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paulsheffordDrawing 3D shapes on isometric paper(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - includes blank page of isometric paper
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paulsheffordEnlargement and Scale Factors(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - covers using centre of enlargement and scale factors for length and area
paulsheffordAngles of Regular Polygons(1)Upper Key Stage Two, Key Stage Three, ISEB 13+ Activ Inspire whiteboard slide, jpeh and ppt file for angles of regular polygons Covers drawing regular polygons using a circle, interior angles, exterior angles and total angles inside a polygon.
paulsheffordMixed quiz of 11+ topics(0)Active Inspire flipcharts, pdfs and jpegs covering lots of different topics with answers!
paulsheffordPie Charts(0)Active Inspire, jpeg and pdf files taking you through reading and construction of pie charts.
paulsheffordUsing Grouped Data(0)Active inspire file, pdf and jpgs. Example of analysis of data choosing and using intervals.
paulsheffordThree figure bearings(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - how to measure and express three figure bearings
paulsheffordSorting Shapes - Venn and Carroll Diagrams(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - sorting shapes using Venn and Carroll diagrams
BundlepaulsheffordSorting Bundle4 ResourcesA variety of resources -all as acitv inspire flowcharts, jpegs and pdf files - for teaching a range of topics.
paulsheffordLine graphs(0)Active inspire file, pdf and jpgs. Example of line graph for temperature over time including questions and answers.
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paulsheffordPythagoras Theorem(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - explaining and testing understanding
BundlepaulsheffordStatistics Bundle8 ResourcesA variety of resources -all as acitv inspire flowcharts, jpegs and pdf files - for teaching a range of topics.
paulsheffordFinding the Mean(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - finding the mean of a set of children’s weights
paulsheffordSorting Shapes Using a Flow Chart(0)Active Inspire flipchart pdf and jpeg files - using a flow chart to sort a set of shapes
paulsheffordIsometric background paper(0)What it says on the tin! Activ, pdf and jpeg files just saves you fidning this for yourself!
paulsheffordFour quadrant graph(1)Three files - activ inspire, pdf and jpeg - just blank graph axes with numbers
paulsheffordSets and Venn Diagrams(2)Active Inspire, jpeg and pdf files taking you through all the conventions of Venn diagrams including some questions for pupils to complete