Test Your Grammar Skills
Really Useful List of 100 Irregular Plural Nouns in English (gap-fill)
You’ve got one tomato and I’ve got two tomatos. Right? Wrong! I’ve got two tomatoes!
Although we usually add an -s to a noun to make it plural (one egg, two eggs, etc.), some nouns in English have irregular plural endings. Fill in the missing words.
150 Words which are both Verbs and Nouns - complete with some different teaching ideas. It is a great resource for introducing this concept to your students.
Some ideas for how to use this worksheet.
For each word, quickly draw the two different meanings and label them.
Play a fun game of charades – The students randomly choose words and then try to act out each of the words.
Use these words to play fun hangman games!
Test Your Grammar Skills
Personal and Possessive Pronouns (gap-fill)
1. Personal subject pronouns:
the subject of a sentence
go before the main verb
e.g. “she” in: “She had a cup of tea at eight o’clock this morning.”
2. Personal object pronouns:
the object of a sentence (what the subject is talking about)
go after the main verb
e.g. “him” in: “I saw him for a few minutes before he left.”
3. Possessive adjectives:
describe possession
go before a noun
e.g. “my” in: “Can you pass my bag please?”
4. Possessive pronouns:
o describe possession
o replace a noun
o e.g. “hers” in: “Whose book is that?” “It’s hers.”
Put the pronouns in the correct order.
Test Your Grammar Skills
Mistakes that English Native Speakers Make 4
Believe it or not, English native speakers sometimes make mistakes when using their own language! To find them, simply read a daily newspaper regularly or check out some of the leaflets at an English Tourist Information Centre or library!
Identify one mistake in each sentence below and write the letter of the category that it belongs to out of the following:
A. apostrophes
B. articles
C. capital letters
D. clumsy style
E. commas
F. extra or missing words
G. spelling mistakes
Test Your Grammar Skills
Trace the Letters of the English Alphabet – with Lines (A to E)
Trace the letters below – both upper case (big) and lower case (small) – then copy each pair twice in the free space on the right-hand side.
Are you wanting to find lots of different ways of teaching the alphabet? This bundle has lots of different ways of presenting the alphabet. Let your students see it, read it and write it throughout the year.
Test Your Vocabulary Skills
Adjective Pairs – ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ Adjectives
This worksheet helps your students revise the verb form , ‘-ing’ adjective: ‘-ed’ adjective:
Test Your Grammar Skills
Auxiliary Verbs in Question Forms – Complete the Sentences 3
Verb ‘to have’
Practise using auxiliary verbs in question forms by completing the following sentences:
1. Who have you _____________________________________________?
2. What have you _____________________________________________?
3. Why have you _____________________________________________?
4. Why haven’t you _____________________________________________?
Test Your Grammar Skills
Make or Do 1
Example questions...
Complete each gap below with either make or do:
1. _______________ a bet
2. _______________ a job
3. _______________ the dishes
4. _______________ a skirt
5. _______________ the cleaning
6. _______________ your hair
Test Your Grammar Skills
Sentence Building 5
Write six sentences using this word order:
article noun verb (present continuous) preposition article noun
For example:
A man is swimming in the sea.
Tip: don’t forget to start with a capital letter and put a full stop at the end!
Test Your Research Skills
American English 1
Despite most of them having English as their first language, British and American people sometimes use different words to talk about the same things.
Match the British English word on the left with the American English equivalent on the right.
Test Your Grammar Skills
School Variety Show – Who Did What?
Passive Voice – Future (with will) and Past Simple
You’re involved in helping to organise your school variety show.
You are at a meeting to discuss who will do what job at the variety show. Use passive voice (BE + past participle) to write full sentences using future form with will, to show who is scheduled to do what:
1. a) PHOTOS > TAKE > JOE (STEVEN) The photos will be taken by Joe.
But when the day of the variety show finally arrived, absolutely nothing went to plan! The person in brackets actually did the job in question, so write a sentence using active voice with past simple form to show what actually happened:
1. b) Steven took the photos.
Then write a sentence using passive voice with past simple form that you can put in your after-show report:
1. c) The photos were taken by Steven.
In summary, you have to write three sentences for each question:
i) passive voice with future form (will)
ii) active voice with past simple form
iii) passive voice with past simple form
Note: each group of three sentences could also be drilled orally.
Some fun resources for anyone teaching about chocolate. This pack includes a presentation, two fin chocolate related quizzes and an English story writing prompt.
Test Your Reading Skills
Advanced Homophones 1
Example questions...
Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings.
Write an English word that sounds the same as each of these words:
1. heard ___________________________
2. knit ___________________________
3. carrot ___________________________
4. air ___________________________
Comes with an answer sheet.
Test Your Reading Skills
Advanced Homophones 2
Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings.
Write an English word that sounds the same as each of these words:
1. flee ___________________________
2. hail ___________________________
3. wholly ___________________________
4. cheap ___________________________
Comes with an answer sheet