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We are creating great ESL lessons for General English and the Cambridge Curriculum. Online-ready and classroom-ready, complete no-prep PowerPoint lessons.




We are creating great ESL lessons for General English and the Cambridge Curriculum. Online-ready and classroom-ready, complete no-prep PowerPoint lessons.
ESL Primary 5 - Unit 01 - People - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 5 - Unit 01 - People - Cambridge Curriculum

6 Resources
Unit 1 Focus: Talking About People - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Personality - Adjectives of personality; Antonyms; Families and friends; Favourite things and people; Useful expressions for interviews; Language Focus: Wh- Questions -ed/-ing adjectives; Dictionary definitions; Reading and Writing skills: Read for gist; A diary page; A personal profile; Literature - Poems about special people; Use a variety of adjectives; Write a personal profile; Design a webpage; Listening and Speaking skills: Listen for specific information; Listen to, prepare, conduct and answer an interview; Describe inspirational people; School Subjects: Maths - Calculate dates; Pronunciation/Word study: Intonation in question forms; Rhyming words; Critical thinking/Values: Thinking and talking about personal qualities; Interpreting attitudes; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 5, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 4 or Primary 6, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Primary 5 - Unit 02 - Health - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 5 - Unit 02 - Health - Cambridge Curriculum

6 Resources
Unit 2 Focus: Health - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Common illnesses and symptoms; Food collocations and classifiers; Food groups; Language Focus: Quantifiers and classifiers; Countable and uncountable nouns; Should for advice; Reading and Writing skills: Make predictions using visual clues; An article about malaria; Read a problem page in a magazine; Literature - Stone soup; Contrast linkers; Write a blog; Listening and Speaking skills: Evaluate information; Listen and plot points on a graph; Talk about feeling unwell; Do a survey; Prepare and give a presentation; School Subjects: Maths - Graphs and charts; Science - Health; malaria; Pronunciation/Word study: Connected speech; Critical thinking/Values: Healthy eating — why is it important?; Helping each other; Completing a table; Recognising symptoms; Analysing ingredients; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 5, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 4 or Primary 6, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Primary 4 - Unit 01 - Family - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 4 - Unit 01 - Family - Cambridge Curriculum

6 Resources
Unit 1 Focus: Family - 6 ESL Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Families, sports and hobbies; Adjectives; Similarities and differences; Relationships; Language Focus: Present simple; Adverbs of frequency; play/go/do; Verb + infinitive/-ing; Phrasal verbs; both/too/whereas; Reading and Writing skills: Families; Table completion; Young athletes; Sentence correction; Write a letter; Scan; Make connections; Help in the house; Literature - How the Moon was kind to her mother; Listening and Speaking skills: Strategy - Prediction; Talk about families and activities; Ask about relationships; School Subjects: Geography - Kenya, Patagonia; Pronunciation/Word study: Present simple 3rd person “s”; Capital letters; Critical thinking/Values: Values - Being kind and helpful; Venn diagrams; Comparing and contrasting lives of children; Complete PowerPoint ESL lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 4, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 3 or Primary 5, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lessons! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Primary 4 - Unit 03 - Day and Night - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 4 - Unit 03 - Day and Night - Cambridge Curriculum

6 Resources
**Unit 3 Focus: Day and Night - 6 ESL Lessons **(60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: The solar system; Adjectives to describe landscapes; Parts of animals; The solar system; Nocturnal animals; Time; Language Focus: Expressing time; Comparatives; Superlatives; Adjective order; Reading and Writing skills: Life in Norway; Our solar system; Task - Complete a table; Write a quiz; Create your own planet; Write an animal fact file; Writing tip - Adjective order; Literature - Hey Ma, Something’s Under My Bed; Listening and Speaking skills: The Earth’s landscape; Complete an animal fact file; Multiple choice; Listen for specific information; School Subjects: Geography - Landscapes/Norway; Science - Planets/Animal fact files; Pronunciation/Word study: Rhyming words; Critical thinking/Values: Expressing opinions about poetry; Comparing natural landscapes; Identifying planets in solar system; Understanding a story described in poetic form; Complete PowerPoint ESL lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 4, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 3 or Primary 5, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Primary 4 - Unit 02 - Stories - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 4 - Unit 02 - Stories - Cambridge Curriculum

6 Resources
Unit 2 Focus: Stories - 6 ESL Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Describe people; Sequence; Describe likes and dislikes; Language Focus: Pronouns - who, where and that; Instructions; Past simple - Regular/ irregular verbs; Sequencing words; Reading and Writing skills: Statements about different types of books; Task - Table completion; How to draw a cartoon; Read for gist; Write about a superhero; Write a story; Make a story plan; Literature - The Seekers; Listening and Speaking skills: Strategy - Prediction; Table completion; Listen to - The Seekers; Comprehension questions; Talk about people; School Subjects: Art - Drawing; Pronunciation/Word study: Word stress; Punctuation in speech; Critical thinking/Values: Values - Being brave; Identifying different types of stories; Forming opinions about stories; Classifying characters; Complete PowerPoint ESL lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 4, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 3 or Primary 5, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 2 - Units 3 & 4 - Rivers and coasts / Great expeditions - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 2 - Units 3 & 4 - Rivers and coasts / Great expeditions - Cambridge Curriculum

7 Resources
Units 3 & 4 - Rivers and coasts/ Great expeditions - Unit 3 Focus: Rivers and coasts - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: The Nile and the ancient Egyptians, The water cycle, The Amazon river and rainforest, Robinson Crusoe Island; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: An extract from a documentary about the Nile and the ancient Egyptians; Speaking: Talk about a trip, Compare and evaluate three tweets, Ask questions about geography and the natural world; Use of English: Non-defining and defining relative clauses; Vocabulary: Rivers and coasts (source, sediment, delta), The water cycle (condensation. evaporation); Writing: A summary of an extract from a documentary, An account of a trip; Project: A magazine article about a major river; Unit 4 Focus: Great expeditions - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: The sinking of the Titanic and the exploration of the wreck, Expeditions from China in the 15th century, Space exploration; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A radio discussion about exploring the wreck of the Titanic, A narrative describing the voyages of Zheng He’s treasure fleet, A discussion about space exploration; Speaking: Tell the story of the Titanic in your own words, Discuss the ethics of exploring the wreck of the Titanic, Retell the story of China’s Treasure Fleet, Discuss space exploration; Use of English: Revision of past tenses, Sentence adverbs (though, as well), Revision of the will future; Vocabulary: Sea voyages (fleet, liner, maiden voyage, set sail), Space exploration (solar system, planet, space station); Writing: Predictions about space exploration; Fiction: Chike and the River by Chinua Achebe; Project: A great expedition; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 2, they may also be suitable for students from Secondary 1 or Secondary 3, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 2 - Units 5 & 6 - Sports and hobbies / Entertainment and media - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 2 - Units 5 & 6 - Sports and hobbies / Entertainment and media - Cambridge Curriculum

7 Resources
Units 5 & 6 - Sports and hobbies / Entertainment and media - Unit 5 Focus: Sports and hobbies - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Sports and sports equipment, Sporting ability, An article about two top women athletes, A web forum about hobbies; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: Sports commentaries; Speaking: Ask and answer questions in a sports quiz, Discuss what it takes to be a top sportsperson, Talk about hobbies; Use of English: Compound nouns (ice hockey, goal post), Abstract nouns (strength, agility), Present perfect continuous; Vocabulary: Sports and sports equipment (horse riding, reins, saddle), Qualities associated with sport (coordination, speed), Hobbies (judo, juggling, making model planes); Writing: Sentences using abstract nouns, A web forum post about your hobbies; Project: A flyer for an after-school club; Unit 6 Focus: Entertainment and media - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Free time, An article about the circus as a way of life, A film review; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: An informal and a formal way of talking about free-time activities, A profile of the Cirque du Soleil; Speaking: Talk about free-time activities, Discuss life in a circus and whether animals should be used in circuses, Give your opinions of a film; Use of English: Phrasal verbs (take up, go out), Position of adverbs; Vocabulary: Free-time activities (playing the flute, doing taekwondo), The circus and circus performers (acrobat, circus ring), Film reviews (performance, script, soundtrack); Writing: A paragraph about freetime activities; Fiction: Bend it like Beckham by Narinder Dhami; Project: A film review; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 2, they may also be suitable for students from Secondary 1 or Secondary 3, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 1 - Units 5 & 6 - Transport Systems / Using Maps - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 1 - Units 5 & 6 - Transport Systems / Using Maps - Cambridge Curriculum

7 Resources
Units 5 & 6 - Transport Systems / Using Maps - Unit 5 Focus: Transport Systems - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: An article about transport systems around the world; A brief history of public transport; Road signs and road safety; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: An account of the first hot-air balloon flights; A discussion about road safety; Speaking: Describe types of transport; Talk about the advantages of different kinds of transport; Use of English: Past simple passive (with by); wish (that) + past simple; Vocabulary: Types of transport and words related to transport (passenger, fare); Traditional and historic means of transport (raft, locomotive); Traffic signs; Writing: An account of the first hot-air balloon flights; A’‘wish list’ for your school; Unit 6 Focus: Using Maps - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Street maps and transport maps; Map reading; A newspaper report of a mountain rescue; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A phone conversation about finding your way in a city; A phone conversation about travelling on the subway/metro; A radio news report of a mountain rescue; Speaking: Role play a conversation about finding your way and travelling in a city; Use of English: Prepositions to do with travel (on the subway, get on/off); Comparative adjectives using much … than and (not) as … as; Past continuous, including passive form; Vocabulary: Places and buildings in a town or city; Symbols and places on a map; Writing: Write down the details of a phone conversation; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 1, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 6 or Secondary 2, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 1 - Units 3 & 4 - Clothing and accessories / Outdoor pursuits - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 1 - Units 3 & 4 - Clothing and accessories / Outdoor pursuits - Cambridge Curriculum

7 Resources
Units 3 & 4 - Clothing and accessories / Outdoor pursuits - Unit 3 Focus: Clothing and accessories - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Clothes and fashion; The clothes and accessories of the ancient Egyptians; An advert for an accessory; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: Clothes from around the world; Adverts for accessories; Speaking: Give your views on clothes and fashion; Give your views on accessories; Talk about clothes from around the world; Use of English: Phrasal verbs (shop for, try on); Present passive, including modals with passive (it can be worn with …); Vocabulary: Clothes and parts of clothes (sleeve, button); Materials (cotton, gold); Writing: A paragraph about your attitudes to clothes and fashion; A paragraph about a traditional item of clothing; **Unit 4 Focus: Outdoor pursuits - 4 Lessons **(60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Outdoor sports and activities in New Zealand; An article in a travel magazine; Messages and other documents relating to a holiday; Activity holidays; School trips; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A conversation about an adventure holiday; Information about a school trip; Speaking: Describe sports and outdoor pursuits; Ask and answer about experiences (Have you ever …?); Talk about what you’ll be doing at a certain time; Use of English: Present perfect with ever; Expressing the future; -ing forms as subjects, objects and after a preposition; Vocabulary: Outdoor pursuits; Outdoor survival skills; Writing: Sentences about what you like doing and are good at; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 1, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 6 or Secondary 2, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 1 - Units 1 & 2 - Meeting and greeting / Personal Identity - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 1 - Units 1 & 2 - Meeting and greeting / Personal Identity - Cambridge Curriculum

7 Resources
Units 1 & 2 - Meeting and greeting / Personal Identity - Unit 1 Focus: Meeting and greeting - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Customs or meeting and greeting; Special greetings and social expressions; A quiz on social customs and politeness; Gift-giving and famous gifts in history; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: Responding to social scenarios with an appropriate expression; Customs associated with gift-giving in India; Speaking: Greet people formally and informally; Talk about ways of greeting; Make up and roleplay dialogues using special greetings and social expressions; Talk about gift-giving; Use of English: Modals: should, can, could, may Vocabulary: Greetings and ways of greeting (nod your head, shake hands); Social expressions (Congratulations!, Have a nice weekend.); Writing: A paragraph about meeting and greeting people in your culture; Unit 2 Focus: Personal Identity - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Life at school First impressions: the first few weeks at secondary school; A scientific approach to family history; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A conversation between two students doing a class survey; Speaking: Ask and answer questions in a class survey; Ask and answer questions about family members; Use of English: Present perfect for situations continuing up to now; Apostrophes ‘s and s’ ; Vocabulary: Family Writing: A description of your family; A profile of the oldest person in your family; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 1, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 6 or Secondary 2, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 2 - Units 1 & 2 - Languages of the world / E-communication - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 2 - Units 1 & 2 - Languages of the world / E-communication - Cambridge Curriculum

7 Resources
Units 1 & 2 - Languages of the world / E-communication - Unit 1 Focus: Languages of the world - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Languages you speak, The languages of Papua New Guinea, The advantages of knowing languages; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: Listen to some words and phrases in Tok Pisin, Interviews about the advantages of knowing other languages; Speaking: Talk about the languages you, your family and friends speak, Give your views about the advantages of learning other languages; Use of English: Determiners: neither, each / every, all, both, Conjunctions: although, while, whereas; Vocabulary: Language (first language, bilingual, fluent), Useful words and phrases (definitely, for example); Writing: A fact file about a country; Project: Design and present a mobile phone app for learning English; Unit 2 Focus: E-communication - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Using electronic communication, The School of the Air, Schools of the future, Advantages and disadvantages of email, Email and mobile phone etiquette; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of email; Speaking: Discuss using technology, Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning with the School of the Air, Discuss schools of the future, Talk about things you wish you had or hadn’t done; Use of English: Expressing purpose (to, in order to, so, that, so as), will future, passive form, wish (that), if only + past perfect, should have/shouldn’t have; Vocabulary: Communications technology (smartphone, to download) Writing: A paragraph giving opinions on mobile phones, apps, etc.; Fiction: City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende; Project: A guide to email and mobile phone etiquette; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 2, they may also be suitable for students from Secondary 1 or Secondary 3, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Primary 6 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 3 - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 6 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 3 - Cambridge Curriculum

18 Resources
This Term 1 bundle for the Cambridge ESL Curriculum Primary Grade 6 includes 18 complete no-prep lessons. These ESL lessons range from 60 to 90 minutes in length adding up to over 25 hours of lessons covering all the skills, as well as the vocabulary and language focus in line with the Cambridge Framework for this grade. These lessons also include plenty of practice through fun and engaging activities, such as games, roleplays, surveys, debates, presentations and so much more. Program Outline Unit 1 Focus: Living life - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Free-time activities; Adjective and noun forms; Words connected with music; Sequencing words and phrases; Achievements; Verbs with prepositions; Language Focus: Wh- questions review; Present perfect simple; Past continuous; Reading and Writing skills: Read to understand general meaning; First-time experiences; A biography about JK Rowling; Literature - The story of Helen Keller; Paragraphs; Write a biography; Listening and Speaking skills: Listen and talk about free-time activities - first-time experiences/inspiring people; Sequencing words/phrases; Give presentations - An inspiring person/a favourite book/an interesting experience; School Subjects: Maths - A pie chart; Pronunciation/Word study: -tion/-cian; Critical thinking/Values: Attitudes to blindness and deafness; Analysing a pie chart; What makes some experiences special?; Who do we admire? Why?; Examining famous lives; Unit 2 Focus: School days - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: School subjects; Extra curricular activities; Collocations - belong to/do chess/learn about/write for; Language Focus: Instead of/as well as + noun; 1st conditional with if/unless; Reading and Writing skills: Read for specific information - A text about brain power and tips for studying well; Literature - Extract from a novel; Life at school; Create a poster on ‘learning tips’; Use modals to be polite - ask permission; Write an email/letter; Listening and Speaking skills: School life in different countries; Listen to students talking about different problems at school; Phrases - Giving advice; Emphasising words; Roleplay a problem at school; Pronunciation/Word study: Word stress for information; Silent letters; Critical thinking/Values: Value - Treating classmates fairly; Comparing school life; Considering good study habits; Creating and analysing solutions to problems; Unit 3 Focus: The world of sports - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Sports; Sports equipment; Parts of the body; Football; Descriptive words; Language Focus: Reported speech; Reported Wh questions; Need/should/mustn’t; Reading and Writing skills: Scanning; Articles about Paralymipian Hannah Cockroft and the London Marathon; Literature - Off Side; A bar chart and notes; A summary; Describe a sports event; Listening and Speaking skills: Listen for expression and emphasis; Reasons for liking sport; Listen to instructions to warm up; Talk about sports and equipment; Order and give instructions; School Subjects: Biology - Parts of the body; Math - A bar chart; Pronunciation/Word study: Emphasis; Critical thinking/Values: Teamwork; Interpreting information on a bar chart; Expressing opinions about sports events; Examining personal challenges and goals; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 6, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 5 or Secondary 1, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our** [FREE lesson here]**(https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/primary-5-food-and-health-esl-cambridge-curriculum-unit-02-lesson-3-12841996)!
ESL Primary 4 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 3 - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 4 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 3 - Cambridge Curriculum

18 Resources
This Term 1 bundle for the Cambridge ESL Curriculum Primary Grade 4 includes 18 complete no-prep lessons. These ESL lessons range from 60 to 90 minutes in length adding up to over 25 hours of lessons covering all the skills, as well as the vocabulary and language focus in line with the Cambridge Framework for this grade. These lessons also include plenty of practice through fun and engaging activities, such as games, roleplays, surveys, debates, presentations and so much more. Program Outline Unit 1 Focus: Family - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Families, sports and hobbies; Adjectives; Similarities and differences; Relationships; Language Focus: Present simple; Adverbs of frequency; play/go/do; Verb + infinitive/-ing; Phrasal verbs; both/too/whereas; Reading and Writing skills: Families; Table completion; Young athletes; Sentence correction; Write a letter; Scan; Make connections; Help in the house; Literature - How the Moon was kind to her mother; Listening and Speaking skills: Strategy - Prediction; Talk about families and activities; Ask about relationships; School Subjects: Geography - Kenya, Patagonia; Pronunciation/Word study: Present simple 3rd person “s”; Capital letters; Critical thinking/Values: Values - Being kind and helpful; Venn diagrams; Comparing and contrasting lives of children; Unit 2 Focus: Stories - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Describe people; Sequence; Describe likes and dislikes; Language Focus: Pronouns - who, where and that; Instructions; Past simple - Regular/ irregular verbs; Sequencing words; Reading and Writing skills: Statements about different types of books; Task - Table completion; How to draw a cartoon; Read for gist; Write about a superhero; Write a story; Make a story plan; Literature - The Seekers; Listening and Speaking skills: Strategy - Prediction; Table completion; Listen to - The Seekers; Comprehension questions; Talk about people; School Subjects: Art - Drawing; Pronunciation/Word study: Word stress; Punctuation in speech; Critical thinking/Values: Values - Being brave; Identifying different types of stories; Forming opinions about stories; Classifying characters; Unit 3 Focus: Day and Night - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: The solar system; Adjectives to describe landscapes; Parts of animals; The solar system; Nocturnal animals; Time; Language Focus: Expressing time; Comparatives; Superlatives; Adjective order; Reading and Writing skills: Life in Norway; Our solar system; Task - Complete a table; Write a quiz; Create your own planet; Write an animal fact file; Writing tip - Adjective order; Literature - Hey Ma, Something’s Under My Bed; Listening and Speaking skills: The Earth’s landscape; Complete an animal fact file; Multiple choice; Listen for specific information; School Subjects: Geography - Landscapes/Norway; Science - Planets/Animal fact files; Pronunciation/Word study: Rhyming words; Critical thinking/Values: Expressing opinions about poetry; Comparing natural landscapes; Identifying planets in solar system; Understanding a story described in poetic form; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 4, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 3 or Primary 5, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Primary 5 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 3 - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Primary 5 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 3 - Cambridge Curriculum

18 Resources
This Term 1 bundle for the Cambridge ESL Curriculum Primary Grade 5 includes 18 complete no-prep lessons. These ESL lessons range from 60 to 90 minutes in length adding up to over 25 hours of lessons covering all the skills, as well as the vocabulary and language focus in line with the Cambridge Framework for this grade. These lessons also include plenty of practice through fun and engaging activities, such as games, roleplays, surveys, debates, presentations and so much more. Program Outline Unit 1 Focus: People - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Personality - Adjectives of personality; Antonyms; Families and friends; Favourite things and people; Useful expressions for interviews; Language Focus: Wh- Questions -ed/-ing adjectives; Dictionary definitions; Reading and Writing skills: Read for gist; A diary page; A personal profile; Literature - Poems about special people; Use a variety of adjectives; Write a personal profile; Design a webpage; Listening and Speaking skills: Listen for specific information; Listen to, prepare, conduct and answer an interview; Describe inspirational people; School Subjects: Maths - Calculate dates; Pronunciation/Word study: Intonation in question forms; Rhyming words; Critical thinking/Values: Thinking and talking about personal qualities; Interpreting attitudes; Unit 2 Focus: Health - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: Common illnesses and symptoms; Food collocations and classifiers; Food groups; Language Focus: Quantifiers and classifiers; Countable and uncountable nouns; Should for advice; Reading and Writing skills: Make predictions using visual clues; An article about malaria; Read a problem page in a magazine; Literature - Stone soup; Contrast linkers; Write a blog; Listening and Speaking skills: Evaluate information; Listen and plot points on a graph; Talk about feeling unwell; Do a survey; Prepare and give a presentation; School Subjects: Maths - Graphs and charts; Science - Health; malaria; Pronunciation/Word study: Connected speech; Critical thinking/Values: Healthy eating — why is it important?; Helping each other; Completing a table; Recognising symptoms; Analysing ingredients; Unit 3 Focus: Places - 6 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Vocabulary: City, town and country; Home appliances; Descriptive adjectives; Sequencing words; Language Focus: Comparatives and superlatives; Subordinate clauses; Past simple; Reading and Writing skills: Scan a text; Facts about our carbon footprint; Read a descriptive essay; Literature - The Lost City; Use paragraphs; Write a descriptive essay; Design a poster; Listening and Speaking skills: Identify opinions; Describe places - talk about a story; Compare living in the country or city; Express opinion; Use discourse markers/sequencing words; Give presentations - My town and an eco school; School Subjects: Science - Climate change, energy efficiency; Pronunciation/Word study: -ed endings; Critical thinking/Values: Looking after our environment; Advantages/disadvantages of urban/rural life; Reducing carbon footprint; How to make cities cleaner; What makes an ideal place to live?; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Primary 5, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 4 or Primary 6, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!
ESL Secondary 1 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 6 - Cambridge Curriculum

ESL Secondary 1 - Term 1 - Units 1 to 6 - Cambridge Curriculum

20 Resources
This Term 1 bundle for the Cambridge ESL Curriculum Secondary 1 (Grade 7) includes 20 complete no-prep lessons. These ESL lessons range from 60 to 90 minutes in length adding up to around 30 hours of lessons covering all the skills, as well as the vocabulary and language focus in line with the Cambridge Framework for this grade. These lessons also include plenty of practice through fun and engaging activities, such as games, roleplays, surveys, debates, presentations and so much more. Program Outline Unit 1 Focus: Meeting and greeting - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Customs or meeting and greeting; Special greetings and social expressions; A quiz on social customs and politeness; Gift-giving and famous gifts in history; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: Responding to social scenarios with an appropriate expression; Customs associated with gift-giving in India; Speaking: Greet people formally and informally; Talk about ways of greeting; Make up and roleplay dialogues using special greetings and social expressions; Talk about gift-giving; Use of English: Modals: should, can, could, may Vocabulary: Greetings and ways of greeting (nod your head, shake hands); Social expressions (Congratulations!, Have a nice weekend.); Writing: A paragraph about meeting and greeting people in your culture; Unit 2 Focus: Personal Identity - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Life at school First impressions: the first few weeks at secondary school; A scientific approach to family history; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A conversation between two students doing a class survey; Speaking: Ask and answer questions in a class survey; Ask and answer questions about family members; Use of English: Present perfect for situations continuing up to now; Apostrophes ‘s and s’ ; Vocabulary: Family Writing: A description of your family; A profile of the oldest person in your family; Unit 3 Focus: Clothing and accessories - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Clothes and fashion; The clothes and accessories of the ancient Egyptians; An advert for an accessory; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: Clothes from around the world; Adverts for accessories; Speaking: Give your views on clothes and fashion; Give your views on accessories; Talk about clothes from around the world; Use of English: Phrasal verbs (shop for, try on); Present passive, including modals with passive (it can be worn with …); Vocabulary: Clothes and parts of clothes (sleeve, button); Materials (cotton, gold); Writing: A paragraph about your attitudes to clothes and fashion; A paragraph about a traditional item of clothing; Unit 4 Focus: Outdoor pursuits - 4 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Outdoor sports and activities in New Zealand; An article in a travel magazine; Messages and other documents relating to a holiday; Activity holidays; School trips; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A conversation about an adventure holiday; Information about a school trip; Speaking: Describe sports and outdoor pursuits; Ask and answer about experiences (Have you ever …?); Talk about what you’ll be doing at a certain time; Use of English: Present perfect with ever; Expressing the future; -ing forms as subjects, objects and after a preposition; Vocabulary: Outdoor pursuits; Outdoor survival skills; Writing: Sentences about what you like doing and are good at; Unit 5 Focus: Transport Systems - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: An article about transport systems around the world; A brief history of public transport; Road signs and road safety; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: An account of the first hot-air balloon flights; A discussion about road safety; Speaking: Describe types of transport; Talk about the advantages of different kinds of transport; Use of English: Past simple passive (with by); wish (that) + past simple; Vocabulary: Types of transport and words related to transport (passenger, fare); Traditional and historic means of transport (raft, locomotive); Traffic signs; Writing: An account of the first hot-air balloon flights; A’‘wish list’ for your school; Unit 6 Focus: Using Maps - 3 Lessons (60-90 minutes) Reading/Topic: Street maps and transport maps; Map reading; A newspaper report of a mountain rescue; Listening/Speaking: - Listening: A phone conversation about finding your way in a city; A phone conversation about travelling on the subway/metro; A radio news report of a mountain rescue; Speaking: Role play a conversation about finding your way and travelling in a city; Use of English: Prepositions to do with travel (on the subway, get on/off); Comparative adjectives using much … than and (not) as … as; Past continuous, including passive form; Vocabulary: Places and buildings in a town or city; Symbols and places on a map; Writing: Write down the details of a phone conversation; Complete PowerPoint lessons with answer keys and instructions (60-90 minutes) No planning required - NOTE: While these lessons follow the Cambridge Framework for Secondary 1, they may also be suitable for students from Primary 6 or Secondary 2, depending on the students’ ability. WorldClass English (ESL) lessons are Powerpoint files complete with games, sound files, readings, activities, tasks and detailed teacher notes. These lessons provide a versatile and ready-made solution for ESL classrooms (using a projector) or remote/distance education (using sharing functions). No prep, no problems. Enjoy the lesson! Please let us know what you think by reviewing this product! Want to know more about our lessons? Download our FREE lesson here!