Lesson 3: Cyberbullying
Lesson Objective
Learners should be able to identify and consider the problem of Cyberbullying using digital media platforms.
Cyberbullying, Empathy, Upstander, Ally,
Emerging I can Consider the different perspectives of those involved in cyberbullying.
Developing I can Identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.
Master I can Problem-Solve potential challenges of responding to cyberbullying.
Scheme of Work for the deliverance of an eSafety Module to Year 7/8 Students. Focus of the unit is on Cyberbullying, Passwords and Security, Social Networks, Screen Time and Mobile Safety. This resource includes a Workbooklet for students, PowerPoint Presentation and digital worksheets.
All Lessons Include Retrieval Starters, Written Activities and Digital Literacy Practice Activities (Applied Knowledge Activities)
Lesson One - Passwords and Security
Lesson Objective
Learners should be able to define and demonstrate the rules of creating secure passwords in an online world and explain the reasons why secure passwords are crucial for online and digital safety.
Lesson Two - Social Networks
Lesson Objective
Learners should be able to understand the impact of their Digital footprint and explain how it can affect their online privacy.
Lesson Three - Cyberbullying
Lesson Objective
Learners should be able to identify and consider the problem of Cyberbullying using digital media platforms.
Lesson Four - Screen Time
Lesson Objective
To be able to identify the consequences of too much screen time and the effects that this can have on the brain.
Lesson Four -Mobile Device Safety and Unknown Communication
Lesson Objective
To understand the risks communication methods, especially with people we do not know.