Full lesson allowing students to identify knowledge of Anne Frank, features of diary writing and a creative task. Levelled Learning outcomes given.
A booklet that gives a complete lesson for students.
Worksheet that guides students in a close analysis of any given quotation.
Central box for chosen quotation.
Open space for annotation.
Box of differentiated sentence stems to guide analysis.
6 worksheets (2 per A4 sheet) used as an introduction to the topics: Plurals, Suffix, Prefix, Homophone, Antonym and Synonym.
Includes Stretch activities for more able students.
Each lesson includes:
Do Now/Bell Work Starters.
Modelling of answers.
Stretch and challenge oppertunities.
Differentiated leveled learning outcomes.
13 lessons + assessment.
Analysis of the Sun and Guardian set products from the new (2017) Eduqas GCSE Media Spec
Representations and forms analysis followed up by comparison to unseen product and exam style questions.
Should cover approx. 3 hours of learning.
Starter re-introduces effective opening, changing focus, zooming in, simile, metaphor and personification in a card sort style.
Following this students view three short films in turn writing a paragraph of description based on the journey of a character.
Students verbally feedback after each with opportunity to discuss good examples.
Plenary is a self assessment task to show how many techniques they have shown to master in the lesson.
Made in response to FAQ by Y12 students, this workbook provides information and tasks based on the following areas:
1. Making money (Tax, NI etc.)
2. Housing (renting, buying etc.)
3. Budgeting
4. Cars
5. Banking
6. Borrowing money
A series of lessons introducing key concepts of media studies to students.
Lessons created to reflect the requirements of the 9-1 Eduqas specification.
For use at the end of the novella.
Students identify key events, characters and quotations in order to consider their significance.
1-2 hours of work depending on ability.
2 lessons covering:
selective representation
dominant ideologies
gender trouble
hegemonic ideologies
A variety of media examples used with opportunities for analysis at the end of each lesson.
Lesson explaining and exploring:
Mean World Index
The Cultivation Differential
Students will end by responding to a quotation based question using examples and terminology to respond.
Booklet that has been used with a Literacy Extract group. allowing for SPAG and comprehension skills to be developed along side creative activities and dictionary/thesaurus work.