When I was a Speech Teacher, I had a small group of students.
At the time, using questions was a therapy method.
I wrote a program that accepted answers from up to 8 students
answering together. I used it successfully and continually tinkered with it.
I lavished my attention on this program. I think I thought of some good ideas.
Although my programming style was primative, I am still proud of it and
it still works.
At that time (2016), I had no people interested in the idea, beyond my
local group. (if that).
I put in a demonstration of horses using the same race students
would use in the Testing Machine.
How it Works:
8 boxes are shown on the screen. As students answer on a prepared keyboard,
the boxes turn purple. After all students answer, the computer marks them. All questions
are two choices (alternate choice). Alternate Choice is another subject.
The students number goes across the screen toward a finish line.
I found that a smart student would win all the time. He would taunt others by winning
by only one point. This disencouraged students to play. I had the computer pick a winner
based on how close they were to the actual winner.
The chance to win was expressed as a percent. It was halved for even point behind.
Everyone had a chance to win and effort was rewarded.
THE HORSE RACE GAME is crude and slow, but the ideas are there.
Its program code is cryptic. I have since used procedures which really help make
programs orderly.
With my ability to put this on the internet with TES, I am presenting it to you.
(This is the far future, you know.)
I also have a talking TALKING MACHINE on TES you can download.
Your ideas are welcome.
Paul Skittone
Do you want to run multiple choice tests with students
working together?
The Testing Machine allows students to enter multiple choice
answers together using one prepared keyboard.
The Testing Machine was sought after by the founders of machine
learning. This invention uses a standard computer and keyboard
to accomplish this task.
Because computers have buffers, several keystrokes can be
reacted on that are close together. This makes it possible
for several students t use on computer.
This is useful for teachers working in small groups.
A full explanation is included in the program.
When you press Enter in a BASIC computer program, the computer stores
it and acts on it when it gets a chance. The reason for this is there may be a lag
in responding to typing and the computer does not want to lose information.
This can cause a problem. If you press ENTER several times the computer will
do it again and again even though you meant for only one repetition to be done.
There are times you want to clear the buffer, clear commands to get a new clean
chance to enter new commands. This is a way to do this:
REPEAT gets an action UNTIL a condition is met.
INKEY$(0) takes information from the buffer(keystrokes you make or have made)
When all this information is used up, the buffer is cleared.
X$="" means the buffer is cleared.
Basic computer language was first brought out in 1963 to allow ordinary people to
program computers; before this only specialists could do this and the language was
very difficult.
When computers became cheap and widely available in the 1980’s, BASIC was part of the
package. There are many versions of BASIC based on the same concepts. Commands are listed
in order to tell the computer what to do. These commands are the program and can be saved.
BASIC is similar to English and has command words based on what the word does.
These are many books and web sites on this topic for beginner programmers.
Programming is a satisfying endeavor you can get better in.
You can write simple programs to do games and tasks.
Here are some of the main key words:
These simple commands and be combined into complex programs of actions
the computer can do again and again.
DOWN LOAD this product to see some essential words and ideas.
Computers are awesome and BASIC language makes this vast
power available and easy. But, what should you write? It should
do something, answer something.
I’ve been playing BINGO. Someone claimed there are lucky
numbers. At least two theories claim there are better numbers
and configurations that win more.
Computers have a built-in list of random numbers. You can
get the same numbers by setting the computer to a place on this list.
To get real randomness, you have to set the computer to a random place on the list.
The computer keep the time since it was turned on. This is the one thing
that is really random.
N=RND(-4) (You set the computer list with a negative number)
Sets the randomness list to the 4th place. Each time you write
this you get a list with he same numbers.
N=RND(-4) This says set the random list to the 4th place
X=1 TO 5 This says go into a loop 5 times
Y=RND(10) This says Y is a random number from 1 to 10
PRINT Y This says print the number
NEXT X This goes back and does the loop again
This program prints out 4 5 8 5 10 every time.
N=RND(-TIME) This says set the random list to a random place. (The time on the timer.)
X=1 TO 5 This says go into a loop 5 times
Y=RND(10) This says Y is a random number from 1 to 10
PRINT Y This says print the number
NEXT X This goes back and does the loop again
Now each time you run the program, you get a different number list.
1 7 5 7 3
2 8 4 1 9
6 5 10 3 7
Putting in a randomizer line is necessary to get real random numbers.
It may be useful to have the same numbers at times; for example in a game
you may want the same numbers coming out for two players on different computers.
You can generate a player’s profile numbers without having to save them with his method too.
I was told, when running a bingo game, the organizers know the numbers called before time
to prevent disputes; they probably used this method.
It is not good to give up too easily. Are there better bingo
card configurations? There are theories that say yes! So, if there
are such cards you can look for them.
What I’m doing is this:
Have a computer program to:
Make 1000 cards.
Play 1000 games with each card.
Get a rating number for each card.
Have a list of better cards.
Compare the new cards with the cards on the second list.
Replace cards on the second list if it is rated lower than a new card.
Progress: The original rating was 80.
After 130 trials, the average rating is now 102.5.
It takes around 20 minutes per trial and the computer is working.
If the super cards are used and get only a beginner type rating,
it is another sign that all cards are equal in their ability to win.
This could be that in only 1000 games, a card can get lucky and
win more even if it’s ability to win is only average.
What I think: All cards are the same, but who knows?
BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
has continued to develop through the years. There are many versions
of the computer language that uses words that are similar to English
words. It is fun to write in and promotes logical thinking and
organization. I personally use BBC BASIC for Windows which I have no
connection with; its just a jolly, well-thought out thing.
With BASIC, you can write instructions your computer will follow
to do simple tasks. When you have the BASIC language, you can see,
write and change the actual instructions the computer uses. Programs
can also be compiled - that is made into a form that does not show the
instruction lines (code). This form is compressed, runs faster and
makes computers work even if the user does not have the BASIC language.
One big problem with BASIC is that compiled programs (exe files)
are blocked on e-mails. EXE files are used to carry viruses, so e-mail
providers look vigorously for them and block them. However; the BASIC
code itself can be e-mailed. If a person has the BASIC version of the
language it was written in, it can be run, looked at, edited, shared.
SEE the full article by down loading the product
I've been programing since 1983; fourty years! Half way through,
I got the BBC BASIC for Windows computer language. In the beginning,
I received my Timex computer. It was the model T of computers; cheap, flimsy,
available.It could be boosted to 16k and used a tape recorder as a memory drive.
It was part of the revolution that used one chip to make a computer; Commador 64, IBM home computer, Radio shack computers and the like.
Memory was at a premium and constant backups a necessity because the TIMEX computer had a nasty habit of crashing, so you lost all your work.
(TIMEX, the watch company, got involved and cranked out millions of small computers!)
Here is a statistical game you may be interested in.
What I did was give offensive and defensive abilities to fighter you make.
There run fights and a winners is determined.
There are other programs to find the odds of winning and the payout.
There are programs to run automatic tournaments to identify fighters of
greater ability.
There is a way to run fights quickly and show the winner to winnow through
fighters and identify the best.
As many computer boxing game have been made, I make mine.
It is a completely set up and watch game.
It is based on authentic punches and the defenses for them.
You create boxers by given them a number and fight other boxers.
The computer also give you the odds you will win and a payout based on it.
As a statistical program, it is of interest. I have included the code it is written with.