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Paul Carney's Art Lesson Store

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Paul is an AST and NSEAD board member who is also a professional graphic designer, these lesson plans have been painstakingly produced to a high standard with everything you need to teach the lesson.




Paul is an AST and NSEAD board member who is also a professional graphic designer, these lesson plans have been painstakingly produced to a high standard with everything you need to teach the lesson.
How to make a Blog

How to make a Blog

This PDF file will show you a step by step guide to making a free blog. Blogs (web logs) are a great, free way of motivating your students to write down their thoughts, opinions, ideas, evaluations and essays! Every teacher should be using them! For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Baseline assessment for Art

Baseline assessment for Art

I've revised and updated my baseline test to include measuring across the four main attainment areas of Making Skills, Ideas, Knowledge and Evaluation. My test takes only one lesson to complete plus one homework task and marking is done in the lesson itself. I've used this test for years and I know it works well. I was a member of the NSEAD Curriculum Writing Group that wrote the curriculum competencies, more formally called the: 'Framework for Progression, Planning for Learning, Assessment, Recording and Reporting 2014.’ For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Mark Making in drawing

Mark Making in drawing

This is a great drawing lesson that really extends your students' understanding of drawing and helps them take their first steps into abstraction and expression. You might need to adapt it to suit the literacy level of your pupils, but it is suitable for Key Stage 2 or 3, in fact I've seen it adapted for KS1. Included in this presentation are links to artists work. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Where do ideas come from?

Where do ideas come from?

This powerpoint can be used at the creative thinking stage of any project to help your students create interesting, original ideas. It has a classroom game, word play games and strategies designed to make your work stand out from the crowd.
Painting Colour Theory for beginners

Painting Colour Theory for beginners

Aimed at Primary pupils or unconfident year 7 pupils, this powerpoint contains slides of all of the colour combinations PLUS a worksheet I've designed to improve painting skill whilst teaching these basic skills. Also included is a worksheet 'How to' which shows children the order that the sheet should be completed. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Activity sheet Charcoal skills

Activity sheet Charcoal skills

This activity sheet is designed to demonstrate the skills of using charcoal to create exciting Ciaroscuro style drawings and pictures. Great for novice teachers. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Wire Flowers - free Art & Science lesson

Wire Flowers - free Art & Science lesson

This full instructional document shows you how to make elegant wire flowers that can form part of a creative science lesson on flower anatomy or just be an art activity on its own. Completely free! For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Drawing lessons

Drawing lessons

Four drawing lesson plan activities for you to use in your classroom that have stood the test of time as classic drawing exercises. Blind contour and hand blind drawing teach your students to look at what they are drawing not the paper, describing drawing teaches visual and oral literacy, whilst object in a bag teaches imaginative recall.


I designed this scheme of work nearly ten years ago and it is still as interesting and exciting now as it was then. It combines brilliantly with science lessons about life on other planets. It teaches young people how to design within design constraints, use their imagination and think about how different life evolves. Use it with my Alien Landscape project to get the full effect.
Ink art technique

Ink art technique

A super art skills sheet to teach the skills of using indian ink in the art room. Great for novice teachers. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Wax resist activity sheet

Wax resist activity sheet

A simple set of instructions for using wax resist in the classroom to create lovely pictures and images. Great for novice art teachers. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
Texture skills sheet

Texture skills sheet

A simple skills sheet to show you how to make textured images. Great for novice teachers. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700
50 Artists Primary pupils should know

50 Artists Primary pupils should know

Famous Western Artists Primary K-6 pupils should know. By this I mean that they should have seen images by these artists and remember key details about when and where they lived. These artists could support work done in other subject areas. All dates are approximate. It is not suggested that Primary K-6 students should know every artist on this list, but rather that they should know and understand the main movements and how art has changed. There is a great activity I have written that does this called my art timeline game which is available to download free from my website. There are also too many brilliant artists not mentioned here that I have omitted to keep things simple. By the time we get to Contemporary art you can pretty much choose what you like! The resource contains a link to all the images you need via Google Art Institute. ​
Idea Mining

Idea Mining

How can you teach pupils how to generate high quality ideas in art? What different types of ideas are there in art and how can you easily demonstrate to pupils what they look like? This entirely original concept has been produced by me from years of teaching original art. For more fantastic art resources visit my TES store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/paulcarney700