
Rounding to 10 Tarsia puzzle
Tarsia puzzle focusing on building pupil’s ability to round up and down to 10
To build the puzzle pupils must match numeral side with corresponding partitioned side. E.g. 65 will match with 70
File contains Tarsia puzzle pieces on A4 size, also 2 x A4 size, and solution page.

Power of 10 Addition and Subtraction Tarsia puzzle (3 pack)
Tarsia puzzle focusing on building pupil’s ability to add and subtract powers of 10
Differentiated puzzles
1 - power of 10s and 100s
2- power of 10s, 100s and 1,000s
3 - power of 100s, 1,000s and 10,000s
To build the puzzle pupils must match numeral side with corresponding addition/subtraction solution
File contains Tarsia puzzle pieces on A4 size, also 2 x A4 size, and solution page.
Any feedback or reviews are appreciated.
Thank you

Power of 10 Addition and Subtraction Tarsia puzzle (3 pack v2)
Tarsia puzzle focusing on building pupil’s ability to add and subtract powers of 10
Differentiated puzzles
1 - power of 10s and 100s
2- power of 10s, 100s and 1,000s
3 - power of 100s, 1,000s and 10,000s
To build the puzzle pupils must match numeral side with corresponding addition/subtraction solution
File contains Tarsia puzzle pieces on A4 size, also 2 x A4 size, and solution page.
Any feedback or reviews are appreciated.
Thank you

Place Value Tarsia Puzzle (2 Digit)
Tarsia puzzle focusing on building pupil’s ability to partition a two digit number into its tens and ones value e.g 47 = 4 tens and 7 ones.
To build the puzzle pupils must match numeral side with corresponding partitioned side.
File contains Tarsia puzzle pieces on A4 size, also 2 x A4 size, and solution page.

Add and subtract by 100s, 1000s and 10,000 game
A two player game which practices adding and subtracting by the power of 10 (100s, 1,000s and 10,000s)
Players need to spin both number circles twice to give them an addition or subtration equation. e.g 354 + 100 = colour in 454
Players will need a ‘spinner’ which can be simply made by holding a paper clip in the centre of the circle with a pencil and spinning it. Repeat for the number and the power.
Extension - players write their addition or subtraction sentence in their jotters

Add and subtract by 10s and 100s game
A two player game which practices adding and subtracting by the power of 10 (10s and 100s)
Players need to spin both number circles twice to give them an addition or subtration equation. e.g 354 + 100 = colour in 454
Players will need a ‘spinner’ which can be simply made by holding a paper clip in the centre of the circle with a pencil and spinning it. Repeat for the number and the power.
Extension - players write their addition or subtraction sentence in their jotters

Adding and Subtracting by 10 & 100 Tarsia puzzle
Tarsia puzzle focusing on building pupil’s ability to add and subtract powers of 10 (10s and 100s) e.g 387 - 100 = 287
To build the puzzle pupils must match numeral side with corresponding addition/subtraction solution
File contains Tarsia puzzle pieces on A4 size, also 2 x A4 size, and solution page.