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Story Map Template

Story Map Template

EYFS / KS1 Editable story map template. Perfect for: *Retelling a familiar story *Planning a story *Sequencing a story
Book Talk Display

Book Talk Display

EYFS/KS1 Editable book talk display. A set of four key questions that can be used with any fiction story. Also includes a display poster / banner. Perfect for: *Start of a new English topic *Introducing and exploring a key text *Encouraging speaking and listening *Encouraging reading comprehension Ask children to write their responses on post-its for an instant, child friendly working wall display!
Story Planning Pack

Story Planning Pack

KS1/KS2 A set of editable story planning templates. Includes: *Story plan/board with 6 blank boxes for drawing pictures *Story plan/board with 6 boxes with space for drawing pictures and lines for a sentence / caption *Story mountain with 4 blank boxes for drawing pictures *Story mountain with 4 lined boxes for jotting ideas
Pumpkin Soup Instruction Writing

Pumpkin Soup Instruction Writing

KS1/KS2 Resources to support instruction writing. Includes: *An editable 'How to Make Pumpkin Soup' example *An editable template for writing instructions *A set of pictures to support writing instructions for making pumpkin soup
Summer Holiday Recount Plan

Summer Holiday Recount Plan

KS1/KS2 Editable Summer Holiday Recount Planning Sheet. Perfect for the first couple of days back after the Summer holidays! Includes space for planning *What I did with my family... *What I did with my friends... *My favourite part... *I wish I had...
CVC Word Recognition and Reading Game

CVC Word Recognition and Reading Game

EYFS / KS1 / SEN 40 CVC picture cards. Word version has 3 decodable CVC words to read (most which challenge misconceptions with reading) for children to read and choose the correct word. Blank version is perfect for handwriting words linked to sounds that have already been taught. Could also be used for spelling / handwriting practise. Perfect for: *Developing CVC word reading *Developing blending skills *Independent game / finishing activity using pegs to select the correct word *Laminating and folding - read the words first and then look at the picture to find out which is the correct word *Small group / 1:1 intervention
Autumn Writing - Initial Sounds + Simple Sentences + Descriptions

Autumn Writing - Initial Sounds + Simple Sentences + Descriptions

EYFS/KS1 An editable resource that can be used for different abilities within EYFS and Key Stage 1. Activity 1 - Can you write the correct initial sound for the Autumn pictures? Or, can you attempt to write the word? Activity 2 - Can you trace the sentence starter and complete the Autumn word? Activity 3 - Can you write sentences describing Autumn pictures? Perfect for: Practising initial sounds Developing simple sentences Encouraging descriptive language
Christmas / Winter Descriptive Writing

Christmas / Winter Descriptive Writing

EYFS/KS1/KS2 An editable resource that can be used with different abilities within EYFS and Key Stage 1. A selection of high quality Christmas / winter themed images to spark children’s imagination. Descriptive Writing Sheet include: Christmas tree Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House Santa Writing his Christmas List Christmas Eve Night Sky Each picture is available with three different line widths: narrow, normal and wide. Each document is editable. Perfect for: Developing sentence writing and building writing stamina Encouraging descriptive language Engaging children during the Christmas season!