All resources
SPaG extension sticker
SPaG extension sticker
Creative Writing
Creative Writing- 12 prompts
Reading Mat- Y2 SAT
Reading Mat- Y2 SAT
Starter- after break
Starter- after break
Basic reward chart
Basic reward chart
Christmas student note
Christmas student note/card :)
Mastery 2,5 & 10 timetables
Mastery 2,5 & 10 timetables
SPaG finisher
SPaG finisher
Easter Starter
Easter Starter- to welcome kids back after the break :)
Fraction- Pre unit check
Fraction- Pre unit check Year 2
Brain Breaks- 25 YouTube links
Brain Breaks- 25 YouTube links
Marking Grids for Kids
Marking Grids for Kids
Word & number of the day
Word & number of the day
Desk Aid- KS1
Desk Aid- KS1
Christmas Fun!
Christmas Fun!
Classroom Jobs
KS1 & KS2 classroom job list
Login File
Login File - Keep all logins in one place :)
Reading Record & Comments
Reading Record & Comments for Teaching folder.
Time Out
I need to take 5,
my head needs a
break, when I come
back inside, I am sure
I’ll feel great!
Helping a grieving child
This resource I have put together for the child in my class is composed of:
-14-page prompt book
-QR codes to books explaining death to children (read aloud on youtube)
-Helpful websites for teachers/support staff to access. (this is for me to refer to)