A qualified Primary Teacher and drama and music specialist, I have worked both as a class teacher and in partnership with organisations including Young Enterprise, as well as several youth theatre groups and programmes. My shop provides a range of resources including original scripts, workshop plans, cross curricular topic planners with accompanying resources, planning and assessment pro formas and worksheets.
A qualified Primary Teacher and drama and music specialist, I have worked both as a class teacher and in partnership with organisations including Young Enterprise, as well as several youth theatre groups and programmes. My shop provides a range of resources including original scripts, workshop plans, cross curricular topic planners with accompanying resources, planning and assessment pro formas and worksheets.
Comprehensive mind map style topic plan on Under the Sea for forward planning. This covers early level/EYFS outcomes and also includes an overview planner for Four Contexts for Learning. The bundle also includes a range of accompanying resources; Word bank, literacy and numeracy worksheets and a homework workbook with accompanying parental information letter.
These are classroom friendly templates for developing SWOT analysis with pupils and setting Smart Goals.
These could be used on a regular basis for tracking and assessing pupils progress as well as encouraging self evaluation and taking ownership over their learning.
Four different activities to do in class at the beginning of the new term. Getting to know you activities, friendship and relationships as well as self awareness and self efficacy activity. One of the activities is for each pupil in the class to complete a page about themselves to go into a class book. Have the pupils design a front cover, blurb and back cover, choose winning entries and have it bound to be out on display in class.
All the documents are fully editable to change the year group.
This resource is a script with directions, an information letter for parents as well as a powerpoint for a class to put on a super assembly based on the common world religions festivals and celebrations. It covers Eid, Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas. If you have a range of religions represented in your school, that is ideal, however, it would also be appropriate for smaller schools who perhaps have less diversity, as the script is easily adaptable.
This is well received by parents, pupils and the school community as it is a super way to celebrate several religious festivals at once.
This could be done at this time of year as a stand alone assembly, or can be undertaken at the end of the accompanying RME planner on World Religions which in turn goes with the Solar System topic planner.
I have also uploaded song words and backing tracks to support this assembly - all of these other resources will be available as a bundle.
This termly planner is one of four that are available as a bundle: RME, Expressive Arts, HWB and ICT. The planner is easy to use and adaptable to suit any stage/curricular area.
These particular plans have been designed for a Primary Five class during the first term and follow the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
The planner includes experiences and outcomes, skills, lesson ideas, key vocabulary, necessary resources, outline of the four capacities as well as a fully editable assessment section.
Front cover graphics from mycutegraphics.com.
This booklet is designed to be used during the busy December month, when often it is difficult to keep the pupils engaged and still learning!
Within this booklet are seven different challenges that will get the pupils thinking, designing, problem solving, working together and having some fun.
The booklet has the following worksheets and tasks:
Design a new toy
Design a new suit for Santa
Help the Elves task
Design a Sleigh
Christmas Alphabetical Ordering
Christmas Wordsearch and Cloze Passage
Christmas Party Budget: Money and Problem Solving activity
This is designed for KS2/Scottish Second Level pupils, although it could be adapted/differentiated for lower stages and levels.
This bundle consists of guidelines, lesson plans, activities and resource suggestions based around themes on Toys, Anger Management and Friendship.
Each theme is designed to be done over two sessions and links to Expressive Arts, Literacy and English as well as HWB.
Each individual set has been priced at £4 - £5 but for a limited time you can purchase all three for the great price of £8.00.
This bundle includes a script and powerpoint for a class assembly on festivals and celebrations of some of the main world religions, backing tracks and song words and RME topic planner which can be used in conjunction with assembly and a topic on Solar System.
This resource has been produced for infants working at Early Level for Numeracy, Literacy and Health and Wellbeing. These will be easily adaptable for each level and stage of the primary school.
Resource to include weekly timetable, breakdown of lessons with evaluations/next steps, homework etc. Clear planning that makes it clear and easy to see what is being done on a day to day basis. Very helpful for if supply teacher covering your class at any point.
This resources comprises of two original sketches to be performed by children along with some suggestions for follow up workshops after the short performances.
This is intended to be run as a morning/afternoon activity for whole school involvement as part of anti bullying week. It is recommended that only pupils from P4 - 7 take part in the workshops in year groups. If preferred it could be that you could request for some senior drama pupils from your cluster high school to perform the sketches to enable all children to watch or have P7 pupils take on roles to perform.
It would be advisable to have a short introduction and questioning session prior to the sketches and a follow up open forum for comments following before beginning workshops.
This resource can be used for both at school with an infant class/nursery, or at home for your own young children. I made these resources up for my own child and subsequently used in my P1 classroom where it went down a treat.
The door can be printed and laminated and then easily attached to a wall - I used A5 size last year, but A4 also works well on a bigger expanse of wall.
The letter and behaviour chart are editable to suit for name/class etc. I laminated the chart as well and in class it was smiley faces and at home I used stickers.
You can get little elf dolls online extremely cheaply, without having to pay too much for the 'official' merchandise.
This termly planner is one of four that are available as a bundle: RME, Expressive Arts, HWB and ICT. The planner is easy to use and adaptable to suit any stage/curricular area.
These particular plans have been designed for a Primary Five class during the first term and follow the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
The planner includes experiences and outcomes, skills, lesson ideas, key vocabulary, necessary resources, outline of the four capacities as well as a fully editable assessment section.
Front cover graphics from mycutegraphics.com.
This termly planner is one of four that are available as a bundle: RME, Expressive Arts, HWB and ICT. The planner is easy to use and adaptable to suit any stage/curricular area.
These particular plans have been designed for a Primary Five class during the first term and follow the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
The planner includes experiences and outcomes, skills, lesson ideas, key vocabulary, necessary resources, outline of the four capacities as well as a fully editable assessment section.
Front cover graphics from mycutegraphics.com.
This termly planner is one of four that are available as a bundle: RME, Expressive Arts, HWB and ICT. The planner is easy to use and adaptable to suit any stage/curricular area.
These particular plans have been designed for a Primary Five class during the first term and follow the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
The planner includes experiences and outcomes, skills, lesson ideas, key vocabulary, necessary resources, outline of the four capacities as well as a fully editable assessment section.
Front cover graphics from mycutegraphics.com.
These termly forward plans are available as a bundle: RME, Expressive Arts, HWB and ICT. The planner is easy to use and adaptable to suit any stage/curricular area.
These particular plans have been designed for a Primary Five class during the first term and follow the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
The planner includes experiences and outcomes, skills, lesson ideas, key vocabulary, necessary resources, outline of the four capacities as well as a fully editable assessment section.
Front cover graphics from mycutegraphics.com
This booklet has a host of activities and worksheets for Easter and Spring.
Included in booklet are:
Talk About Cards
Spring Walk
Easter Egg Design
Easter Egg Package Design
Easter Hunt
Easter Maze
Spring Alphabetical Ordering
Easter Wordsearch
Easter Egg Symmetry
This is a great time saver for use in class as early finisher/extra activities on the run up to Easter/Spring holidays.
These templates are ready made for a busy teacher to be able to keep up to date records of assessment within the class.
With a separate page for each curricular area, columns for E/Os and skills assessed, type of assessment carried out and date of assessment, this is a practical and comprehensive way to keep track of pupil learning and development. Whilst this has been designed initially with the Curriculum for Excellence in mind, it is easily adaptable to any curriculum.
There is both a PDF and word version available as this can be either kept as an online working document on word, or used as a write upon document in a file in class.