Here is some History planning that I have put together over the last couple of years based on the Kingdom of Benin. I must stress that I am by no means an expert and went into this with zero knowledge about this civilization and it has been a pretty steep learning curve putting this together! However, if this is able to help anyone out then great. The slides focus on the British Empire, an overview of the kingdom and key events, important people, art, daily life and finishes on slavery. I tried to be as careful and as respectful as I could with teaching about slavery as it is a very sensitive issue. This is used with my Year 4 learners. Hope it helps.
This lesson does exactly what it says on the tin. It begins with some recall on general Mayan facts before displaying a page from the brilliant book ’ ’ linked to Mayan beliefs. This is further expanded on in the net two slides before then looking at specific information linked to 8 Mayan Gods. While this is being read, the children have a cloze procedure task to complete based on missing information which can be easily adapted based on your classes ability level. After this is a game adapted from Pokemon called Pokemayan which features the Gods the children have learned about as Pokemon cards. It is easy to play and the rules are on the slides. The lesson finished with a summary task based on the learning content.
10 Weeks worth of planning about the Romans with a bit of a focus on Lincolnshire for a couple of lessons. This was planned to be delivered to KS2 children as the planning is flexible to be accessed by children from Year 3 to 6.
Here are the slides and resources for a unit based on the Ancient Mayans. They focus on using Dual Coding to embed the key knowledge in the first couple of lessons before moving onto chronology, daily life, legacy, beliefs and exploring a Mayan city. This is aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 but can easily be adapted for Upper Key Stage 2. I am by no means an expert in this field but you never know, it might be useful.
This unit (Part 1 of 3) focuses on an overview of the Kingdom of Benin. It begins by setting the scene with the British Empire before linking to an overview of the key dates in the kingdom and the Golden Period. Each lesson is followed by retrieval tasks based on the books by Kate Jones.
Hope you find it useful and if there are any questions, pop them in the comments box and I will get back as soon as I can.
DIsclaimer: I am by no means an expert on this subject and there may be inaccuracies, did the best with what I have managed to cobble together from the internet.
This unit (Part 2 of 3) focuses on the Decline of the Kingdom of Benin, Daily Life, Art in Benin and Benin City. Each lesson is followed by retrieval tasks based on the books by Kate Jones.
Hope you find it useful and if there are any questions, pop them in the comments box and I will get back as soon as I can.
DIsclaimer: I am by no means an expert on this subject and there may be inaccuracies, did the best with what I have managed to cobble together from the internet.
This unit (Part 3 of 3) focuses on the end of the Kingdom of Benin. It begins by looking at Key People involved in the kingdom, Slavery and the Door of No Return (a monument built to remember those who suffered at the hands of slave traders). Each lesson is followed by retrieval tasks based on the books by Kate Jones.
Hope you find it useful and if there are any questions, pop them in the comments box and I will get back as soon as I can.
DIsclaimer: I am by no means an expert on this subject and there may be inaccuracies, did the best with what I have managed to cobble together from the internet.