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OceanView resources

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'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.' Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known. Creating




'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.' Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known. Creating


A small sample of some of the great graphic organiser which are just a small part of the larger collection of printable resources in my 'Ultimate Relief teaching Survival Kit' Print these off to use to plan, summarise, brainstorm or use on the IWB with the smart ink tools to help work collaboratively with the students, so that they get the idea to fill in their own worksheets. Space has been left for you to fill in your own topic for each worksheet. The original book has over 570 pages, an incredibly thorough resource for any Substitute or relieving teacher. Enjoy this free version and I hope that they are a welcome addition to your teaching kit.


Use these quick writing starters to get the brain ticking over. These are best used as a timed activity with students given a short amount of time 10-15 minutes to work on their writing. No worrying about spelling, the focus of these tasks is to get the ideas flowing and down onto paper. Group sharing of ideas is an important and integral part of this process. Students may be encouraged to work further on one of these ideas. Use the dice template for a different variation of characters settings and problems with a multitude of combinations. Best printed on heavy card stock or laminated for durability.
Pictures for Number Talks

Pictures for Number Talks

Do you need a set of Real life Pictures for Number talks in your classrooms? Then this is the set for you The value of using authentic images in your math lessons and rotations-Mathematics educators have long known that engaging students in visual representations of mathematics is extremely helpful for their learning. Utilizing imagery and visual memory can be very helpful when learning mathematics such as proportions. A single picture can help a student define and remember a concept, or it can even help them to recall the steps required to compute a problem. -Students need daily opportunities to engage with mathematical ideas in purposeful and playful ways. -They provide time for authentic, independent practice that connects to what they have learned through whole class quality instruction. -Students need opportunities to develop the core and curricular competencies. Through the ‘doing’ of the mathematics, students will be building their confidence of themselves as mathematicians and seeing the connection of mathematics to  their world. -They give students choice, which increases motivation and fosters a positive disposition towards Mathematics. -They give teachers an opportunity to meet with students one-on-one or in small groups to provide explicit instruction, engage in guided math, and/or have conferences. The images are divided into 5 sets with teaching suggestions for each one. -Set 1- Arrays and Multiplication. Tesselations -Set 2- Working mathematically -Set 3- Growing Patterns -Set 4- Estimation -Set 5 - Shape and Design -Set 6- Graphing and interpreting data from images -Set 7- Coordinates and mapping What people have said about this product Extremely satisfied "We used this resource to get students in a routine during the beginning of math sessions during virtual learning. I post the picture and ask the students, “What do you see?” They describe the objects, count them, talk about patterns and many other mathematical concepts and ideas. It’s great to get kids talking to each other and warmed up for the day. " “This is a great and engaging resource to review Math concepts!” "This was very helpful but also challenging " -The best part? This resource requires NO PREP and is easy to use. You will receive a Zip file which has both a PDF and PowerPoint version of this resource. Please ensure that you have the software to open such files. This set comprises a Powerpoint and PDF presentation with teacher notes to accompany them This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Choose your own Spelling Activity

Choose your own Spelling Activity

A collection of multiple choice of activities that you can use with any class to differentiate any spelling list. The activities are based on Multiple Intelligences so there will be an activity that appeals to most students in your classes, while practicing their spelling words.
Build an Elf kit- Christmas Craft activity

Build an Elf kit- Christmas Craft activity

Do you need a fun and personalized Christmas craft that will brighten your room? Your kiddos will be begging to take them home to share. Have fun with this wonderful activity which your students will love as they cartoon themselves as Santa’s little helper. Choose from 6 fun character outlines (3 boys and 3 girls), choice of two hats if you prefer to use these instead, body parts and full instructions on assembly. Step by step instructions are included . The elves are large and require quite a bit of work. but they are worth it in the end because they create an awesome keepsake that parents will love! Hope you love it!! -View preview for complete information! These will make a wonderful display in your room and you could easily link this to a writing lesson e.g. My life as an elf, Letters to Santa, and all other elfy type activities and books. I have not known a class who don’t enjoy making these little guys and having a good giggle at the end results. A must do craft activity. You will receive a PDF with: Teacher instructions Selection of faces to choose from Elfie Body parts This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Escape from Paradise -Breakout Game- 2 Step operations- Google Sites game

Escape from Paradise -Breakout Game- 2 Step operations- Google Sites game

A Google Sites escape room is like a digital adventure that you can do on the internet. It’s kind of like a game where you solve puzzles and riddles, but all the action happens on a special website made by Google. Instead of using locks and keys in real life, you use your brain and clicks to unlock new parts of the adventure. It’s a cool way to have fun and challenge yourself online! Click to explore the beach for clues that will help you find the correct codes to unlock each puzzle. Each clue will bring you one step closer to unlocking the clues and heading home from your holiday paradise . When you find them add your codes to the Locks . Be sure to use CAPITAL LETTERS This pack includes worksheets and task cards in case you do not have access to the internet. Recording sheets are included as are images of each of the puzzle cards.Please be sure to watch the video to see everything that is included


A social narrative is a short and simple story that helps children, especially those with special needs, understand and navigate different social situations or behaviors. It uses clear language and visuals to teach important lessons, written in collaboration with a speech therapist. The story “Not Always Winning - It’s Okay to Lose” is designed to help children learn that losing is okay and that winning isn’t the only important thing. Through relatable examples and easy-to-understand words, the story explains that trying your best is what matters most, and that it’s normal to have feelings like disappointment or frustration when you don’t win. The story teaches that losing can be a valuable learning experience. It shows that everyone, including grown-ups, sometimes doesn’t win, and that having fun and being a good sport are more important than winning. The story encourages children to celebrate their small victories, support others when they win, and understand that both winning and losing teach us important lessons. In a gentle and reassuring way, this social story helps children embrace the idea that it’s okay not to win every time. It promotes a positive outlook on competition, builds resilience, and encourages empathy and good sportsmanship. What is a Social Story? Short, simple stories for children, especially those on the autistic spectrum. Helps children understand social situations and behaviors. “Not Always Winning - It’s Okay to Lose” Teaches children that losing is okay and winning isn’t everything. Easy-to-understand language and visuals for clarity. Key Messages: Trying your best is important. Feeling sad or frustrated when losing is normal. Learning from losing is valuable. Highlights: Everyone, including grown-ups, sometimes doesn’t win. Having fun and being a good sport matter more than winning. Celebrating small victories is encouraged. Benefits: Positive outlook on competition. Builds resilience and coping skills. Encourages empathy and good sportsmanship. Why Use This Resource? Promotes healthy attitudes towards winning and losing. Helps children embrace life’s challenges positively. Preview Content: Introduction to the concept of losing and its importance. Examples of feelings children might have when they lose. Encouragement to learn from both winning and losing. Overall Impact: Prepares children for various life situations. Fosters a well-rounded emotional development. Conclusion: “Not Always Winning - It’s Okay to Lose” is an engaging and insightful social story that helps children learn valuable life lessons about winning, losing, and the importance of trying their best.
Back to school Escape Room- Math mixed operations

Back to school Escape Room- Math mixed operations

A Google Sites escape room is like a digital adventure that you can do on the internet. It’s kind of like a game where you solve puzzles and riddles, but all the action happens on a special website made by Google. Instead of using locks and keys in real life, you use your brain and clicks to unlock new parts of the adventure. It’s a cool way to have fun and challenge yourself online! Click to explore the room for clues that will help you find the correct codes to unlock the room. Each clue will bring you one step closer to unlocking the door and heading home. When you find them add your codes to the Locks below. Be sure to use CAPITAL LETTERS
Tips and Tricks for Elementary Teachers -FREE

Tips and Tricks for Elementary Teachers -FREE

This is an extract from my larger resource the Ultimate Relief Teaching Survival Kit. To get the most out of this resource simply click on the images and hyperlinks and begin to discover some of the wonderful resources that are out there on the internet for you to explore. The full kit contains 3 Pages of additional printable resources for you to add to your Teaching Bag of tricks. You will Receive a 45 page PDF for your enjoyment. Please respect privacy and share the link to this resource, but not the PDF itself as many hours have gone into the compilation of this resource. ENJOY
Writing Prompt Ideas

Writing Prompt Ideas

Use these quick writing starters to get the brain ticking over. These are best used as a timed activity with students given a short amount of time 1-15 minutes to work on their writing. No worrying about spelling, the focus of these tasks is to get the ideas flowing and down onto paper. Group sharing of ideas is an important and integral part of this process. Students may be encouraged to work further on one of these ideas. Use the dice template for a different variation of characters settings and problems with a multitude of combinations. Best printed on heavy card stock or laminated for durability.
Hashtag Sale Tips

Hashtag Sale Tips

Are you a new seller and not sure about the rules and etiquette around joining in a #hashtag sale. This free download has 9 tips that you may find valuable. Enjoy this freebie
Year 6 Sea Themed Cross Curricular Unit

Year 6 Sea Themed Cross Curricular Unit

The Island, by John Heffernan is a wonderful story about a blind boy who sees the beauty of the island he lives on, while the people around him cannot see it. A fantastic story with a link to a narration by the author. Some great links to accelerated literacy activities, and the theme of this booklet investigates our oceans and the threats to our marine life. Lots of links across all KLA's with a fully interactive timetable which links to my pinterest board. A free resource from GoTeachThis and Ripper Reading Resources, makes this amazing value for money and such a time saver. Stage 3 bundle is also available. This resource could be differentiated for use with year 5 To use this resource effectively you need to explore all of the links provided and tailor make the suggested activities to suit your teaching style and the learning needs of your student.s All of the hard work searching the internet for inspiration and resources has been done for you. The suggested timetable has interactive links to my Pinterest board, so that your resources will continue to grow as more pins are added. Within the book there are over 60 links to websites, and for those of you who follow my 'Surviving Casual Teaching' Facebook group, you will know that I have a good working knowledge of helpful teaching resources. I recommend that you buy copies of the picture books for days when you may not have IWB capability.You can never have enough picture books in your life!!!
Year 1 Sea Themed Cross Curricular Unit

Year 1 Sea Themed Cross Curricular Unit

Under the sea, is the theme of this set of booklets. The chosen picture books are 'Where the Forest meets the sea' by Jeannie Baker, and 'Magic Beach' by Alison Lester. this 28 booklet has 60 links to explore to support all KLA's. You can pick and choose the activities that suit your teaching style and the needs of the class. The ideas in this booklet can also be adjusted for kindergarten and year 2 children. A separate booklet with ideas for behaviour and classroom management is part of this valuable time saving resource. This resource could be differentiated for use with year 2 or kindergarten class. To use this resource effectively you need to explore all of the links provided and tailor make the suggested activities to suit your teaching style and the learning needs of your student.s All of the hard work searching the internet for inspiration and resources has been done for you. The suggested timetable has interactive links to my Pinterest board, so that your resources will continue to grow as more pins are added. Within the book there are over 60 links to websites, and for those of you who follow my 'Surviving Casual Teaching' facebook group, you will know that I have a good working knowledge of helpful teaching resources. I recommend that you buy copies of the picture books for days when you may not have IWB capability.You can never have enough picture books in your life!!!
SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 2 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 2 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 2 This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list. • Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists • On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below) • Firstly read each word in the word list • Then copy and write each word 3 times • Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided. Week 1 Initial wh - pattern Week 2 Final digraph –nk Week 3 Final blend – lt Week 4 Words with the suffix – ly Week 5 Words with the suffix – er Week 6 Words with the suffix – ful, full Week 7 Words with the suffix – able Week 8 Words with the suffix – est Week 9 Words with the suffix – ness Week 10 Final – sion/-tion Use this resource for… ✔ Homework ✔ Morning Work ✔ Literacy Centres ✔ Early Finisher Tasks ✔ Spelling Intervention ✔ Distance Learning #Behaviourmanagement #reliefteachingsurvivalkit #reliefteachingideas #reliefteachingbundle #substituteteacherideas #backtoschool #bestresourceever #subtub #substituteteacher #reliefteacher #classroomorganisation #spelling #term4 This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :) As always, please contact me with any questions! Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES! Oceanview Resources Follow my BLOG for ideas Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates! Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
SPELLING GRADE 5 TERM 4 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING GRADE 5 TERM 4 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 5 This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list. • Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists • On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below) • Firstly read each word in the word list • Then copy and write each word 3 times • Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided. Week 1 Sight words, prefix dis- Week 2 Sight words, prefix in- Week 3 Sight words, prefix ob- Week 4 Sight words, prefix sub- Week 5 Sight words, suffix -ology Week 6 Sight words, Greek root aero Week 7 Sight words, Greek root ambi Week 8 Sight words Week 9 Greek roots audi/astro Week 10Greek roots graph/fract Use this resource for… ✔ Homework ✔ Morning Work ✔ Literacy Centres ✔ Early Finisher Tasks ✔ Spelling Intervention ✔ Distance Learning #Behaviourmanagement #reliefteachingsurvivalkit #reliefteachingideas #reliefteachingbundle #substituteteacherideas #backtoschool #bestresourceever #subtub #substituteteacher #reliefteacher #classroomorganisation #spelling #term4 This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :) As always, please contact me with any questions! Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES! Oceanview Resources Follow my BLOG for ideas Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates! Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 6 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 6 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 6 This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list. • Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists • On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below) • Firstly read each word in the word list • Then copy and write each word 3 times • Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided. Week 1 In words ending in -ent and -ant, the e and a are often mistaken for one another. Week 2 In many words, the letter i is confused with an e, y or a. Week 3 Many English words use double consonants. Week 4 Homophones are two words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings. Week 5 Words with an ‘o’ sometimes are misspelled because the ‘o’ is left out of the word. Week 6 In English, an s is added to the end of a word for two reasons. Week 7 Words with an o sometimes get misspelled because the ‘o’ is mispronounced or an extra vowel, such as an ‘i, ‘is added. Week 8 Many English words use double consonants. Week 9 Many English words use a prefix before a root word. Week 10Many writers confuse -ent and -ant, -ence and -ance, and -ery and -ary. Use this resource for… ✔ Homework ✔ Morning Work ✔ Literacy Centres ✔ Early Finisher Tasks ✔ Spelling Intervention ✔ Distance Learning #Behaviourmanagement #reliefteachingsurvivalkit #reliefteachingideas #reliefteachingbundle #substituteteacherideas #backtoschool #bestresourceever #subtub #substituteteacher #reliefteacher #classroomorganisation #spelling #term4 This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :) As always, please contact me with any questions! Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES! Oceanview Resources Follow my BLOG for ideas Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates! Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
SPELLING GRADE 4 TERM 4 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING GRADE 4 TERM 4 Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 4 This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list. • Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists • On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below) • Firstly read each word in the word list • Then copy and write each word 3 times • Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided. Week 1 Sight words, r-controlled vowels Week 2 Sight words, r-controlled Week 3 Sight words, r-controlled vowels Week 4 Sight words, r-controlled vowels Week 5 Sight words, long “oo” sound Week 6 Sight words, ‘shun’ sound, spelt ‘tion’, ‘ss’ Week 7 Sight words, ‘shun’ sound, spelt ‘tion’ Week 8 Sight words, ‘oo’ pronounced short oo’ and ‘u’ sounds Week 9 Compound words Week 10 Compound words Use this resource for… ✔ Homework ✔ Morning Work ✔ Literacy Centres ✔ Early Finisher Tasks ✔ Spelling Intervention ✔ Distance Learning #Behaviourmanagement #reliefteachingsurvivalkit #reliefteachingideas #reliefteachingbundle #substituteteacherideas #backtoschool #bestresourceever #subtub #substituteteacher #reliefteacher #classroomorganisation #spelling #term4 This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :) As always, please contact me with any questions! Follow me on Facebook for exclusive fan FREEBIES! Oceanview Resources Follow my BLOG for ideas Follow my Facebook page for giveaways and updates! Thank you for visiting OceanviewResources
Organisation and management skills for ADHD students-SPED

Organisation and management skills for ADHD students-SPED

Secrets of the organized student -Getting organized can make life easier for kids with learning and thinking differences. It might take some effort in the beginning, but it’s worth it in the long run. Here are tips to help kids improve organizational skills at home, at school, and beyond. -Kids with ADHD rarely keep their backpacks tidy — and that sometimes has serious consequences on overall academic performance. These organization strategies can help kids build the skills they need to stay neat — or at least neatish! -There are always a couple students each year who really struggle to stay organized. Maybe you notice this characteristic in your own children. Messy desks and work areas, can’t locate things, have difficulty getting organized for class,  often don’t have the tools they need for the day or forget homework, are unaware of deadlines, have trouble prioritizing or planning to complete activities, and perhaps this causes them to be unfocused. -Here are a few tips to help support these students and relieve them of the stresses around becoming organised.  It can be a frustration for child, parents and teacher, and can often impact on instruction time, while they struggle to find supplies and books. -This is a 27 page PDF download, which will has strategies, templates and posters that you can use to help students to become organised in the classroom and doing their work at home. This eBook will help to relieve some of the stresses around unpacking assignments, planning, prioritizing and organizing their time. -There are some fabulous links that students will find incredibly engaging and useful. The poster images are simple yet the strategies demonstrated in them are effective in helping students to get organized in their work habits. -For many of our students who may be diagnosed ADD or ADHD, this can be a very challenging area. Many special needs students in older grades will benefit from the scaffolds, websites and planning templates included in the book, You will Get a Zip file with both US and AUS/UK spellings. Please make sure that you have the software on your computer to unzip the file What people have said about this product Fantastic resource! Exactly what I needed! Thank you! This has been very helpful. There were great ideas that I used with my special ed students. This was so helpful for my son! Thank you for helping me turn him into an organized student! -Options for using this resource: Create a second copy for students to take home so that there is continuity across both school and home environments. -The best part? This resource requires NO PREP and is easy to use. You will receive a Zip file which has both a PDF and PowerPoint version of this resource. Please ensure that you have the software to open such files.
Spelling Pack for Term 4 Grade 2 - Suitable for Distance Learning

Spelling Pack for Term 4 Grade 2 - Suitable for Distance Learning

SPELLING TERM 4 GRADE 2 This makes a great addition to your primary spelling resources. I have created a set of spelling lists for each of the grades. This pack contains a set of activities for each spelling list. · Instructions included in each of the sets of word lists · On each page there is a new set of list words for you to practice (see the word list below) · Firstly read each word in the word list · Then copy and write each word 3 times · Lastly, each letter has a value. Work out how much each word is worth using the table provided. Week 1 Initial wh - pattern Week 2 Final digraph –nk Week 3 Final blend – lt Week 4 Words with the suffix – ly Week 5 Words with the suffix – er Week 6 Words with the suffix – ful, full Week 7 Words with the suffix – able Week 8 Words with the suffix – est Week 9 Words with the suffix – ness Week 1 Final – sion/-tion Use this resource for… Homework Morning Work Literacy Centres Early Finisher Tasks Spelling Intervention Distance Learning This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)


This set of activities contains a PDF for students, Teachers’ PowerPoint presentation and accompanying video made specifically for this resource. Use these worksheets to accompany your lessons in teaching the elements of art. Students can cut out the individual lesson notes and glue them into their sketchbooks as you go or they can attach the entire page into their sketchbooks and then use the following pages to complete the prompts. Lessons about basic colour theory including the Colour Wheel, mixing colours, primary, secondary and tertiary colours, harmonious (analogous) colours, complimentary (contrasting) colours. Includes lesson plans for colour mixing, painting and using colour schemes. References and a further suggested websites are included, as well as a PDF on the 7 elements of Art which serves as an introduction. These are included in each of the 7 sets. Feedback & Benefits for YOU! Don’t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases. I love that feedback! This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)