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I have been teaching for 12 years in both state and independent schools. Before this, I specialised in the fashion and interior design industries. In my own work, I use a variety of mediums, focusing on printmaking, portraiture, and graphic design. I am always eager to learn new skills and have a passion for creating useful and beautiful resources for my students and sharing them with other teachers. If any of my resources have been helpful to you, please consider leaving feedback in a review.

I have been teaching for 12 years in both state and independent schools. Before this, I specialised in the fashion and interior design industries. In my own work, I use a variety of mediums, focusing on printmaking, portraiture, and graphic design. I am always eager to learn new skills and have a passion for creating useful and beautiful resources for my students and sharing them with other teachers. If any of my resources have been helpful to you, please consider leaving feedback in a review.
Colour Wheel

Colour Wheel

A simple worksheet for students to practice mixing colours and create their own colour wheel. This worksheet also asks them a set of questions to assess their knowledge on colour schemes. This can be printed A4, A3 and is a lovely page to put in their sketchbooks. I have printed this on thin cartridge paper, allowing students to paint using acrylic paints.
Portraiture - The Grid Method

Portraiture - The Grid Method

This is a step by step guide/handout for teachers and students on how to draw a portrait using the grid method. This method can apply to any object, not just portraiture. I created and used this handout for my Y10 Fine Art students. It was a success and something students referred to regularly. This technique is not as easy as it may seem, and although it is not as demanding as drawing from observation, it still challenges students to improve hand eye coordination, and teaches them a way to draw proportionately. Example on the worksheet is a ‘painting’ I did using Photoshop. If this has been useful to you or you have some feedback PLEASE leave a review.
Colour Theory poster - Eng, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Xhosa

Colour Theory poster - Eng, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Xhosa

Included: Translations in French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese using Google translate. Please let me know if these have been translated correctly in a review. This is an informative poster on the history of colour theory. This can be printed A3/A2 as a class display or as a smaller print out/handout for students sketchbooks. It explains the origin of colour theory and who created the traditional and CMYK colour wheels.
Art - Personal Investigation

Art - Personal Investigation

What is a personal investigation? This document was made for students to understand the requirements of a personal investigation. I found GCSE and A Level students found this useful as it clearly lays down the areas they will need to focus on and how to start.
Lino Printing - Health and safety + more

Lino Printing - Health and safety + more

x3 Resources This worksheet/questionnaire that can be used in lessons to ensure your students are aware of good practice as well as health and safety protocol when lino cutting and lino printing. It is formatted at A3 and can be printed from A4 and up to A2. I have also tried to add some humour to keep students on their toes. Lino printing tips Poster - good practice. Worksheet /Homework-A list of questions for students to answer about Lino printing history. Extension tasks added to this worksheet. If this has been useful to you or you have some feedback PLEASE leave a review.
Charcoal Artists Poster

Charcoal Artists Poster

This is a simple poster focused on charcoal artists that students may consider for researching, or perhaps teachers may want to use as examples of varying styles using charcoal.
Mindmap and Brief  "Perception"  project idea

Mindmap and Brief "Perception" project idea

Mind map It is a starting point for a project you may want to create. I usually start my projects with one word ideas, and then create my own mindmaps as a way to start thinking about artists I want to introduce to students and then consider possible subthemes to that topic. This usually helps me then write a brief and a scheme of work. I just found this old mindmap on a project I didn’t deliver but it’s a nice visual starting point for anyone looking for ideas. Creating project themes from scratch can be time consuming, and so I intend to share more of these briefs that I have created in the last 12 years. This brief focuses on the theme of Perception. I have edited the brief so it is not directly linked to an exam board, it can be modified by teachers to link more directly to your own specifications and assessment criteria.
"Gathering" exam unit resource - GCSE Art - Improve Questioning

"Gathering" exam unit resource - GCSE Art - Improve Questioning

This is a worksheet focused on analysing “A Song for Travellers” by Robert Pruitt. It guides students to think about how to research and analyse a work of art by asking the right questions. This work of art, compliments the exam theme perfectly and includes symbolism, as well as contextual references. Included: Exemplar work by a student in 2024 PDF document- Can print up to A3
Visual Elements Introduction

Visual Elements Introduction

This is an introductory worksheet on the Formal Visual Elements. It defines what this means, and asks students to identify what these elements are. Answers are available for teachers and an extension task with exemplar material is also available for teachers to deliver in lesson. Students can go on to use the template provided to create examples of the formal visual elements. An example is available for clarity. There are two copies available - one with the US spelling of color. If this has been useful to you or you have some feedback PLEASE leave a review.
AQA GCSE 2025 Fine Art, Human Being  - Art Brief  for BODY IMAGE project

AQA GCSE 2025 Fine Art, Human Being - Art Brief for BODY IMAGE project

This project can be used for the AQA GCSE Fine Art "Human Being " exam unit. This is a project I delivered a couple of years ago to my BTEC L3 Art and Design students. I was inspired to create and deliver a project that empowered my students and gave them the opportunity to create their own visual narratives on a theme that is sensitive to most (especially young people), and extremely relevant today - Body Image. This brief is suitable for, and links to the AQA Fine Art “Human Beings” title. This is a project that requires the teacher to be sensitive to young people’s views, thoughts and personal experiences. I would recommend that you deliver this knowing you have good relationships with your students and that you are open to tackling difficult topics with care. This resource is a great way to help you get started with the theme if you are stuck for ideas. Body Image project brief - powerpoint. Including artists to research, social, economic, cultural and political links, historical and current day views on the theme, and exemplar work by past students. Visual mindmap, a questionnaire for students to start considering their own personal views on body image- pdf.
Colour and Emotion - Poster

Colour and Emotion - Poster

This poster can be used as a class display or to be handed out to students for a lesson on how colour is used by artists to convey message and meaning as well as emotion. Links to information presented on the poster are discreetly displayed in light grey, where information has been copied and pasted from online sources, should you wish to do some further research for your own schemes of work. US Spelling available too
Illustration - Poster

Illustration - Poster

Poster - classroom display to inspire students. Images and names of amazing illustrators that might inspire them.
Questioning in Art

Questioning in Art

4 posters on questioning in Art. This can be used in lessons or as classroom displays to remind students of questions they should be asking themselves when researching or producing their own work.
Identity - Developing Ideas

Identity - Developing Ideas

This resource is aimed at helping teachers and students with the beginning stages of developing ideas for the Identity project. Suggestions on how to start the project. Mindmaps for possible directions based on the theme.
Paint - Poster

Paint - Poster

This is an informative poster that gives a brief history on the origins of Acrylic Paint. I created this and used in lessons as a handout. It worked well as a starter activity/discussion point on the benefits of understanding different mediums. This leads on to students researching the history of oil paints (classroom activity or homework) and making comparisons between these mediums - pros and cons.
Art project idea: 'Transformation' for Juxtapoz magazine brief

Art project idea: 'Transformation' for Juxtapoz magazine brief

This is a brief I wrote for year 9 students last year. The theme is transformation and it is a graphic design based project for the magazine Juxtapoz. This includes - Brief scenario A list of how to start the project - for students Example of a mind map to follow in the next few days.
Color Wheel - Color theory worksheet US Spelling

Color Wheel - Color theory worksheet US Spelling

This worksheet is for students to apply their knowledge of color theory by painting/coloring in the color wheel and answering the questions below the color wheel. I have also attached the answers to the questions should you need them. I usually ask students to use acrylics for this task. You may want to download for free, my color theory introduction page, which teaches students the history of color Theory. This worksheet is also part of a bundle I have created available on my profile.
Line - Formal Visual Element

Line - Formal Visual Element

This is a 2 page informative worksheet which takes students through the use of line in its many forms. It is informative and interactive and has enabled my students to develop their understanding of the integral nature of line. Page 1: Information - What is line and how can it be used by artists? Students asked to define different types of line - literacy. Page 2: Student worksheet - students instructed to develop line drawing skills demonstrating knowledge and skill. Page 3: Teacher resource example of possible outcome for page 2. If this has been useful to you or you have some feedback PLEASE leave a review.
Health and Safety - working with knives

Health and Safety - working with knives

This is a quick and easy way to teach and meet healthy and safety requirements when using knives in the art room. Page 1. A visual worksheet questionnaire for students to identify safe and unsafe practice. Page 2. Answers with explanations- for teachers. Page 3. Answer page for students to fill in. If this has been useful to you or you have some feedback PLEASE leave a review.