Tha earrannan bho logaichean tùsaire Mars làn de bheachdan poilitigeach.
B’ e an dileab aca an cruinneachadh àrd de dhaoine ann an àiteachan cuibhrichte fon talamh.
Bha seo na ghluasad bho na cumhaichean a chaidh a ghealltainn.
Bha an eadar-dhealachadh iongantach agus dh’ adhbhraich e dìmeas.
Bha dìmeas ann a bhith saor-thoileach a dhol bhon Talamh.
Bha daoine leth-bhreith a’ faighinn a-mach dè bha a’ dol.
Tha earrannan bho logaichean tùsaire Mars làn de bheachdan argamaideach.
B’ e an duilgheadas a bh’ aca an àireamh àrd de dhaoine ann an àiteachan làn sluaigh fon talamh.
Bha seo na ghluasad bho na cumhaichean a chaidh a ghealltainn.
Bha an t-eadar-dhealachadh iongantach agus ag adhbhrachadh tàmailt.
Bha mì-thoileachas ann a dhol gu saor-thoileach bhon Talamh.
Bha an fheadhainn a b’ urrainn leughadh eadar na loidhnichean a’ faighinn a-mach dè bha a’ dol.
Excerpts from Mars pioneer logs are full of polemical comments.
Their dilemma was the high concentration of people in cramped underground spaces.
This was a digression from the promised conditions.
The discrepency was striking and caused disdain.
There was a disinclination to volunteer to go from Earth.
Discriminating people figured out what was going on.
Passages from Mars pioneer logs are full of argumentative comments.
Their problem was the high number of people in crowded underground spaces.
This was a departure from the promised conditions.
The difference was striking and caused disgust.
There was a unwillingness to volunteer to go from Earth.
Those that could read between the lines figured out what was going on.
Mar sin, bha daoine comasach air Mars a tha na antithesis air na bu chòir a bhith.
Chuir daoine an gnìomh planaichean abstruse.
Bha e neo-chinnteach air an uachdar a lean air adhart gu bhith antagonism agus
ana-cainnt do dhaoine.
Chuir bàird an cèill am faireachdainnean gràin dà-sheaghach airson na cruth-tìre neo-thorrach
le iomradh air bàs agus buaireadh.
Mar sin, bha daoine beò air Mars a tha an aghaidh na bu chòir a bhith.
Rinn daoine planaichean a bha doirbh a thuigsinn.
Cha robh buaidh sam bith air an uachdar a lean air adhart gu nàimhdeas agus
fuath do dhaoine.
Chuir na bàird an cèill am faireachdainnean gràin a bha an aghaidh a chèile airson na cruth-tìre gun bheatha
le ìomhaighean neo-dhìreach de bhàs agus caos.
So, humans were viable on Mars which is the antithesis of what should have been.
People executed abstruse plans.
It was inconsequential to the surface which continued to have antagonism and
antipathy for humans.
Poets articulated their ambiguous love hate feelings for the barren landscape
with allusions to death and mayhem.
So, humans were survivable on Mars which is the opposite of what should have been.
People carried out hard to understand plans.
It was of no effect to the surface which continued to have hostility and
hatred for humans.
Poets voiced their conflicting love hate feelings for the lifeless landscape
with indirect images of death and chaos.
Thug e goireasan toinnte airson a bhith beò air Mars uile fon talamh.
B’ e neo-riaghailteachd neo-riaghailteachd dhaoine cuthach an taobh a-muigh as prosaic.
Bha a’ mhòr-chuid de na Martianaich amharasach gun robh dòigh hypotetical air siubhal an-asgaidh gu h-àrd comasach.
Rinn guthan mì-chinnteach co-dhùnadh deimhinnte.
Bha daoine a rinn sgrùdadh air an uachdar buailteach aillse.
Thug e bun-structar iom-fhillte airson a bhith beò air Mars uile fon talamh.
B’ e an turas as àbhaistiche a-muigh an turas neo-àbhaisteach a bh’ ann de dhaoine cuthach.
Bha a’ mhòr-chuid de Martians teagmhach gun robh dòigh teòiridheach air siubhal an-asgaidh gu h-àrd comasach.
Rinn luchd-càineadh co-dhùnadh deireannach.
Bha daoine a rinn sgrùdadh air an uachdar dualtach aillse fhaighinn.
It took elaborate facilities to live on Mars all underground.
The most prosaic trip outside was an anomaly an idiosyncracy of mad people.
Most Martians were dubious a hypothetical way of free travel above was possible.
Discordant voices made a definitive decision.
People who did explore on the surface were prone to cancer.
It took complex infrastructure to live on Mars all underground.
The most ordinary trip outside was unusual a quirk of mad people.
Most Martians were doubtful a theoretical way of free travel above was possible.
Critics made a final decision.
People who did explore on the surface were likely to cancer.
Dhiùlt luchd-tòiseachaidh obdurate Mars a leigeil seachad.
Rinn iad argamaidean ciallach feumaidh co-leanailteachd a bhith aig muinntir Mars.
Chuir iad ri chèile soirbheachas às deidh soirbheachas.
B’ e oidhirp borb a bh’ ann a bhith beò agus a’ soirbheachadh.
Sin an aghaidh shuidheachaidhean a chuireadh às don lag.
B’ e neo-dhìomhaireachd neo-chinnteach a chaidh a chomharrachadh mu eucoirean air ais air an Talamh a bha os cionn na h-oidhirp.
Tha an cliche Sink or Swim a’ tighinn gu inntinn.
Dhiùlt luchd-tòiseachaidh cruaidh Mars a leigeil seachad.
Rinn iad argamaidean ciallach gum feum muinntir Mars cumail ri chèile.
Fhuair iad soirbheachadh an dèidh soirbheachadh.
B’ e oidhirp borb a bh’ ann a bhith beò agus a’ soirbheachadh.
Sin an aghaidh shuidheachaidhean a chuireadh às do na lag.
Cha robh mòran eòlach air triùir luchd-call ùine fo chasaidean eucoirean air ais air an Talamh os cionn na h-oidhirp.
Tha an sean-fhacal Sink or Swim a’ tighinn nam inntinn.
Obdurate Mars pioneers refused to give up.
They made cogent arguments the Mars people must have coherence.
They compiled success after success.
It was an obstinate attempt to survive and thrive.
That in the face of conditions that would obliterate the weak.
Obscure incorrigibles indicted of crimes back on Earth headed the effort.
The cliche Sink or Swim comes to mind.
Tough Mars pioneers refused to give up.
They made sensible arguments the Mars people must stick together.
They racked up success after success.
It was a stubborn attempt to survive and thrive.
That in the face of conditions that would wipe out the weak.
Little known three time losers charged with crimes back on Earth headed the effort.
The old saying Sink or Swim comes to mind.
Mar sin, chaidh oidhirp sheasmhach le seasmhachd a dhèanamh air Mars.
Bha e a’ toirt a-steach a h-uile duine.
Mu dheireadh, bha iad a 'fuireach ann an àrainneachd bhrèagha.
A rèir choltais bha seo mì-choltach ri Mars fhèin.
Tha Mars neo-chòrdail ri beatha dhaoine.
Chaidh eucorach a thoirt air ais chun Talamh.
Bha e duilich agus thug e freagairtean teann dha na casaidean aige.
Chaidh iad uile a chuir às a dhreuchd.
Mar sin, chaidh oidhirp fhada sheasmhach le cumhachd fuireach a dhèanamh air Mars.
Bha e air a ghabhail a-steach leis an t-sluagh gu lèir.
Mu dheireadh, bha iad a 'fuireach ann an àrainneachd mhòr.
A rèir choltais bha seo a-mach à àite gu Mars fhèin.
Chan eil Mars freagarrach airson beatha dhaoine.
Chaidh eucorach a thoirt air ais chun Talamh.
Bha socair aige agus thug e freagairtean goirid èifeachdach dha na casaidean aige.
Chaidh iad uile a thilgeil a-mach.
So, a sustained effort with tenacity was done on Mars.
It was inclusive of all people.
Finally, they lived in lavish surroundings.
This was seemingly incongruous to Mars itself.
Mars is incompatible to human life.
A criminal was brought back to Earth.
He had composure and made terse answers to his charges.
They were all dismissed.
So, a steady long effort with staying power was done on Mars.
It was included of all the people.
Finally, they lived in great surroundings.
This was seemingly out of place to Mars itself.
Mars is unsuited to human life.
A criminal was brought back to Earth.
He had calmness and made short effective answers to his charges.
They were all thrown out.
When the trenches of WW1 became quiescent, the returning troops were
pervasively venerated for their exploits.
However; a scrutiny of the war led to reproving the tactics.
Experts ranted at the random nature of the decisions.
Generals rushed in or vacillated.
Emotions had often usurped sound military practice.
When the trenches of WW1 became quiet the returning troops were
universally worshiped for their deeds.
However; a review of the war led to criticizing the tactics.
Experts barked at the arbitrary nature of the decisions.
Generals rushed in or hesitated.
Emotions had often taken the place of solid military practice.
Bha diongmhaltas aig na patriots Ameireaganach.
Bha iad a’ tagradh airson dùthaich neo-eisimeileach.
Chuir iad am plana an gnìomh.
Bha iad deònach lasachaidhean a dhèanamh airson an slighe fhaighinn.
Anns a 'choloquial, pòg mus fhalbh thu.
Bha an ìre seo sealach.
The American patriots had determination.
They advocated for an autonomous nation.
They implemented their plan.
They were willing to make concessions to get their way.
In the colloquial, kiss before leaving.
This phase was ephemeral.
They were repelled by the English.
There was a detachment from reality on both sides.
The American patriots had drive.
They called for for an independent nation.
They put their plan in motion.
They were willing give things up to get their way.
In the common turn of phrase, kiss before leaving.
This phase was short lived.
They were knocked by the English.
There was a sepeation from reality on both sides.
Chaidh an cur air ais leis na Sasannaich.
Bha sgaradh bhon fhìrinn air gach taobh.
Bha draibheadh aig na patriots Ameireaganach.
Dh’iarr iad dùthaich neo-eisimeileach.
Chuir iad am plana air adhart.
Bha iad deònach rudan a leigeil seachad airson an slighe fhaighinn.
Anns an tionndadh cumanta den abairt, pòg mus fhalbh thu.
Cha robh an ìre seo fada beò.
Bha iad air am bualadh leis na Sasannaich.
Bha dealachadh bho fhìrinn air gach taobh.
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After WW1 in Germany an elaborate exhaustive study of WW1 was made.
The problems were enumerated and corroborated.
A new plan for war was endorsed.
It is an enigma how they discounted how ephemeral the nature of German superiority would be.
Many generals were dubious of a renewed war and offered discordant ideas.
After WW1 in Germany an complex thorough study of WW1 was made.
The problems were listed and confirmed.
A new plan for war was adopted.
It is an mystery how they overlooked how temporary the nature of German superiority would be.
Many generals were doubtful of a renewed was and offered contradictory ideas.
In the volatile post war period, Germany extricated itself from the Versailles Treaty restraints.
Hitler said a new war was warranted.
Germany began to fabricate an army, air force and navy; with eclectic
weaponry to facilitate their grand ambitions.
Many generals had pessimism.
The disparity in manpower and productive capacity was too great.
The dispersal and disposition of their troops proved to make victory impossible.
In the turbulent post war period, Germany freed itself from the Versailles Treaty bonds.
Hitler said a new war was needed.
Germany began to build an army, air force and navy; with various
weapons to assist their grand hoped for goals.
Many generals had a grave doubts.
The differences in manpower and productive ability was too great.
The spreading out and final positions of their troops proved to make victory impossible.
The consensus is that an acrimonious conviction of Lee Harvey Oswald was a certainty.
I acquiesce.
His composure and terse statements of innocence must be dismissed.
A trial in a lush comfortable courtroom would have been incongruous to
his heinous crime.
The consensus is that an acrimonious conviction of Lee Harvey Oswald was a certainty.
I acquiesce to this truth.
His composure and terse statements of innocence must be dismissed.
A trial in a lush comfortable courtroom would have been incongruous to
his heinous crime.
The general opinion is that an bitting guilty finding of Lee Harvey Oswald was a 100% sure thing.
I can’t fight against this truth.
His cool attitude and brief statements of innocence must be rejected.
A trial in a grand comfortable courtroom would have been out of place to
his hateful crime.
Mar a chùm a’ Ghearmailt san Dàrna Cogadh suas a seasmhachd, chuir e dragh air na Càirdean ann an 1944.
Dh’ fhan an cogadh neo-chinnteach oir bha an t-arm Dearg do-chreidsinneach a’ tighinn còmhla air
amasan san Ear agus chuir e na goireasan aige gu crìch airson stad deireannach.
An robh Hitler saor bho phoilitigs?
Ciamar a bha e comasach air cumhachd a chumail?
Tha fios nach robh sluagh na Gearmailt mì-thoilichte mun t-suidheachadh.
Mar a chùm a’ Ghearmailt san Dàrna Cogadh suas a cumhachd fuireach, chuir e dragh air na Càirdean ann an 1944.
Bha an cogadh fhathast ann an teagamh leis gun do chuir an t-arm Dearg gun sgur a-steach air na h-amasan aca
san Ear agus thog e suas a ghoireasan airson putadh deireannach.
An robh Hitler saor bho phoilitigs?
Ciamar a b’ urrainn dha grèim fhaighinn air cumhachd?
Tha fios nach robh suidheachadh stèidhichte aig sluagh na Gearmailt mun t-suidheachadh.
How WW2 Germany sustained its tenacity confounded the Allies in 1944.
The war remained inconclusive as the indefatigable Red army converged on its
objectives in the East and hubanded its resources for a final thrust.
Was Hitler exempt from politics?
How was he able to retain power?
It is known that the German public did not have complacency about the situation.
How WW2 Germany kept up its staying power baffled the Allies in 1944.
The war remained in doubt as the tireless Red army closed in on its goals
in the East and built up its resources for a final push.
Was Hitler free from politics?
How was he able to hold onto power?
It is known that the German public did not have a settled position about the situation.
Tha teagamhan aon-ghnèitheach air a dhol a-steach mu assasiation JFK.
Mar chomharra air seo tha aithrisean truagh bho àm gu àm bho luchd-eachdraidh sage,
air a mholadh le co-chothromachd bho dhaoine cumanta.
Is gann gun urrainn do dhaoine stad a chuir orra fhèin nuair a thig an cuspair am bàrr.
Tha tàmailt ann mu cho furasta ‘s a bha e neach-naidheachd fhaighinn fo a
còmhdach an riaghaltais ann an 1964.
Tha teagamhan cunbhalach air a bhith a’ crochadh mun cuairt air assasiation JFK.
Tha comharradh air seo an-dràsta agus an uairsin nan aithrisean biorach bho luchd-eachdraidh glic,
còmhla ri bhith a’ maidseadh feadhainn bho dhaoine cumanta.
Is gann gun gabh daoine grèim orra fhèin nuair a thig an cuspair.
Tha eagal air cho furasda 's a bha e preas fhaotainn a rachadh gu macanta maille ri a
còmhdach an riaghaltais ann an 1964.
Homogeneous doubts have lingered about the JFK assassination.
Indicative of this are occasional pithy statements from sage historians,
complimented by symmetry from common people.
People can hardly restrain themselves when the topic comes up.
There is trepidation of how ease it was to get a press subordinate to a
government cover up in 1964.
Consistent doubts have hung around about the JFK assassination.
Signs of this are now and again pointed statements from old wise historians,
along with matching ones from common people.
People can hardly hold themselves back when the topic comes up.
There is fear of how ease it was to get a press to meekly go along with a
government cover up in 1964.
There are unwarranted superfluous stories gullible people believe.
They are about a king who sanctioned people into oblivion in a labyrinth.
Such gratuitous false stories; though amusing, were unprecedented in ancient times.
They have supplanted the truth about the situation.
There are too many uncalled for stories people who believe too easily fall for.
They are about a king who punished people to death in a maze.
Such freely told false stories; though amusing, were never seen in ancient times.
They have taken the place of the truth about the situation.
New documents were recently disclosed.
An exhaustive list of ephemeral events was enumerated about the start of WW1.
People were dubious about enigmas surrounding why France and Germany went to war.
The old enmities had become dormant with a diminution of tensions.
It is the epitome of evil that the Kaiser endorsed the war.
New documents were recently been made public.
A thorough list of fleeting events was compiled about the start of WW1.
People were skeptical about puzzles surrounding why France and Germany went to war.
The old hatred had cooled down with a lessening of tensions.
It is the height of evil that the Kaiser was for the war.
New documents were recently disclosed.
An exhaustive list of ephemeral events was enumerated about the start of WW1.
People were dubious about enigmas surrounding why France and Germany went to war.
The old enmities had become dormant with a diminution of tensions.
It is the epitome of evil that the Kaiser endorsed the war.
New documents were recently been made public.
A thorough list of fleeting events was compiled about the start of WW1.
People were skeptical about puzzles surrounding why France and Germany went to war.
The old hatred had cooled down with a lessening of tensions.
It is the height of evil that the Kaiser was for the war.