what I needed!
Thank you! This has been very helpful. There were great ideas that I used with my special ed students.
This was so helpful for my son! Thank you for helping me turn him into an organized student!
-Options for using this resource:
Create a second copy for students to take home so that there is continuity across both school and home environments.
-The best part?
This resource requires NO PREP and is easy to use.
You will receive a Zip file which has both a PDF and PowerPoint version of this resource. Please ensure that you have the software to open such files.
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
· Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
· On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
· Firstly read each word in the word list
· Then copy and write each word 3 times
· Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Week 1 Initial wh - pattern
Week 2 Final digraph –nk
Week 3 Final blend – lt
Week 4 Words with the suffix – ly
Week 5 Words with the suffix – er
Week 6 Words with the suffix – ful, full
Week 7 Words with the suffix – able
Week 8 Words with the suffix – est
Week 9 Words with the suffix – ness
Week 1 Final – sion/-tion
Use this resource for…
Morning Work
Literacy Centres
Early Finisher Tasks
Spelling Intervention
Distance Learning
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Motivate and engage your students with these fun no games that require little or no preparation. Perfect for Morning Meeting activities
-Fun Friday games, rewards and brain breaks, this NO-PREP game bundle is highly motivating for your students.
-From time to time, as relief teachers we will go to a classroom and find that there is no lesson plan waiting. If you are familiar with the subject at hand, you can typically use the textbook as a basis for a lesson about the topic currently being taught. However, an issue arises when you know little about the class’s subject.
Improvising for Relief Teachers
-It is best to come prepared for the worst with activities and ideas of things to do with students which will engage and keep them on task. Obviously, it is always best to relate any work that you give to the subject if you can, but if not, it is still important to keep students busy and on task. In terms of classroom management, the worst thing to do is to just let them talk. This can often lead to either disruption within the class or even worse noise levels that disturb neighbouring teachers.
-There are countless skills that students can develop through game playing such as critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanship.
-They are great fun, and I have tried every one of them in my classes.
Quickly and easily plan an activity, physical education lessons or math and spelling game with these NO PREP ideas.
-We all need to have these games up our sleeve for those lessons that may run short by 1-15 minutes, or as a brain break.
This booklet is a must have for any teacher working as a Substitute or Relief Teacher.
-Easy to implement (simply have the PDF on your phone or external drive for easy reference)
Index is hyperlinked to make finding and activity even easier for you.
Included in the booklet are over 40 activities including:
Icebreaker Questions
Would you rather?
This or that?
Kim’s Game
Human Knots
One Fact
Sort Yourselves Out
What’s the Mystery Object?
Celebrity Head
Alphabet Letters
Guess Who I’m Thinking of?
Heads Down, Thumbs Up
Silly Sally
Going To A Party, Going To The Moon
Hula Hoop Pass
Grandpa’s House, Grandmother’s Cupboard
It Could Be Worse
…and much more!
Create a beautiful, calm and organized class with this OCEAN ROADTRIP Themed editable pack with a bright sunny background. I have put together a pack to cover everything you might need. Take a look at the preview to see some of the items included.
This set is designed to meet the needs of abilities across a range of classes.
Master decor pack- which includes name desk cards with number lines and alphabets, an alphabet desk card, tub labels, group job labels, editable calendar, numbers in circle themed tags, name tags, colour posters, birthday cards, awards, alphabet cards, desk group name cards, editable cards to make your own.
alphabet cards with images
alphabet cards without images- ideal for copying or use with playdough and sorting
folder spines for easy identification
daily schedule
editable calendar
continents of the world
tub labels-rectangle and square
newsletter template-editable
punctuation posters
roman numerals
2D, 3D and nets of shapes
Number cards with ten frames
Times Table Charts A3
Roman Numerals A3
Continents A3
Punctuation Posters A3
Foundation style numbers and letters for NSW teachers (Other states- no problem as these are all fully editable
Additional A3 sheets included are:
weather chart
jobs list
daily calendar
classroom poster
maths language posters
maths mindset posters with emoji themes
types of triangles
time facts
parts of speech posters
I have used Century Gothic as the placeholder in these slides but it is up to the teacher to individually modify them.
The lines may not suit the font that you are using and so I have provided you with a blank sheet that can be used for you to add the line style that is used in your particular school or district.
In Australia, for example, we have a different font style for each state and so it would be incredibly difficult to create a resource for everyone of them….hence this resource being made editable.
If you would prefer not to do the editing yourself, I am happy to do it for you for you for a small fee (you would need to provide the font for me to use as I don’t have all school fonts on my computer)
This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Turn your dramatic play center into a vet office, animal hospital, or pet clinic with these dramatic play printables! These printable pieces will enhance your “Pet Clinic” dramatic play center and help you create a fun and organized imaginative play centre.
Dramatic Play is a great way to develop oral language skills, cooperation, content vocabulary and social skills in your early childhood classroom!
Use this packet to set up a Vet Clinic dramatic play area in your learning space. It doesn’t need to cost a lot of money, in fact you probably have a lot of resources already around the classroom or home that you can use! You might even like to ask your students to help collect objects they can use!
In order to save you some time preparing signs, labels and printables for your imaginative play, I’ve created a bunch of wonderful printables ready to use in your vet clinic role-play area!
What’s included?
Open and closed signs
Vet Clinic Open Banner
Waiting Room sign
Recovery Room sign
Exam Room sign
Opening Hours sign
Medicine Schedule sign
Images of vets at work to encourage discussion
Small labels for tools (such as thermometers, stethoscopes, medicine, gloves etc)
Small labels for pet related items (such as tags, toys, food etc)
Food labels to attach to recycled bottles and containers
Appointment Book + printables for inside
Patient information posters
Xrays of animals
Pet shop Bingo
This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list.
• Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists
• On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below)
• Firstly read each word in the word list
• Then copy and write each word 3 times
• Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided.
Week 1 In words ending in -ent and -ant, the e and a are often mistaken for one another.
Week 2 In many words, the letter i is confused with an e, y or a.
Week 3 Many English words use double consonants.
Week 4 Homophones are two words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings.
Week 5 Words with an ‘o’ sometimes are misspelled because the ‘o’ is left out of the word.
Week 6 In English, an s is added to the end of a word for two reasons.
Week 7 Words with an o sometimes get misspelled because the ‘o’ is mispronounced or an extra vowel, such as an ‘i, ‘is added.
Week 8 Many English words use double consonants.
Week 9 Many English words use a prefix before a root word.
Week 10Many writers confuse -ent and -ant, -ence and -ance, and -ery and -ary.
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