1 Vocabulary Story 855 Young Female Reporter Uncovers the Truth
At the end of WW2, the degenerate Nazi society with its debauchery
began to be uncovered by the press. The genesis of this was the
reporting of a young female reporter.
Earlier, she was ostracized and called a whelp; just made fun
of. Then the levee burst. Hearts palpitated with excitement
as the evil truth was revealed. Mordant comments were made against
her. She was accused of perjury. However, this reporter continued
in a blithe way, fighting the fight of angles.
2 Vocabulary Story 855 Young Female Reporter Uncovers the Truth
At the end of WW2, the depraved Nazi society with its corruptions
began to be uncovered by the press. The beginning of this was the
reporting of a young female reporter.
Earlier, she was shunned and called a gadfly, just made fun
of. Then the dam burst. Hearts beat wildly with excitement
as the evil truth was revealed. Deadly comments were made against
her. She was accused of lying to courts. However, this reporter continued
in a cheerful way, fighting the fight of angles.
1 Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley’s Secret Life
Elvis; even though he lived in palatial patrician surroundings
in Graceland, his estate, was a vulgarian at heart. It’s perpendicular
walls and gates protected him from dissent. Pertinent facts have been
revealed in a tell all book.
He relied on his manager Colonel Parker, who he considered
omniscient. He was good to all his kin, no matter how distant. He
was a carnivore; favoring barbecue. He turned to drugs as a panacea
for all his troubles.
2 Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley’s Secret Life
Elvis; even though he lived in rich noble surroundings
in Graceland, his estate, had course and vulgar tastes. It’s tall
walls and gates protected him from criticism. Relevant facts have been
revealed in a tell all book.
He relied on his manager Colonel Parker, who he considered
all-knowing. He was good to all his family, no matter how distant. He
was a meat eater; favoring barbecue. He turned to drugs as a cure-all
for all his troubles.
1 Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2
The tussle that was WW2 has been studied on every level, even the
metaphysical one. The US command followed principles that palliated
its unmitigated homogeneous nature.
Far from being presumptuous, generals were doubtful. They let ingenues
give advice even though at times unwarranted. It was not an affliction
adding a human caring dimension to their decisions.
2 Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2
The struggle that was WW2 has been studied on every level, even the
meaning of reality one. The US command followed general rules that lessened
its complete monotonous nature.
Far from being prideful, generals were doubtful. They let tender young people
give advice even though at times it was uncalled for. It was not a problem
adding a human caring dimension to their decisions.
Here are ten vocabulary words to make a story with with definitions.
The challenge is to make a story with them.
I provide my story ‘answer’ and a ‘translation’ paraphrase of it.
The rationale is to learn to use the vocabulary words in context and learn their meaning.
This story is about President Abraham Lincoln 16th US president, his humble origins and what he did.
Here is a story using ten words off a vocabulary study list.
I provide a paraphrase of it to explicate the word’s meanings.
It is presented in Power Point.
Here is a story about the theme of the movie lifeboat using ten words from a vocabulary study list.
See the words and think of how you would write a story then see my story and paraphrase of it.
This is all presented in Power Point frames suitable for viewing.
1 Vocabulary Story 950 A Look At China
A panorama of China would show a halcyon land filled with
amicable productive people. They live under the canons of the
Chinese Communist Party, which occasionally ransacks and causes
pandemonium for the slightest of things.
Their economy is tenuous, making bagatelles easily done without.
Empirical investigations will show quislings in the US government
have propped them up.
2 Vocabulary Story 950 A Look At China
A wide view of China would show a peaceful land filled with
friendly productive people. They live under the dictates of the
Chinese Communist Party, which occasionally done searches and causes
chaos for the slightest of things.
Their economy is fragile, making trinkets easily done without.
Factual investigations will show traitors in the US government
have propped them up.
1 Vocabulary Story 949 Hilary is an Also-ran
Hilary is an also-ran, through the imbecility of her nonchalant
weak campaign. She loathes Trump and has made mordant remarks about
him, calling his win serendipity or worse. She now lives in
a dell with elaborate stringent secret service protection.
She gets regular biopsies to check her health.
2 Vocabulary Story 949 Hilary is an Also-ran
Hilary is an political second placer, through the stupidity of her careless
weak campaign. She hates Trump and has made deadly remarks about
him, calling his win luck or worse. She now lives in
a little valley with complex strict secret service protection.
She gets regular tissue removal tests to check her health.
1 Vocabulary Story 948 The Evils of Torture
Torturers did egregious things. The cataclysm of the Inquisition
brought nuances to components of the art. It did not matter how veracious
the victim was. He was throttled, cut with serrated blades, put in
a hermetically sealed jackets; brought to the brink of death by unremitting
2 Vocabulary Story 948 The Evils of Torture
Torturers did horrible things. The calamity of the Inquisition
brought twists to parts of the art. It did not matter how truthful
the victim was. He was choked, cut with toothed blades, put in
a air-tight sealed jacket; brought to the edge of death by nonstop
1 Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon
With the ascent of Amazon, new style corrugated boxes were claimed
to be a panacea to shipping costs and the old packaging was a disservice.
The inventor of the box declaimed its benefits in sonorous tones
and how its disadvantages were a nonentity.
The old companies were civil but literally balked until they could
make the change over to his type of box.
2 Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon
With the rise of Amazon, new style ridged boxes were claimed
to be a solution to shipping costs and the old packaging was a hindrance.
The inventor of the box recited its benefits in deep tones
and how its disadvantages were a nothing burger.
The old companies were polite but actually dragged their feet until they could
make the change over to his type of box.
1 Vocabulary Story 941 The NYC Waterfront Redevelopment
People carped about the doleful unkempt conditions of the waterfront
district. In a pregnant pause of decades, judicious lawmakers interrogated
land owners and residence.
They did not want to jeopardize its character yet clean it up.
Quixotic schemes were hatched. They were able under pseudonyms to buy
up a lot of the land.
2 Vocabulary Story 941 The NYC Waterfront Redevelopment
People complained about the sad derelict conditions of the waterfront
district. In a suspenseful pause of tens of years, wise lawmakers questioned
land owners and residence.
They did not want to endanger its character yet clean it up.
Fanciful schemes were hatched. They were able to under fake name to buy
up a lot of the land.
1 Vocabulary Story 942 A Mass in a Casino
The Casino thought it expedient to use its foyer for a mass. People
vied for the best seats. It was quite a ensemble.
However; the priest was no buffoon. He came in all somber and gave
a somber parable; a fulsome litany of complaint against gambling. People left
in an equable mood.
2 Vocabulary Story 942 A Mass in a Casino
The Casino thought it practical to use its lobby for a mass. People
jockied for the best seats. It was quite a group.
However; the priest was no fool. He came in all serious and gave
a gloomy sermon; a over done list of complaint against gambling. People left
in a peaceful mood.
1 Vocabulary Story 946 Atlantic City is Crowded Today
I was obdurate in wanting to go to Atlantic City. They played
a dirge for me. I had been a denizen during the Fall. I was all alone
then - the protagonist.
Now crowds thwarted me. It was seething with people. I even felt
anxiety. Yes, I’m a partisan of the buffet and its gastronomy. The
boardwalk shops and their ideograms are all coming back to life.
2 Vocabulary Story 946 Atlantic City is Crowded Today
I was insistent in wanting to go to Atlantic City. They played
a sad song for me. I had been a habitual during the Fall. I was all alone
then - the leading man.
Now crowds held me back me. It was crawling with people. I even felt
nervous. Yes, I’m a fan of the buffet and its fine eating. The
boardwalk shops and their logos are all coming back to life.
1 Vocabulary Story 935 The Now Quiet WW1 Battlefields
The WW1 battlefields which saw the paroxysms of fighting and imbibed
the blood of a generation are now tranquil.
Their heroes; acclaimed and unsung, have diffused back home,
gotten annuities and are gone now.
Their mammoth forts are now defunct, embellished with plaques to
commemorate. France and Germany have reconciled and are now at peace
with each other.
2 Vocabulary Story 935 The Now Quiet WW1 Battlefields
The WW1 battlefields which saw the spasms of fighting and drank
the blood of a generation are now quiet.
Their heroes; recognized and unrecognized, have filtered back home,
gotten pensions and are gone now.
Their huge forts are now obsolete, decorated with plaques to
recall the events. France and Germany have made up and are now at peace
with each other.
1 Vocabulary Story 936 The Kennedy Assassination and Its Aftermath
The JFK assassination caused anxiety in 1963. There was rhetoric and
suppositions about a conspiracy with hidden gunmen in the foliage.
A commission was empowered to corroborate claims. They summonsed witnesses
and looked at the pathetic chattel of Oswald the reputed killer. Their
conclusions were gilded with government approval.
2 Vocabulary Story 936 The Kennedy Assassination and Its Aftermath
The JFK assassination caused nervousness in 1963. There was talk and
theories about a plot with hidden gunmen in the bushes.
A commission was given authority to confirm claims. They called witnesses
and looked at the pathetic possessions of Oswald the supposed killer. Their
conclusions were given the glow of government approval.
1 Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh
Van Gogh seemed vacuous, doing menial tasks in an insane asylum.
His art was reproved and laughed at. However; toward the end of his
life, things started to invert.
A new tier of artists braved the hoarfrost to visit him; it was
a harbinger of things to come. For his part, Van Gogh had charisma
and rapport and was garrulous about his ideas about art.
2 Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh
Van Gogh seemed empty headed, doing lowly tasks in an insane asylum.
His art was criticized and laughed at. However; toward the end of his
life, things started to turn around.
A new generation of artists braved the cold to visit him; it was
a sign of things to come. For his part, Van Gogh had charm
and friendliness and was talkative about his ideas about art.
1 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles
The aristocratic denizens of Versailles, right before the French
Revolution, were melancholy. Divergent people covertly visited them
to bolster them up. They all realized how tenuous the
situation was.
They reiterated the list of complaints against them, harping on how unfairly
they were being treated. They quailed at what their fate would be.
2 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles
The noble inhabitants of Versailles, right before the French
Revolution, were sad. Various people secretly visited them
to cheer them up. They all realized how shaky the situation was.
They went over the list of complaints against them, complaining about how
unfairly they were being treated. They trembled at what their fate would be.