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Australian Chemistry teacher since 2016 making resources for all students to excel in Chemistry and for beginning and advanced teachers looking for resources that cover all the dot points in the NESA Chemistry Syllabus.

Australian Chemistry teacher since 2016 making resources for all students to excel in Chemistry and for beginning and advanced teachers looking for resources that cover all the dot points in the NESA Chemistry Syllabus.
Identifying Variables Worksheet & Answers

Identifying Variables Worksheet & Answers

Worksheet + Answers Set! This worksheet focuses on core science skills required for identifying the independent, dependent, and controlled variables in science reports and experiments. The lesson includes a teacher-guided component and two activity worksheets for students to practice their skills along with a sample answer set for teachers to print, teach and go! For more science report writing skills worksheets, check out my TES store! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Assessing Reliability, Accuracy & Validity Worksheet & Answers

Assessing Reliability, Accuracy & Validity Worksheet & Answers

Clear the confusion and misconceptions around these terms for students! This worksheet focuses on core science skills required to assess the reliability, accuracy, and validity of an experiment! The lesson includes a teacher-guided component and an activity for students to practice their skills along with a sample answer set for teachers to print, teach and go! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Writing a Scientific Method Worksheet & Answers

Writing a Scientific Method Worksheet & Answers

Writing & Analysing a Scientific Method Worksheet + Answers Set! Made for teachers to just print & go! This worksheet focuses on writing and analyzing a scientific method, focusing on key factors that must be included such as verbs and numbered points. It can be used as a lesson supplement or set for homework for students to complete! Check out my other scientific report writing skills worksheets in my TES & TPT store!!! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Writing a Science Report Skills Bundle

Writing a Science Report Skills Bundle

7 Resources
Science Report Skills Worksheet Bundle + Answers Set! Clear the confusion and misconceptions around writing scientific reports for students! The lessons include a teacher-guided component and an activity for students to practice their skills along with a sample answer set for teachers to print, teach and go! This bundle includes worksheets on writing- Aim Hypothesis Materials & Risk Assessment Variables Method Choosing the right graph Assessing reliability, accuracy & validity Bibliography For more awesome worksheets, check out the other items on my TES store! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Writing a Hypothesis Worksheet & Answers

Writing a Hypothesis Worksheet & Answers

*** Worksheet + Answers Set, made for teachers to just print & go!*** This worksheet focuses on writing hypotheses for scientific reports. It can be used as a lesson supplement or set for homework for students to complete as the steps and examples of writing a hypothesis are included. Check out my other scientific report writing skills worksheets in my TES store!!! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Factors that Affect Equilibrium Revision Table Worksheet & Answers

Factors that Affect Equilibrium Revision Table Worksheet & Answers

*Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of the- Effects of temperature on equilibrium Effects of concentration on equilibrium Effects of volume/pressure on equilibrium Addition of inert gases on equilibrium Le Chatelier’s Principle PRAC Cobalt chloride equilibrium system Effects of factors & reading equilibrium graphs Industrial applications of equilibrium reactions (Haber process & Contact Process) Atom economy Green Chemistry NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered: Module 5 Inquiry Question 2 (Dot Points 5.2.1, 5.2.2, and 5.2.3) Module 8 Inquiry Question 3 (Dot Point 8.3.1)
Plants Revision Worksheet & Answers

Plants Revision Worksheet & Answers

Plants Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of Plants and- Parts and functions of a plant Structure of a leaf Photosynthesis Transpiration Xylem and phloem Reproduction; Male and female reproductive organs Fertilisation vs pollination Methods of pollination ***NOTE: *** This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Separating Mixtures Revision Worksheet & Answers

Separating Mixtures Revision Worksheet & Answers

Separating Mixtures Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of separating mixtures techniques such as- Homogeneous VS Heterogeneous mixtures Solution VS Suspension Importance of water as a solvent Concentrated VS dilute solutions Colloids Soluble VS insoluble substances Decantation VS Sieving Filtration Filtrate VS residue Evaporation Magnetism Distillation Centrifugation Chromatography Adsorption *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
The Mole Concept Revision Table + ANSWERS

The Mole Concept Revision Table + ANSWERS

Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students understanding of the chemical concept of the mole and calculations involving the mole. Use it as a revision tool at the end of a unit! NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered Module 2 Introduction to Quantitative Chemistry Module 2 Inquiry Question 1 (Dot Points 2.1.1 and 2.1.2) Module 2 Inquiry Question 2 (Dot Points 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3)
Writing a Materials List & Risk Assessment Worksheet + Answers

Writing a Materials List & Risk Assessment Worksheet + Answers

**Worksheet + Answers Set! Made for teachers to just print & go! This worksheet focuses on writing a materials list focusing on quantities of each item used and the importance of writing and implementing a risk assessment in the laboratory for safety reasons. It can be used as a lesson supplement or set for homework for students to complete! Check out my other scientific report writing skills worksheets in my TPT store!!! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Writing a Bibliography Worksheet & Answers

Writing a Bibliography Worksheet & Answers

Writing a Bibliography Worksheet + Answers Set! Made for teachers to just print & go! This worksheet focuses on writing a bibliography. It can be used as a lesson supplement or set for homework for students to complete! Check out my other scientific report writing skills worksheets in my TPT store!!! *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Google Forms Quiz

Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Google Forms Quiz

Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Google Form Quiz! This revision quiz tests students understanding of the Australian NESA Stage 6 Chemistry Syllabus dot points: Static equilibrium Dynamic equilibrium Steady-state system Rates of reaction Equilibrium graphs The multiple-choice questions are self-graded, however, there are two short answer questions at the end of the quiz which will require you to manually review student responses. Luckily, a model answer and marking criteria are provided for you to make it super easy to mark! This Google forms quiz was made as an assessment for part of the Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Student Booklet, Answers & PPT product found in my TES or TPT store! NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered: Module 5 Equilibrium & Acid Reactions Module 5 Inquiry Question 1 (Dot Points 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, and 5.1.4)
Equilibrium Tarsia Revision Worksheet + Answers

Equilibrium Tarsia Revision Worksheet + Answers

Tarsia Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of chemical equilibrium, including factors that affect equilibrium, Keq, and Le Chatelier’s principle. This revision table is best used in conjunction with the student booklet which covers all the dot points in the NESA Chemistry HSC Module 5 Inquiry Question 1. This booklet is available in my TES and TPT store. This worksheet is best printed 2 pages to 1 and scissors and glue are needed. NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered: Module 5 Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Module 5 Inquiry Questions 1, 2 and 3
Modeling Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Worksheet + Answers

Modeling Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Worksheet + Answers

Modeling Equilibrium Worksheet & Analysis Set!! Unsure how to model static and dynamic equilibrium? Unable to do so because of lock down? This is a great activity that can be completed at school OR at home using absolutely anything!!! This activity allows students to model static and dynamic equilibrium using everyday objects or counters and introduces them to equilibrium graphs, and gets students thinking about models and their importance! This set also comes with answers! Don’t waste any more time! Purchase, print and teach! Need to cover the complete inquiry question? Check out my student booklet, answer set and PowerPoint in the TES store. NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered Module 5 Equilibrium & Acid Reactions Module 5 Inquiry Question 1, Dot Point 5.1.3
Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Revision Table + ANSWERS

Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Revision Table + ANSWERS

Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of static and dynamic equilibrium such as- Reversible and irreversible reactions Static, dynamic equilibrium and steady state system Equilibrium graphs Gibbs free energy and equilibrium Non-equilibrium systems This revision table is best used in conjunction with the student booklet which covers all the dot points in the NESA Chemistry HSC Module 5 Inquiry Question 1. This booklet is available in my TES store. NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered: Module 5 Static & Dynamic Equilibrium Module 5 Inquiry Question 1 (Dot Points 5.1.2, 5.1.3, and 5.1.4)
Health & Disease Revision Worksheet & Answers

Health & Disease Revision Worksheet & Answers

Health & Disease Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of health and disease- Infectious VS non-infectious diseases Pathogens Nutritional, inherited and life-style related diseases Specific VS Non-specific lines of defences Lines of defence Antibiotics *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Forces Revision Worksheet & Answers

Forces Revision Worksheet & Answers

Forces Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of forces and can be used as a homework worksheet or revision lesson worksheet, including; What are forces Equipment used to measure forces Contact VS Non-contact forces Friction Air resistance First Law of Motion/Inertia Electrostatic electricity Gravity Mass VS weight *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Energy Revision Worksheet & Answers

Energy Revision Worksheet & Answers

Energy Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of energy and can be used as a homework worksheet or revision lesson worksheet. Unit of measurement Types of energy Kinetic VS potential energy Medium VS vacuum Sound energy Heat energy transfer Electricity Conductors VS insulators Circuit symbols Law of conservation of energy Energy transformations Renewable VS non-renewable energy *This activity was structured using teaching programs, ensuring its alignment to the Australian NSW NESA syllabus and learning outcomes. Such outcomes include SC4-8WS and SC4-9WS from the Stage 4 Science Syllabus.
Equilibrium Constant Revision Table + Answers

Equilibrium Constant Revision Table + Answers

Revision Table Worksheet + Answers Combo! This revision table tests students’ understanding of the- Equilibrium constant (Keq) Effect of temperature on Keq Reaction quotient (Q) Acid and base dissociation constants (Ka and Kb) NSW NESA Chemistry Syllabus Dot Points Covered: Module 5 Equilibrium & Acid Reactions Module 5 Inquiry Question 3 (Dot Points 5.3.1, 5.3.2, and 5.3.3 and 5.3.5)
Reversible & Irreversible Reactions

Reversible & Irreversible Reactions

This worksheet introduces students to reversible and irreversible reactions and why they take place. Students use the information provided to answer the questions to test their knowledge and understanding of reversible and irreversible reactions. Suitable for: Year 10 Science Year 11 Preliminary Chemistry Year 12 HSC Chemistry