Part-part-whole thinking refers to how numbers can be split into parts. It allows students to
see the relationship between a number and its component parts. As a result, students
generalise the connections between addition and subtraction.
Part-part-whole reasoning is a critical underpinning concept required for flexible and
efficient computation.
Introduce Partition ten frame. Encourage students to see the different color monsters and read the two partitions that make ten.
When students easily read the two partitions, now ‘flash’ the ten frame for 2 seconds to encourage visualisation. Students then say the two partitions that they saw.
Students then match the associated number sentence cards to match each ten frame.
Students then write the partitions in a workbook in algebraic order. Eg. 0+10, 1+9, 2+8 etc
Great, fun activity for mental computation with a solid Place Value focus.
Students must work out the increment between numbers and place the cut up cards of 1000s, 100s, 10s, or 1s in the box above.
This activity has 3 differing color coded levels for easy entry for all students.
Students can start at either end of the card to increment or decrement depending on level of students.
I have, who has… is a differentiated game catering to different levels of students in the classroom.
Five frames
Ten frames
10 more/less using ten frames.
Fun and challenging activity children can discover ways to ‘Make 10’ with different representations.
Each row and column ‘Make 10’ so students must be selective in placing their cards.
3 different gameboards differentiate entry points for all students.
Fun and challenging activity children can discover ways to ‘Make 5’ with different representations.
Each row and column ‘Make 5’ so students must be selective in placing their cards.
4 different gameboards differentiate entry points for all students.