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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
ESL Super Bundle

ESL Super Bundle

19 Resources
Here are lots of different fun teaching resources for students who are learning to speak English as a second language, or for students who want to revise and improve their understanding of English. This is perfect for both an home or school setting.
18 Different Maths and Grammar SATS Tests (Hundreds of differentiated practice questions!)

18 Different Maths and Grammar SATS Tests (Hundreds of differentiated practice questions!)

I want to make KS2 SATs revision fun. I want it to be something students and teachers really enjoy. I have taken each of the SATs revision tests and combined the original test papers and the original marking schemes into PowerPoints where you ask a question and immediately see the the answer on the next slide. This teaching packs covers KS2 Maths and KS2 SATs SPAG tests (Spag is English grammar, punctuation and spelling Papers) The idea is that you can now ask a question and all your students show you the answer on their mini-whiteboards and then you discuss the answers together and see what would have got one or two points. As the students can work in pairs or small groups on the questions, they are less stressed and enjoy the whole revision process. In addition, it gives them a chance to learn about other student’s strategies. This pack could be used in the classroom for whole class teaching, for small groups or at home as a great teaching resource.
Toys Visual Story Prompt - Creative Writing Prompts Using All 5 Senses.

Toys Visual Story Prompt - Creative Writing Prompts Using All 5 Senses.

Are your students studying about toys? These creative writing prompts ask the students to look at each picture and use their 5 senses to describe the image. What can they see, touch, smell, taste, hear and feel in each picture? They then use these notes to write a fuller, more detailed description of the picture. This is a great way to prepare for the KS1 SATs tests and the KS2 SATs tests while still having a lot of fun! You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different toys being shown in each of the photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts. The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Ks1 SATs Revision 2016 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic and Paper 2: reasoning as PowerPoints

Ks1 SATs Revision 2016 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic and Paper 2: reasoning as PowerPoints

I love to work through SATs papers are part of my revision program. These two PowerPoints are designed for whole class interaction. All the students need are some whiteboards. Each question is immediately followed by its answer. This has lots of motivational and organisational benefits. The first is the students get immediate feedback on their ideas and misconceptions, without needing to wait until the end of a test. It also means different students can explain each of their solving strategies to the class and help everyone become more effective learners. As the answers are straight after the questions, it is possible to simply use these PowerPoints for 5 minutes a day and still get the full benefit as all the questions are immediately solved. This is also a nice way of tutoring students at home. The tutor can then focus on the areas the students to need to work harder in.
Year 6 SPAG 2016 sample papers - Questions and answers

Year 6 SPAG 2016 sample papers - Questions and answers

I love to revise grammar. I don't like needing to constantly refer between the answers and the questions to get the most out of each lesson. I decided the simplest thing was to simply combine the question paper and the marking schemes into a single document. The idea is simple - you ask a question - the children then show their answers and then you check the answers as a class against the official marking scheme answers. This helps to keep revision fun and the lessons snappy. Let me know what you think of them!
World Car Free Day - PowerPoint + Creative Writing Prompts+ 31 Fun Teaching Activity Cards

World Car Free Day - PowerPoint + Creative Writing Prompts+ 31 Fun Teaching Activity Cards

Are your students studying about transport or car free day? These creative writing prompts ask the students to look at each picture and use their 5 senses to describe the image. What can they see, touch, smell, taste, hear and feel in each picture? They then use these notes to write a fuller, more detailed description of the picture. This is a great way to prepare for the KS1 SATs tests and the KS2 SATs tests while still having a lot of fun! This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of the photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about World Car Free Day. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of transport. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
KS1 2016 SPAG Sample Paper Two In One Questions and Answers In One Presentation

KS1 2016 SPAG Sample Paper Two In One Questions and Answers In One Presentation

I have taken the 2016 Sample KS1 SPAG paper 2, and combined the questions and the marking scheme into one document. The idea is you show the question, the children then show their answers on a whiteboard and then you show the answers and discuss the questions and why it is the right answer. This sample test indicates how the national curriculum will be assessed from 2016. Further information is available on GOV.UK at www.gov.uk/sta. I have used a very colourful template to make sure the children are engaged with their learning.
KS2 SATS and SPAG Revision Test Bundle

KS2 SATS and SPAG Revision Test Bundle

11 Resources
Lots of different Year 6 (KS2) revision tests. What makes these teaching resources special? I have combined the different official documents, so you have the questions and answers all in one place. You can choose if you have the questions followed by the answers or if you prefer all the questions together, followed by all the answers together. This means it is much more flexible in the classroom as you can set a question, then review the question as a class or you can work your way through a whole test paper at once!
December Celebration PowerPoint Teaching Pack.

December Celebration PowerPoint Teaching Pack.

I have collected another great set of PowerPoints for teachers. This months lessons cover Bodhi Day, Christmas, Drawing Figures, International Mountain Day, International Volunteer Day, Ludwig Van Beethoven's Birthday, Monkey Day, Motivational Quotes, Motivational Road Signs, News Year Eve, St Nicholas Day, Winter Solstice, World AIDS Day. You could use them to create different interesting, colourful displays or show them as PowerPoints to promote talking and discussion in the classroom.
Teaching students how to run or hide in a terrorist attack - Child friendly booklet.

Teaching students how to run or hide in a terrorist attack - Child friendly booklet.

After the Paris terrorist attack, good advice came out from homeland security on what to do if you face an attack. However it was focused on adults and not child friendly. I thought I would create a simple book which explains to children what is now recommended in the case of an active shooter attack. You should however still point out that this is an incredibly unlikely event - but one students now need to be prepared for.
FREE Place Values YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation Year 3 Autumn

FREE Place Values YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation Year 3 Autumn

This summer I improved my Place Value presentation. I have created both a PowerPoint and a YouTube version of my presentation. I have been looking at the materials I need to update and improve and I found this little gem. If you are looking for a fun, free, Year 3 Autumn term lesson about place values, complete with a warm up, main lesson and a plenary, then I would highly recommend you try this one. If you go to https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-maths-powerpoint-lessons-6167050, you will find it as part of my complete FREE Year 3 Maths teaching pack.
Block 1 Year 3 Maths Assessments - YouTube And PowerPoint presentations

Block 1 Year 3 Maths Assessments - YouTube And PowerPoint presentations

I have developed a series of termly Year 3 Maths assessments based on the Wigan maths assessments. I have created both Youtube videos and PowerPoints around these tests. There are two different Year 3 Maths assessments. In the first you ask a question and everyone answers it and then you have a choice of two different assessments. In the first, the answer appears after the question and this one is useful if you are using a Block 1 Year 3 assessment as a revision tool as everyone can discuss how they found their answer. They can also use it to see how well they are doing during their termly Year 3 assessment. The second type is the traditional ask all the questions first, swap papers and check each of the answers which is all great and has its own merits. I hope you like this new approach to teaching maths in the classroom as I do plan to make a lot more lessons which are similar to this in the future.
Block 2 Year 3 Termly Maths Assessments - YouTube and PowerPoint

Block 2 Year 3 Termly Maths Assessments - YouTube and PowerPoint

I have developed a series of termly Year 3 Maths assessments based on the Wigan maths assessments. I have created both Youtube videos and PowerPoints around these tests. There are two different Year 3 Maths assessments. In the first you ask a question and everyone answers it and then you have a choice of two different assessments. In the first, the answer appears after the question and this one is useful if you are using a Block 2 Year 3 assessment as a revision tool as everyone can discuss how they found their answer. They can also use it to see how well they are doing during their termly Year 3 assessment. The second type is the traditional ask all the questions first, swap papers and check each of the answers which is all great and has its own merits. I hope you like this new approach to teaching maths in the classroom as I do plan to make a lot more lessons which are similar to this in the future.
Block 3 Termly Year 3 Maths Assessments YouTube and PowerPoint

Block 3 Termly Year 3 Maths Assessments YouTube and PowerPoint

I have developed a series of termly Year 3 Maths assessments based on the Wigan maths assessments. I have created both Youtube videos and PowerPoints around these tests. There are two different Year 3 Maths assessments. In the first you ask a question and everyone answers it and then you have a choice of two different assessments. In the first, the answer appears after the question and this one is useful if you are using a Block 2 Year 3 assessment as a revision tool as everyone can discuss how they found their answer. They can also use it to see how well they are doing during their termly Year 3 assessment. The second type is the traditional ask all the questions first, swap papers and check each of the answers which is all great and has its own merits. I hope you like this new approach to teaching maths in the classroom as I do plan to make a lot more lessons which are similar to this in the future.
Year 5 Block 2 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment with YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 5 Block 2 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment with YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 5 Block 2 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment with YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework. I love Year 5 Wigan Maths Tests. While they are little old and don’t follow the current curriculum, they are still an excellent set of tests for revision purposes. I have taken the traditional tests and converted them all into PowerPoint presentations. On top of this, I have given teachers the option of either letting the students only see the answers at the end or after each question. I really like the second option as it means I can set a question, then give them a little time to think about it or discuss it in pairs and then show them the answer and discuss the different ways different children or different pairs found their answers. This is as much a learning experience as the test itself for many children. I really hope this pack is useful for lots of teachers.
Year 4 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessment YouTube and PowerPoint Presentation I have made the Wigan Maths tests up to date and YouTube friendly. I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
Year 4 Block 2 Wigan Maths Assessments with YouTube And PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 2 Wigan Maths Assessments with YouTube And PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 2 Wigan Maths Assessments with YouTube And PowerPoint Presentation I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
Year 4 Block 3 Wigan Termly Maths Assessment YouTube PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 3 Wigan Termly Maths Assessment YouTube PowerPoint Presentation

Year 4 Block 3 Wigan Termly Maths Assessment YouTube PowerPoint Presentation I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
Year 5 Block 3 Termly Wigan Maths Assessments YouTube And PowerPoint Presentations

Year 5 Block 3 Termly Wigan Maths Assessments YouTube And PowerPoint Presentations

Year 5 Block 3 Termly Wigan Maths Assessments YouTube And PowerPoint Presentations I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework. I love Year 5 Wigan Maths Tests. While they are little old and don’t follow the current curriculum, they are still an excellent set of tests for revision purposes. I have taken the traditional tests and converted them all into PowerPoint presentations. On top of this, I have given teachers the option of either letting the students only see the answers at the end or after each question. I really like the second option as it means I can set a question, then give them a little time to think about it or discuss it in pairs and then show them the answer and discuss the different ways different children or different pairs found their answers. This is as much a learning experience as the test itself for many children. I really hope this pack is useful for lots of teachers.
Year 6 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessments using YouTube and PowerPoint

Year 6 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessments using YouTube and PowerPoint

Year 6 Block 1 Termly Wigan Maths Assessments using YouTube and PowerPoint I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework. I have always used the Wigan Maths Tests to prepare the students for their final exams. However, I wanted to improve it, so that I could ask a question and discuss the answer directly on the whiteboard and so I rewrote the tests as PowerPoint presentations. The students could do it together in the classroom or take them home as additional revision.