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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 834  Big Trucks are Expensive

Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive

1 Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive . Delivery companies allocate a lot to new trucks to keep their operations effectual. Trucks are ephemeral; it is a biennial expense to get new ones. You see them huge and burnished on the highways. Many people loath them and make trenchant arguments against the pollution they make including chloroform. Think of this the next time you give a perquisite to your delivery man. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive . Delivery companies pay a lot for new trucks to keep their operations efficient. Trucks don’t last long; it is a every two year expense to get new ones. You see them huge and polished on the highways. Many people despise them and make cutting arguments against the pollution they make including surgery gas. Think of this the next time you give a tip to your delivery man. .
Vocabulary Story 836  The Vatican

Vocabulary Story 836 The Vatican

1 Vocabulary Story 836 The Vatican . A diorama of Vatican City shows how absurdly rich it is. It is transparent when popes give benedictions from their mansion. Some popes have been recalcitrant doing penance in the splendid surroundings behind the buttressed walls. Music from the conservatory provides a pleasant soporific. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 836 The Vatican . A model of Vatican City shows how ridiculously rich it is. It is clear when popes give blessings from their mansion. Some popes have been stubborn doing self punishment to pay for their sins in the great surroundings behind the fortress walls. Music from the music provides a pleasant sleep inducer.
Vocabulary Story 835  The Rock Star

Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star

1 Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star . The rock star was actually jocular and unassuming. He was also improvident. Gadfly fans bivouaced in front of his mansion descried him in his filigree jackets. He had been an advocate of raw Rock and Roll in the eon of the big hits. The internet and digital music scotched his career. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star . The rock star was actually funny and modest. He was also a spendthrift. Annoying fans camped in front of his mansion made him out him in his bejeweled jackets. He had been an practitioner of raw Rock and Roll in the eon of the big hits. The internet and digital music ended his career. .
Vocabulary Story 838  Frank Lloyd Wright's Secret Project

Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lloyd Wright's Secret Project

1 Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Secret Project . Frank Lloyd Wright mustered a following to his architecture school. There was bonhomie amongst his disciples, as told in a tell all memoir recently published. In an experimental clandestine house abutting his main residence, were deliberate elements that overrode the building codes. It shows verve and inventiveness concomitant with great genius. Wright worked on productively into his doddering old age. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lyold Wright’s Secret Project . Frank Lloyd Wright gathered a following to his architecture school. There was friendly camaraderie amongst his disciples, as told in a tell all memoir recently published. In an experimental secret house adjoining his main residence, were purposeful elements that overruled the building codes. It shows flair and inventiveness that comes with great genius. Wright worked on productively into his feeble old age.
Vocabulary Story 839  The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests

Vocabulary Story 839 The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests

1 Vocabulary Story 839 The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests . For nearly two decades, the USA and Russia were obdurate in doing nuclear tests with imperceptible progress on bans. There were pompous parades of missiles in Red Square. This sedulous work to build up arsenals and to measure missile trajectories had serious ramifications. Whole islands were made barren by the radiation emitted and left to languish. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 839 The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests . For nearly twenty years, the USA and Russia were stubborn in doing nuclear tests with no progress on bans. There were ridiculously grand parades of missiles in Red Square. This hard work to build up weapon storehouses and to measure missile paths had serious consequences. Whole islands were made lifeless by the radiation spewed out and left to waste away. . .


Practice putting commas in sentences with adverbial clauses. In this computer program written in BBC BASIC, you will put a comma in adverbial clause sentences such as: When the lunch is ready I’ll call you. When the lunch is ready, I’ll call you. There are 18 sentences. The source code is included for your perusal.
Vocabulary Story 844  Old New York City Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs . In New York City, archaic cumbersome horse trolleys were used well into the 20th century. Fastidiously dressed owner operators of the lines were aquiasitive and suppressed newer technologies such as the subways. The rambunctuous growth of the city called for a change in the old moribund technology of the use of horses. A resilient populous denouced the execrable greed of the owners. They were maligned in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was severed was the tipping point. . 2 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs . In New York City, outmoded cumbsy horse trolleys were used well into the 20th century. Impeccably dressed owner operators of the lines were greedy and held back newer technologies such as the subways. The out of control growth of the city called for a change in the old dead technology of the use of horses. A spirited populous said bad things about the hateful greed of the owners. They were called out in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was cut off was the tipping point.
Vocabulary Story 843  Pacific Island Landings of US Forces

Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces

1 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces . In WW2, American overt island landing attempts were rebuffed by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The piquant smell of gunfire floated along the shores. This mortified the generals, who made profane comments about the situation. A better system, bolstered by subsidiary fire from naval guns had better success. Isolated units could disperse by guile during the night, making progress inland. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces . In WW2, American telegraphed island landing attempts were thrown back by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The sharp smell of gunfire floated along the shores. This embarrassed the generals, who made salty comments about the situation. A better system, supplemented by secondary fire from naval guns had better success. Individual units could scatter by stealth during the night, making progress inland. .
Vocabulary Story 845  A Sensational Singer

Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer

1 Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer . Before radio, exactly one hundred years ago; New York has suffused by vaudeville music halls. These were warranted by an entertainment hungry public. It was an age of negligence and abuses were rife. One slightly obese debutante was a paragon of a singer. She was the guru of the high C. By some feint or other she was able to sing over four octaves and was a sensation all over the city. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer . Before radio, exactly one hundred years ago; New York has filled with vaudeville music halls. These were called for by an entertainment hungry public. It was an age of indifference and abuses were abundant. One slightly over weight young socialite woman was a model of a singer. She was the expert of the high C. By some trick or other she was able to sing over four 8 note ranges and was a sensation all over the city. .
Vocabulary Story 846  19th century New York City Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs . An outgrowth of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th century was dismay. Hordes of immigrants had the city tottering on the edge of anarchy. In anguish, leaders were skeptical; thinking the city was predestined to ruin. Torpid solutions were tried, the rational being to patch things up. Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like pontiffs to pronounce bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs . An result of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th century was shock. Droves of immigrants had the city wobbling on the edge of lawlessness. In pain, leaders were doubtful; thinking the city was fated to ruin. Weak solutions were tried, the idea being to patch things up. Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like prophets to pronounce bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues. .
Vocabulary Story 854  Relics Were Central to Big Churches

Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches

1 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches . Church leaders were shrewed. Integral to cathedrals were relics. People with reverence would travel to see them. It ruffled one wary bishop that people whittled away parts of his relic with impunity. The Church would underwrite pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they abominated mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole cathedrals were pillaged if they accumulated a lot of wealth. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches . Church leaders were cleaver. Central to cathedrals were objects of devotion. People with would travel to see them with respect. It bothered one watchful bishop that people carved away parts of his relic without penalty. The Church would sponsor pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they hated the mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole cathedrals were ransacked if they accumulated a lot of wealth. .
Where to put commas in adverbial clause sentences.

Where to put commas in adverbial clause sentences.

In this computer program you are given sentences with an adverbial clause such as: Wherever there is supermarket there is a parking lot. The required comma is left out like above. To be right, you put the mouse in the space were a comma should go and type a comma. The comma appears and Right! appears, then the sentence turns green with the correct spacing such as: Wherever there is supermarket, there is a parking lot. There are 18 sentences with a variety of adverbial clauses.