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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 971  Crisis on the US Border

Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border

1 Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border . There is a migratory mania on tne US border. It’s reaching a terminal stage. People arrive with alacrity, carrying their bibelots. Some suffer corporeal hardships. It’s been ballyhooed that patriotism and nationalism is passe. This has created the right ambiance for an influx of migrants. However; this is not pristine without a lot of crime and political intrigue. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border . There is a influx craze on the US border. It’s reaching a final stage. People arrive with joyful quickness, carrying their treasurers. Some suffer bodily hardships. It’s been advertised that patriotism and nationalism are out of date. This has created the right atmosphere for an inflow of migrants. However; this is not clean without a lot of crime and political scheming. .
Vocabulary Story 962  What Killed off Arabic Spain

Vocabulary Story 962 What Killed off Arabic Spain

1 Vocabulary Story 962 What Killed off Arabic Spain . Arab Spain had prudent potentates with inborn wisdom, able to channel their people’s energies. They were able to repulse illicit immigrants and invaders for decades. However; when they became indifferent and lolled in luxury, a malaise began; they became dejected leading to their downfall. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 962 What Killed off Arabic Spain . Arab Spain had wise leaders with inborn wisdom, able to focus their people’s energies. They were able to throw off illegal immigrants and invaders for ten’s of years. However; when they became noncaring and lazed in luxury, a illness began; they became depressed leading to their ruin. . .
Vocabulary Story 965   Conan the Barbarian from Birth to Old Age

Vocabulary Story 965 Conan the Barbarian from Birth to Old Age

1 Vocabulary Story 965 Conan the Barbarian from Birth to Old Age . In the museum is a diorama of Conan the Barbarian in exacting detail, with even nominal features. It is in a somber period; for him, when he was disheveled and daubed with mud; languishing at the grist mill. He had to gesticulate to communicate. The diorama follows his life from birth into his dotage. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 965 Conan the Barbarian from Birth to Old Age . In the museum is a model of Conan the Barbarian in fine detail, with even minor features. It is in a depressing period; for him, when he was untidy and smeared with mud; wasting away at the grain mill. He had to do hand gestures to communicate. The model follows his life from birth into his old age. . .
Vocabulary Story 953  Gilligan's Island Adventures

Vocabulary Story 953 Gilligan's Island Adventures

1 Vocabulary Story 953 Gilligan’s Island Adventures . I get a yen to see Gilligan’s Island, a comedy show about an island enclave and marooned people - fodder for many funny escapades. If you peruse the story lines, you will see Gilligan disconcerted about a radioactive meteor and punitive measures against a witch doctor remonstrating about a heresy. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 953 Gilligan’s Island Adventures . I get a desire to see Gilligan’s Island, a comedy show about an island hideaway and stranded people - raw material for many funny adventures. If you look over the story lines, you will see Gilligan distressed about a radioactive meteor and punishing measures against a witch doctor demonstrating against a false belief. . . .
Vocabulary Story 959  John Wilkes Booth Lincoln's Assassin

Vocabulary Story 959 John Wilkes Booth Lincoln's Assassin

1 Vocabulary Story 959 John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s Assassin . John Wilkes Booth led a cabal. The theater was his milieu. He was like a figurative whelp, belying any bad motives that might be attributed to him. He could claim he was there to keep things in working kilter. He affirmed his deadly intent to his fellow plotters. He moved with dexterity to the presidential box to shoot Lincoln dead. The whole gang was treated with asperity after they were captured. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 959 John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s Assassin . John Wilkes Booth led a plot. The theater was his environment. He was like amusing bothersome pup, deflecting any bad purposes that might be thought about him. He could claim he was there to keep things in working order. He declared his deadly intended action to his fellow plotters. He moved with nimbleness to the presidential box to shoot Lincoln dead. The whole gang was treated with savagery after they were captured. .
Vocabulary Story 956  The disappearance of NYC Nightclubs

Vocabulary Story 956 The disappearance of NYC Nightclubs

1 Vocabulary Story 956 The disappearance of NYC Nightclubs . The dissolution of NYC nightcluns by arbiters has left it devoid of a bulwark of its night social structure. The money was allotted to creditors. Nightclubs were once prevalent and elfin young women and handsome men stood vigil in them until the dawn. You used to see their caponies up and down 5th avenue. Now, only etchings in the swidewalks show where they once were. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 956 The disappearance of NYC Nightclubs . The breakup of NYC nightcluns by judges has left it stripped of a might institution of its night social structure. The money was handed to lenders. Nightclubs were once common and pixieish young women and handsome men stood watch in them until the dawn. You used to see their awnings up and down 5th avenue. Now, only scratches in the swidewalks show where they once were. .
Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod

Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod

1 Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod . Jesus was sent to Herod a miserly product of nepotism, to see if his countryman could reconcile his case. So Jesus stood there in his lacerated clothes and Herod questioned him in his own idioms. It was an unprecedented situation; the elegantly pompadoured Herod and Jesus in his crown of thorns. It could have been Jesus’s salvation but Herod double his veracity and said he prevaricated and sent him away. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod . Jesus was sent to Herod a grasping product of inbreeding, to see if his countryman could solve his case. So Jesus stood there in his ripped up clothes and Herod questioned him in his own language. It was a first as a situation; the stylishly coiffured Herod and Jesus in his crown of thorns. It could have been Jesus’s lifeline but Herod double his truthfulness and said he lied and sent him away.
Vocabulary Story 1001  Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands

Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands

1 Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands . It was the prerogative for the successive first born sons to inherit the whole estate. So, younger sons diffused, looking for new lands. They were not abashed to be culpable of crimes as chronicled by the historians of Sicily and other places. This fraternal arrangement is the plausible reason for a lot of bathos and history. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands . It was the right for the each first born sons to inherit the whole estate. So, younger sons spread out, looking for new lands. They were not ashamed to be guilty of crimes as recorded by the historians of Sicily and other places. This brotherly system is the believable reason for a lot of passion and history. . . . . 3 Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands
Vocabulary Story 983  The Change Over to Paper Money

Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money

1 Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money . The transition to paper money led to sweeping changes in the fiscal situation of the USA. There had been phobia and bombast against it and abortive attempts to make the change. Experts appraised the situation and said the economy was like a pneumatic tire, ready to burst and paper money could relieve it. The change was done with nonchalance during the Civil War. Posthumously revealed notes show the fear the government had at the move. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money . The change to paper money led to far ranging changes in the financial situation of the USA. There had been fear and speeches against it and unsuccessful attempts to make the change. Experts studied the situation and said the economy was like a air filled tire, ready to burst and paper money could relieve it. The change was done casually during the Civil War. After death notes revealed, show the fear the government had at the move. .
Vocabulary Story 995  What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy

Vocabulary Story 995 What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy

1 Vocabulary Story 995 What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy . Oscillations in the economy cause snafus. Before the abyss, people hoard in a raucous way. People are proffered the dregs and take it. Once indomitable people beg or become criminals, absconding with funds and goods. They take the pledge verbatim but don’t intend to keep it. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 995 What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy . Swings in the economy cause mess ups. Before the fall, people pile up goods in a wild way. People are offered the left-overs and take it. Once proud people beg or become criminals, running off with funds and goods. They take the pledge word for word but don’t intend to keep it.
Vocabulary Story 989  Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart

Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart

1 Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart . A retrospective of the dilapidated Catholic Church is warranted. It is an outgrowth of apostasy. The effusion of donations stopped. As a pragmatic matter, reputed holy abbesses abdicated and sought connubial relations to survive. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart . A look back at the broken down Catholic Church is in order. It is an result of unbelief. The flow of donations stopped. As a practical matter, highly held holy head nuns resigned and sought marriage relations to survive. .
Vocabulary Story 992  German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On

Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On

1 Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On . People defamed German industry as their fortunes began to ebb at the end of WW2. Their use of husbandry became ever more intricate as a continuum of raw materials became in short supply. It bemused bomber crews, with a panorama of the destruction, that they could carry on at all. Bavaria, with its proximity to coal mines, held out the longest. Not that the workers were mollycoddled or anything. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On . People said bad things about German industry as their fortunes began to fall at the end of WW2. Their use of resources became ever more tricky as a range of raw materials became in short supply. It confounded bomber crews, with a wide view of the destruction, that they could carry on at all. Bavaria, with its nearness to coal mines, held out the longest. Not that the workers were pampered or anything. .
Vocabulary Story 836  The Vatican

Vocabulary Story 836 The Vatican

1 Vocabulary Story 836 The Vatican . A diorama of Vatican City shows how absurdly rich it is. It is transparent when popes give benedictions from their mansion. Some popes have been recalcitrant doing penance in the splendid surroundings behind the buttressed walls. Music from the conservatory provides a pleasant soporific. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 836 The Vatican . A model of Vatican City shows how ridiculously rich it is. It is clear when popes give blessings from their mansion. Some popes have been stubborn doing self punishment to pay for their sins in the great surroundings behind the fortress walls. Music from the music provides a pleasant sleep inducer.
Vocabulary Story 839  The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests

Vocabulary Story 839 The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests

1 Vocabulary Story 839 The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests . For nearly two decades, the USA and Russia were obdurate in doing nuclear tests with imperceptible progress on bans. There were pompous parades of missiles in Red Square. This sedulous work to build up arsenals and to measure missile trajectories had serious ramifications. Whole islands were made barren by the radiation emitted and left to languish. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 839 The Tragedy of the Nuclear Tests . For nearly twenty years, the USA and Russia were stubborn in doing nuclear tests with no progress on bans. There were ridiculously grand parades of missiles in Red Square. This hard work to build up weapon storehouses and to measure missile paths had serious consequences. Whole islands were made lifeless by the radiation spewed out and left to waste away. . .
Vocabulary Story 854  Relics Were Central to Big Churches

Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches

1 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches . Church leaders were shrewed. Integral to cathedrals were relics. People with reverence would travel to see them. It ruffled one wary bishop that people whittled away parts of his relic with impunity. The Church would underwrite pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they abominated mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole cathedrals were pillaged if they accumulated a lot of wealth. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches . Church leaders were cleaver. Central to cathedrals were objects of devotion. People with would travel to see them with respect. It bothered one watchful bishop that people carved away parts of his relic without penalty. The Church would sponsor pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they hated the mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole cathedrals were ransacked if they accumulated a lot of wealth. .
Vocabulary Story 932  A Feeling of Doom in Versailles

Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles

1 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles . The aristocratic denizens of Versailles, right before the French Revolution, were melancholy. Divergent people covertly visited them to bolster them up. They all realized how tenuous the situation was. They reiterated the list of complaints against them, harping on how unfairly they were being treated. They quailed at what their fate would be. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles . The noble inhabitants of Versailles, right before the French Revolution, were sad. Various people secretly visited them to cheer them up. They all realized how shaky the situation was. They went over the list of complaints against them, complaining about how unfairly they were being treated. They trembled at what their fate would be. . .
Vocabulary Story 842  Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display

Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display

1 Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display . In the Imperial War Museum, is a display of a Spitfire and a recreation of a WW2 airfield. The Spitfire was intrinsic to warding off the barrages of the Luftwaffe in the early war years. They showed how a paltry band of neophyte pilots with a modus vivendi of abnegation prevailed. It was a time of pure alchemy. The tour guide answered inquiries about many issues, garbled over the years. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display . In the Royal War Museum, is a display of a Spitfire and a recreation of a WW2 airfield. The Spitfire was essential to fending off the blows of the Luftwaffe in the early war years. They showed how a small band of newbie pilots with a lifestyle of self sacrifice won. It was a time of pure magic. The tour guide answered inquiries about many issues, confused over the years. . .
Vocabulary Story 860  Splendor on 5th Avenue New York

Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York

1 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York . Many rich New York families boasted noble lineages. One was Rockefeller, a paradigm amongst them, living in ostentatious splendor on 5th avenue. There was a nomenclature of euphemisms to provide acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and greed. His staff had fidelity to him, covering up for his calumny and wrong doing. Even though they were the antipodal of him, living in penury and modesty in comparison to him. . 2 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York . Many rich New York families boasted noble ancestries. One was Rockefeller, a perfect example amongst them, living in showy splendor on 5th avenue. There was a set of replacement words to provide acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and greed. His staff had loyalty to him, covering up for his lies and wrong doing. Even though they were the opposite of him, living in poverty and modesty in comparison to him.