Fractions SMART slides - full week (mixed/improper, add and subtract)
5 days of fractions SMART slides for Year 5/6 maths.
Day 1 - Convert mixed number to improper fractions.
Day 2 - Add fractions (denominators are common factors)
Day 3 - Add fractions (denominators are not common factors and some converting mixed and improper fractions)
Day 4 - Subtract fractions (denominators and common factors)
Day 5 - Subtract fractions (denominators are not common factors and some converting mixed and improper fractions)
Fractions SMART slides - Equivalent, simplifying, order and compare and reasoning
4 days of fractions SMART slides.
Day 1 - Equivalent fractions.
Day 2 - Simplifying fractions.
Day 3 - Order and compare fractions.
Day 4 - Reasoning and problem solving with fractions.
Long multiplication slides Year 5/6
A Smart Notebook used to teach my Year 5/6 class long multiplication.
Short multiplication SMART Notebook - Year 5/6
Smart Notebook used to teach Year 5/6 about short multiplication.