A simple revision placemat for lower ability sets covering basic animal and plant cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, specialised cells, stem cells and mitosis. Suitable for AQA Combined Science or similar.
This is a hand drawn revision placemat covering the B1 topic for Higher students studying combined science AQA.
This was designed for the 2022 GCSE papers, but could be used to aid revision for any B1 paper. The topics discussed in the advance information are all present, including the required practicals.
This makes a great revision resource to help students organise their knowledge and check they have covered all topics.
This resource includes a powerpoint presentation, an information worksheet and a 20 question quiz covering the Yr. 6 topic Living Things & Their Habitat’s. This topic includes information on classification inclulding the Linnaean system of classification.
This double-sided revision placemat is designed for higher tier students studying AQA trilogy - though that first side is suitable for foundation tier students.
Answers are included.